Is it true that in Europe it's not considered gay when two men take a shower together?

Is it true that in Europe it's not considered gay when two men take a shower together?

How did you find a picture of me?

It's not gay in every normal country

Your posts are getting more gayer everytime.

The future of America everyone.

In Russian army 20+ men take a shower together every day. Is it gay ?

> implying you never took a shower with Obama, Kim Jong Un

Delete this picture immediately or I will take action.

I have been naked in showers with other naked men hundred of times, without any gay thing ever happening.

Fuck you, you're supposed to be dead, how can you even post?

Zitto animale

me on the left

i'll blow your mind but it's not even gay to kiss a man on the cheek here

blue board, user..

Eat a dog, Kim

funnily enough both the men in that picture are probably straight

친구야 안녕?️

boi these 2003 memes sure are fresh

There is one single group shower in my gym, so I shower naked with multiple men almost every day. I don't care, because I am not an insecure little boy. Some muslims in the gym shower with their boxer shorts on though.

Yep that's true
Only closet Americans consider nudity sexual. In Europe, and especially Germanic countries, nudity is just natural.

In Sweden we have a game called "böglyftet" that's often played at parties.
Basically, you first get your dick hard. Then your friend grabs your dick and lifts you up like pic related. Then the game is to see how long you can hold the guy with the hard dick in the air. If the dick gets soft the person falls down, so it's pretty difficult

>Some muslims in the gym shower with their boxer shorts on though.
do they get erect?

Hey what's up? I'm so glad to meet you bro

what happened to Tea Girl?

Probably. Probably, so are you.

Kim Jong Un doesn't like South Korea.

Hate to crush your dreams m8, but that's a proxy.

Actually I'm not lmao. Post your portupussy.

No he is not.

premium portuguese pussy; hairy and it smells like bacalhau

How you get this proxy?

Hello my lost family member!
You are never foreigner in my country

please provide proofs

would like to get my hands on that crotch cod if you know what I mean (bacalhau reference)

careful, the smell never gets away

Why are they pissing on each other?