How did Europeans get to be so tall?

How did Europeans get to be so tall?

In the 1800s, the average height on the continent was roughly 170cm.

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What Europeans?

Spain, Portugal, France... They are basically almost the same average height as Brazilians.

Tall people in Europe are just above Switzerland.

The Dutch were the shorter in Europe in the 1700s and now they're the tallest

How did they do it?

it's to keep our heads above the snow

Natural selection, the ones who were too short drowned

Food and sleep

food tbf

Tall starts at 185 btw

Vikings were approximately 170cm, and that was 1000 years ago

My fucking sides

Uhh, due to proper nutrition? It is also partly genetic and meat eating people tend to be taller.

are you guys eating more beef? apparently asians are and they're growing over the 165 cm mark

>In the 1800s, the average height on the continent was roughly 170cm.
Alright yellow nigger, at least try to understand that the average height across all of europe probably differed widely back then




we aren't that short.

Youth average height is above 180'.

Same in Spain, I'm 1'84m, but my father barely is 1,70m. Plenty of people taller than me nearly everywhere, but older people are hobbits.

ahahah paco 1 84 shure :) ) ) ) i think you put wrong order on number:: hello?? 148??? i can beliv that

Aww, and slovack :3, your country is so cute.

>tfw at a comfy 1.84

It's true you know.

Not that other user, hadn't red your chinese imageboard drama. I've friends taller and shorter than I, though I'd guess I'm on the taller side.

>tfw 178 and get to cuck nords all the time
feels good

It's cloudy in the north so we had to grow taller to get more vitamin d

yesterday i saw 4 toursits here, i gues spain??? 2 girls and 2 parents, one girl was cute and blonde, but they were taller than the parents dad was mega manlet.
and this country is not cute is hard and dangerous

>tfw 195cm and I can't get a girlfriend because I'm short.

So it's my vegetarian family's fault I am only 175? Fuck...

what about us then?

i'm 1'76m and sometimes i feel small


>in africa it's always sunny and hot
>yet 80% of niggers are ridiculously tall

>literal Manlet
In the Netherlands you will be mistaken for a 14y.o.

>In the 1800s,

There are almost no accurate statistics from there. At best we can make assumptions from clothing sizes.

>this country is not cute is hard and dangerous
Why do I find this so funny?

and no girl will talk to me cuz im manlet

In some regions people were always tall, Balkans would be an example

for example, this description of a serbian emperor at the time.

>Contemporary writers described Dušan as unusually tall and strong, "the tallest man of his time", very handsome, and a rare leader full of dynamism, quick intelligence, and strength,[9][10] bearing "a kingly presence".[11] According to the contemporary depictions, he had dark hair and brown eyes; in adult age he grew beard and longer hair.

Yes you are.
They are? In real life I never met one taller than me apart of one Somali than seemed emaciated. The majority I seen were pushing junk-chariots tough.

I'm talking about the average. 1,74~1,76.
Most of your population isn't young either.

Diet and lifestyle

In the Netherlands we have records of those statistics since the 19th century

That's not true, I've manlet friends and they weren't any more of a manlet in Flandes. On a side note; some Australian friends took to calling me the Dutch, cause they said I looked Dutch. How the fuck do the Dutch look like?

>>yet 80% of niggers are ridiculously tall

Erm, no? That just isn't true.

you come here and get hit by rock from gypsy and steal bag, then get kill by neonazi who think u are muslim, is cute to you?

Must have said Deutsch

Lot of Senegalese people are really tall. I don't know why.

>tfw ~1.72m

Daily reminder that if you are

>vegetarian family
kill yourself my man

Most black people around me are average height expect somalis who are shorter.

Is it true that Batistuta drives a Yugo and sends all the money he earns to his mom ?

My mother gets terrible stomach aches if she eats meat, it's not some "muh cute animuls" reasons.

>my mother

not giving your child meat should be labeled as child abuse

lower gravity

You have e to eat lots of omelets to become tall.

All tall Dutch people eat at least 3eggs per day

If you cook the food you determine what to eat.

I really have no idea but I don't think so. He's very into polo and I guess he drives a good car.

Your child can be taken away from you in the Netherlands if you force it not to eat meat.

Is that the excuses she uses to justify your stunted body?

>Youth average height is above 180'.


Dutchmen confirmed for white and first world

Sweden once again confirmed as europe's india

Brazils been on fire lately in the meme department


We have gypsies and neonazis too. And Quincalleros/kinkis/Marcheros than rule over the gypsies in the cities and are more hardocre than either.

our nazi has machete to chop muslim dont come this country is bvefry bad

My good friend told me.

He met Gabriel at the barbers shop.

Gabriel got a haircut like him, and bought a brand new yugo from him, cabrio 65, black.

He said he was a humble kid, sends all his money to his mom.

It was said he entered his fiance as well, but he wouldn't tell that story.

here, source

He met Batistuta in Florence.

>Lot of Senegalese people are really tall. I don't know why.

This has always interested me because most Africans are short. The tall ones are Nilotic, people who herd cattle and get most of their calories from milk. Senegal only has powdered milk imported from the West, and as far as I can tell they eat nothing but baguette sandwiches like these.

Beans and eggs are good for you?

>170 cm and family eats meat

I shouldn't be a manlet



They literally stole food and money from everyone else.

Yup, lots of proteins and micros than are good for you.

>tfw I'm a 189cm manlet
Should've just drinked more milk when I was a kid desu


bro.. vegan here and i´m 191 cm ( 6' 3 masterrace for all my american fegs)


Finland confirmed for being mongol descendants

I thought y'all niggas ate cheese sandwiches for every meal

There's undeniably a connection between protein and height, but the jury's out on whether it has to be animal protein.

You've been vegan since you were born? Did you get a lot of beans and soy, equivalent to how much meat and cheese normal Germans would be getting?

According to the Dutch news it's food and natural selection.

Apparently it's proven manlets get less kids.

Australia consumes the most meat per capita in the world and we're shorter on average than Netherlands and other Northern Euro countries.

He was 215cm tall. We actually became smaller by mixing with Turks.

At that time the japanese average was 150 cm, now 167-170 cm. The human being is getting bigger

that's because he was half bulgarian

No they are not

>bulgarians and serbs are not the same people

wew lad

serbs are sons of bulgarians ;^)

There are no studies to indicate this stop spreading bullshit.

The only studies where a nations Average height was over 180cm were self-reported/estimated heights and with a very little percentage of the population.

>How did Europeans get to be so tall?
It's a mix of improved nutrition and less strain on growing bodies (both physical from labour and immunitary from diseases).
There's a genetic component mixed in, but the environment is a much bigger factor.

I See this map posted a lot and it's complete bullshit. Some Surveys for countries were estimates/self reported/low % of people ect while others were Measured and with a high % of people.


Holy fuck México, is this accurate?

You really find it hard to believe? It's no surprise to Americans

you people do know this joke is old as shit

It's mainly nutrition and amount of sleep and it varies from place to place and social standing, nobles were taller than peasants because they got good food and got to sleep a lot

I read they found Saxon graves with 7foot tall skellingtons in it

>tfw 1.81
>tfw going to germany in a few months
I was destined to be a part of the aryan masterrace.

Most people are like 170cm here

>7 feet
>Normal healthy human


They were sons of Odin or something

I'm 170. Imagine how short I'd be if I was a vegitarian.