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Hey, atleast we dont have kebabs!

Stop breeding for fucks sake if you had maybe a third of the amount of people you wouldn't be all so fucking poor.

Thats a relief
The last thing we need is mudslimes

>Includes French Guiana
>Does not include Suriname nor Guyana
What did he mean by this?

Latin America has pretty low fertility rates now

>you wouldn't be all so fucking poor
Not everyone of us is poor

porque están en un sito de mierda posteando monas chinas pendejo.


By whose standards

I know, they have hope at long last but don't tell them that.

You are though.

>Not everyone of us is poor

Now that favelados have triggered them, I wouldnt be so sure, check out the comments.
I'm sorry lads

What does Chile have except free helicopter rides?

You do realize there are both wealthy and poor people in every single country including 4th world african shitholes, right?

We have departments with higher gdp per capita than some chilean regions btw

a tu vieja la tenemos aca tragando leche

te estan baiteando

no les pares bolas

But we do have nice stuff.

It's just you been paying attention to the others cool stuff.

fucking this. Brazilbro know what's up. The grass is greener on the other side

el franchute me presta a su vieja pa yo hacerle ta ta ta

Chile is a top tier banter country, simply by existing Bolivians get buttflustered.

True, there are rich people everywhere, doesn't make countries not poor however.


Wow, even the poorest country in latin america has internet so that means that at least it's developing. All you guys need to do now is get rid of the violence

Haiti is the poorest. But i think only the UN troops there have internet.

This country is not that poor. It's actully ranked 31st worldwide in gdp ppp terms, on a per capita basis though, we're still a middle income country

>But we do have nice stuff
Like what?

Really, I thought it was Guatepoor

Nah, Haiti is literally africa of the americas, not even kidding.

No lad, Haiti is way worst
I think many african countries are far better off

At least Brazil has some delicious males. I found this pic in their general.

Latin American is huge and has half the population of China you fucking shitposter


You are not completely wrong, this country has a very low GDP per capita but its nominal GDP isnt that bad compared to other countries. We have the world’s second-highest rate of helicopter ownership per capita, but 45 per cent of the children are malnourished.

they are all faggots, you know?

But I have nice things.

The other day I saw a Guatemalan air force plane at a base here, it was a C-47 what the fuck Guatemala?v

Because you post los simpsons memes.


wtf are you talking about

No Protestant Work Ethic or drive for self improvement. Socialism and communism has also ruined many countries in Latin America.




We don't got TV over here.

uruguay siempre fue la mas europea.-

cuidado, que con eso invocas a argentinos


what do you think life in poortugal is like?

Why can't we have nice bands like these instead of the communist bullshit we so feel proud of ?

lonely depressing and depending on drugs while fucking an old hag.

Artist are always commies

Pero weon, entiendo que tengan sus pintas comunistas. Pero yo me refiero a tener bandas que no sean full ''ELMANITO LATINO IO ENTIENDO TU DOLOL LOS YANKIS GLINGOS TE EHTAN QUITANDO TOO' LOS DELECHOS DEBELIAMOS SEL COMO VENEZUELA'' weon, yo quiero bandas de metal buenas y grupos folk que no hablen puras weas de la dictadura y que idolatren a paises comunistas como la gente idolatra a cualquier weon rubio que se les cruze

There's pretty much nothing you can't have in mexico, what the fuck are you talking about?

You are asking for too much.


You have mexico city
Also, if you go outside instead of sit on Sup Forums you'll see you have nice things

Its simple.

Because you live in south of earth.

irrelevant argument. Look at australia and new zealand

Catholic culture is just poorer than Protestant culture. Nobody knows why.

I like Latino America. They do have nice things like interesting culture, delicious food, pinata, margarita, sangria, dulche de leche, taco, enchiladas, quesadillas etc etc. Not to mention dia de los muertos.

Looks like you went from high fertility shifted down to low fertility. This is called a "population crash" and it means in the future you will have all these old people but nobody to take care of them. The old people cant retire and the young people cannot get jobs.

Why does the population crash? It has to do with a big shift from the olden farmer ways [more kids means more money] to the newer factory ways [more kids means less money].

How do we solve it? Unknown but maybe train robots to take care of people. Some Euro nations pay people to have kids. You can import immigrants too but that causes conflict with some people mad at the very immigrants they need to preserve their countries future.

sorry to break it to you but most of the things you mentioned are only present in the mexican culture. Spicy food is not so common here in south america

Sorry to break it to you but Mexico is what most people think of when they think of Latino culture. By far and away is the most relevant Latino nation, followed by perhaps Brazil or Cuba.

