Tfw cold

>tfw cold
>Russian mother goes: "Ooh, poor little comrade - get under the three blankets and eat the soup. Just sweat it all out"
>American mother: "Oh, Johnny, our little boy got cold. What should we do?" -"Fix him a cold bath, of course" [JFK smile]

So, the eternal question is, what is more retarded: overheating the body to the point little Jimmy/Vasya get the brain damage or taking the chances with the immune system being overrun by the virus?

And let's just get out of the way the smarmy connotation, such as
>inb4 get a doctor / into the hospital

American mothers give chicken noodle soup and a ginger ale

I have never heard of anyone taking a cold bath for a cold here

Cold bath for a cold? Is this what Russia thinks Americans do?

then WHY. THE. FUCK crapload of Hollywood movies show that shit all the time
>Oh god you are hot (the body temperature)
>Have a bath/ice cream


Yes! What the fuck is wrong with your, culture representing, Hollywood? Out of my head I can think of the two movies that did that shit with a straight face

Jacob's Ladder

But i recall having seeing those scenes a whole lot more

Sorry, guys, I think I fucked up/lost in translation.

Does "being cold" goes along with having a high-temperature fever in your country? Cuz that's what I've meant in the initial post - having fever with high temp.

To show that they have a fever for the audience

The closest thing I have experienced to what you are describing is my mother putting a wet washcloth on the back of my neck when I had a fever

Yes, being cold does mean being feverish. I saw Splice and I don't remember a cold(temp) bath scene at all. The ice cream thing is true though when you're a kid, and I don't know, I think it's just to make the kid feel better, as in happier, not healthier.

okay, fair enough, but i call bullshit on your jewish movie directors on that one.

I can go for washcloth, but still sounds a bit redundant, when you have your own sweat glands to both cool down and take any excessive shit out of the system

that was the scene where they figured out Dren could breathe underwater

What Hollywood movies show as American life and culture does not actually show what American life and culture is.

putting a little bit of cold water on your neck and wrists is the best way to cool off quickly

Its what I do when it gets really hot and humid here in the summer too

Alleviating symptoms also accelerates healing.

If I was sick as a kid, talking proper headcold/flu with barfing and diarrhea etc, I got coca cola (because it settles the stomach and is quick carbs = keeps you alive), mildly sweet biscuits (because carbs), cool damp cloth on my head and whatever cover was most comfortable, be it warm douvet (if I felt cold) or just a douvet cover (if I felt very warm)

Also paracetamol and ibuprofen up to recommended max daily limit, because it eases pain, relaxes muscles, lowers infections etc.

There's no "cure" for colds or flus, but you can ease the pain and lessen the load on the body.

I used to take ice baths when I had fevers around 112 as kid.

I think I may have died if I didn't take ice baths.

but they have to - to a certain extent.

You are have to chase away the Joker once a year, right. RIGHT?!
>don't fucking break my heart on this

>I think I may have died if I didn't take ice baths.
This is also possible. At that point the brain damage is the biggest problem, not the infection.

No actually we know that you using cold showed in order to masturbate.
Since pack of vile shlosbergs cut off your foreskin with next 80% of erogen zone.
So in order to some how get good fap you need to cool your tiny dick with a cold shower.

>sudden butt-fuck

but what are we doing in order to get off? That's right! Read the vatnik newspapers and sniff the Momentum the glue

Here's a second question I can't be arsed to make yet another topic for, lads.

Why the gimmeny fuck do the britbongs so hatefully afraid of us? That's not like we are stealing their jobs at Tesco or something

Wouldn't a warm shower be more effective because it expands blood vessels and thus allowing the penis to expand more?

How are we supposed to know? We just hate you because it's in our blood now

>I got coca cola
Me too, strangely enough. Thought my family was the only one.

The British are very childlike and can not take a joke.

They also like that BBC.
No one hates Russia outside of memes anymore. Those days are long gone.

Such a shame. It's not like you can destroy us and get another bunch of vodka-glogging assheads somewhere near the Betelgeuse centuries later

>Never trust the fucking porcupine.. I mean, propaganda
That goes for both sides

>No one hates Russia outside of memes anymore. Those days are long gone.

I was being facetious, honest. I love you, guys

But I like memes

>tfw cold
"Mexican mother goes: "oh pobrecito - have some sidral"

ii can go for that treatment, madre!

No idea never needed at shower since i am not a muslims\jew.
You tell me.

Its actually harder to do it in the shower because you need something to lubricate your penis in there

Normally I just sit on the couch/a chair and rub it with my own saliva and it feels fine

You are supposed to take a cold shower or bath if you have a big fever

>opens pores

What if your immune system will break?

Oh look who's talking - the abo with constantly opened pores
Of course, you wouldn't bloody notice the difference, shitcunt

Of course not. You'd be soaking wet and have no grip. Your dick has to be nice and dry in order to whack off.

Also masturbating while naked is always best.

>Also masturbating while naked is always best.

are you implying that you take your shower sessions in clothes/pants?

That's not at all what I meant, but thanks for playing.

>having the luxury to use hot water
M-Must be nice.

American sleep with their shoes on. I wouldn't be surprised if they also wear pants in the shower.

>one letter away from virtual paradise
ah, cheer up - at least it's nowhere near the levels of fucked as in 20th century

Are you implying USA is a paradise?
Poor deluded soul, haunted by fairy tales from the past century.

compared to Russia its probably a fucking wonderland