Personally I also like Peru culture because I met someone from Peru. Such as Llamas, ancient Incas ruins, weird stripe clothing, guinea pigs etc.

you're mother m8


Go to 1:45



Well at least you have arepas and the 2nd hottest women on the continent

Dominican living in the usa,

For dominicans
Division is uni graduate

Uni grads;
>the only acceptable majors are engineering, medicine, dentistry, law
>expect to work for government or be self employed
>the idea of working for a company or founding a large company just never seems to occur to people
>vague idea of having a degree makes you educated,

Non degree holders:
>Gib me dats mentality
>Subsistence work ethic
>high rate of illiteracy/ can't math

>government has been corrupt since founding,
>no natural progression to capitalism, resulting in a socialist mindset in the average citizen
>private businesses That don't expand
>corrupt government makes it difficult to build an infrastructure
>corrupt politicians appeal easily to "gib me dat" population majority by openly buying votes

La Ley's unplugged album is unironically a 10/10.

2bh we need something like this, we are one of the most aged countries in europe

that's right. it's very annoying when you guys think we're all mexicans. I hope that changes some day

right. Brazilian women are god-tier

>Brazilian women are god-tier

Nah, brazucas are bolivian tier.

Hottest women I ever found were in Buenos Aires.
Italian + Swedish = god tier

>Italian + Swedish
> In Buenos Aires
You must be kidding

That won't happen

Name 3 distinct things about Chilean/Texan culture that make you at all interesting and stand out from Mexicans and then I promise I will think of you separately.

>Southerners drink Mate (>inb4 argies claim we stole it from them)
>Our tradicional dance is Cueca
>We speak a mangled version of Spanish, it's almost our own dialect

OK I will commit this to memory and when I think Chile I will think of Mate, Cueca and mangled Spanish. As well as Texas flag and being really skinny in terms of your country's shape.

Ahh yes, we stoped caring about our army a long time ago. We used to have a decent military with jets,tanks, domestically made APCs and shit in the early 70s. Now that there is no war they are just reinforcing the police like you.

We butchered Spanish so hard that it's actually hard to understand what are we trying to say. This is the main thing that make us different to any other hispanic country.

If all the Latino nations combined could they fight the USA and reclaim us for Aztlan?

but other countries drink mate

and hipsters here

Peru is qt.

hell no, not a single country on this continent has a nuke head. You'll destroy us in a matter of seconds

I must not know enough hipsters. Anyway Chile already claimed it in this thread so unfortunately for other countries from now on its Chiles thing.

This is the Cueca dance:


It looks/sounds mostly Mexican but the guy is keeping his knees bent really weird. This is Chilean culture.

Yes but at least ours have some pieces of good equiptmen
No, LA armies are for inner security with very little projection

Wow wtf Pakistan has nukes but not our Latino friends? What is wrong with the world?

Damn they are so cute and the llamas so fluffy. They have ancient Incas blood.

I know. We're generally neutral on most global affairs, so we (perhaps mistakenly) think we don't need them

Llamas are fucking cute.

Our police has some nice equipment too. (I know mexico has more monies but still)

We have a special kind of third worldism, we're not as fucked as Africa but at the same time we have some of the most dangerous cities of the world.

South America is a strange case.

argentinians drink mate, uruguayans drink mate, paraguayans drink mate and quite a few brazilians drink mate, some bolivians and peruvians drink mate too with coca leaves.

you're not dinstict for drinking mate, and no,you didn't steal it but it's known all over the world as one of the emblems of rioplatense culture, it just became popular all over latin america.

Pakis and Indians produced several famous physicists. They're dirty but they can be intelligent.

Latinos are bros but they're genetically retarded and Latino culture looks down on education.

Seems nice
I love those kind of propaganda videos

Noice, had no idea the mexican army was that big. Fuck the narcos, they deserve to be genocided.

Please stop the cringe in this is retarded, we need able investigators and competent prosecutors, a truly independent judiciary and prison systems that are observant of human rights and can actually work on rehabilitation... We are on the same boat and not exactly keeping it afloat...

There's no genetic retardation, even if you like dumb fuck "race realist" theories our intellectual classes have traditionally been fully European... It wouldn't be any different if i tried arguing Pakistanis/Indians haven't produced as many Nobel prizes in literature as Latin America, there's circumstances, some systemic as regards our education systems, others involved with the way funding for both STEM and the humanities work on a global basis, that sufficiently explain these disparities...

Legalize fucking drugs
Even if we form the necesary institutions if narcos still hold the power of money corruption will destroy them.
But yes the things you said are the things that keep us with the crime on the rise
Thats why soldiers prefer to kill the narcos insteaf of only arrest them

>that pic
muh dick

Totally agree with you, but having a well equiped army and police is also very important and it is in what our governments are investing today. We cant be a Costa Rica right now ,for example, because shit is already really bad and those necessary things that you mention will take decades to be a reality.

>our intellectual classes have traditionally been fully European
I looked up Mexican intellectual and they look like regular Mexicans.

It doesn't look like any of them are into any hard sciences, only hipster liberal arts.