Which is more of an embarrassment?

Which is more of an embarrassment?

Other urls found in this thread:


Your life.

Your dick size.



The American public.

Why are you defending your former oppressors?




Ukraine, of course. At least Poland isn't bombing its own people and has higher HDI.



Dou you even have to ask, after you posted such an inacurate image?

t. Ukrainian diaspora



Hohol ls go

Ukraine has a lot of nerve to talk shit about Poland, when it is the only reason for its continued existence as a nation.

Baltic sissies, hohols should all bend down and kiss the balls of Poland everyday for protecting their independence.

Remember when Ukrainians started massacring Poles in WW2?

The Germans didn't even tell them to do that.

the saddest thing is that Lithuania hates us even tho our history is the same

I love to make fun of Poland, but objectivly speaking, Ukraine is far worse

You didn't even make Lithuanian an official language during the Commonwealth

why should we make it official when it was already official at the start?

Because at that time, there simply wasn't a written Lithuanian language. During most of their Medieval history, they had to use East Slavic.


Poland is retarded they refuse to use the Cyrillic alphabet designed for Slavic languages

Пpoкcипpaздник. Знaкoмы aвcтpaлиeц, япoнeц, бpитт и aмepикaнeц. Хopoшo paбoтaeтe oльки, мaмoк вaших дpaл.

Maybe because Lithuanian "language" is a 19th century invention? True language of Litwa is Ruthenian and indeed it was one of the official languages of the PLC.

>pulling things out of your arse
Mate Lithuanian was spoken in Lithuania

It's Poland.

It's Poland

fuck off
shut the fuck up

It's a contest, but I'd have to go with Ukraine.

Why not both?

Ukraine is poorer than Moldova.


Its Pooland the worst country that came to exist wages are shit healthcare is shit and the education system is shit from 17th century

The country that border not look like in the map.

t. economist pro

Its Pooland also

My feel when polish peasants have more clay than their masters.

Ugly language, bad cuisine, very shitty people, terrible politicians, boring countryside and shitty culture, hideous cities, shitty music and cinema, pathetic army, neo-colonial economy with almost non-existant native industry and the list goes on.

Poland is literally the shitbucket of europe
Its as big as germany with half the population and nothing impressive ever came out of it
Never won a war or start an empire
Sucks ball at sports of any kind
Implied huge jewish population but sucks shit at finance and economics
Hitler literally see the poles as subhumans and wants polish clay so he can populate the aryans from germany in it.
Any average person will only know poland as "that country that was annihilated by the germans in the WWII".
Most are surprised it still exist.
Most people cant even find poland on the map and consistently mistook poland for either hungary or austria.
Its a country that is consistently bullied by countries around it and have absolutely no power to fight back due to its absolute low morale within its army and people.
Poland is so uninteresting and dull that nobody, even the arabs or the indians(well known for their immigration to western countries) wants to live there
Poland was supposed to be extinct and the amazement of it continuing its pathetic life like a dying rat is what makes poland literally the shithole of europe.

So fucking useless and incompetent you mistook it as a 3rd world country


Why is this even a question?
>t. idiot
>t. idiot
>healthcare is shit and the education system is shit from 17th century
>t. retard

t. poopland on vacations

You really don't have to shit on your country, Polish subhuman. Hundreds of billions of foreigners do it because they were taught to do so by their media sponsored by Jews and Germans. There are thousands of people around the world who are heavily paid to insult Poland and spread bullshit about it.

The book Hollywood's War with Poland shows how Hollywood's World War II (and onwards) negative portrayal of Polish people as being "backward", helped condition the American people to see Polish people as having inferior intelligence in the 20th century. The book supports the Polish American Journal's assertion that Hollywood historically was fertile ground for anti-Polish prejudice, based on its Left-wing/Soviet sympathies.[17]


Thanks, Poland.

Poles are among the strongest races in Europe.

Oh you're Bosnian?

propaganda people here are dumb as fuck
t. someone who is a student 3/4 of the people can't even do good math


And what does your anecdote prove? The scores are *relative* to the average you dipshit. Most people in the world aren't stellar at math.

Poland isn't too bad besides their politics.

Ukraine is pretty much a third world country split between Neo-Nazis and Putinbots

They literally sided with the Nazis in WW2 out of spite, even though Nazis wished to enslave them

do you really think our dumb faggs will make any test?


You've got Copernicus and Ludoslawski!

And arguably Marie Cutie, Chopin, and Rosa Luxemburg

You really should travel outside your tiny town and then you'll realise how dumb the rest of the world is and how garbage math education is around the world, IF you don't believe statistics because you're a moron.

>media sponsored by Jews and Germans. There are thousands of people around the world who are heavily paid to insult Poland and spread bullshit about it.
Damn straight.

cmn man he was Polish

You're right, I thought he was born in France to evicted Polish aristocrats

I was following, although subtly shaken by the "arguably", until Rosa Luxemurg... No, just no.

> brownskinned poor country with disfunctional economy insults Poland


>pollocks brought drm-free storefront
>ukrop dill-billies - gsc and great cuisine, except for nasty salo

how can anyone choose

t. Hohol stuck in Luhansk


We contributed almost as much to your shithole as Germans, Murrican subhuman

But how can you know it if you are brainwashed by antipolish Jew-media, right?


2/3 of them are Jewish lmao

>There are thousands of people around the world who are heavily paid to insult Poland and spread bullshit about it.
[citation needed]

No, seriously.
Where do I sign up?

No offence but that sounds like a dream job to me.

What did he mean by this?

Half of our media Jews are Polish, look at that list

2/3 of any list of significant people in the US other than in sports are Jews.

good post

You are a slut for money, aint ya?

t. poo lack

Nah, I'm not pretty and /fit/ enough for porn. But well paid shitposting is something I could get behind. So, will you give me sauce or are you just full of shit?

You know it seems like a flag bearers meme.


>mfw this is an actual word in polish and used by mainstream public persons on regular basis

Messiah of Nations lives on, and suffers eternally for sins of the world.

Zrozum zezwierzęcona kurwo, że niszczenie wizerunku Polski opłaca się tym, którzy chcą nas zniszczyć. Ruscy tu wkroczą, zajebią ci rodzinę, spalą mieszkanie, a ludzie na całym swiecie będą im kibicować, bo "Polska jest syfem, biedna, smiedzi, rasistowska" i tak dala i tak dalej. Cały swiat już nas nienawidzi, bo antypolska propaganda jest szerzeona na globalną skalę. A ty scierwo jeszcze dodatkowo srasz we własne gniazo, chociaż Polska jest lepszym miejscem do życia niż praktycznie wszystkie postkomunistyczne kraje.

>that buttblusted hohols

Enjoy your zrada, bros:3

t. Pooland

Ja ci tylko umysłowo upsledzony kaleko z karaczana tłumaczę, że Polska jest oczerniana i przedstawiana w negatywnym swietle na całym swiecie przez ludzi, którzy mają kontrolę nad globalnymi mediami. Ci ludzie biorą kolosalne pieniądze za szerzenie pogardy i nienawisci ku Polakom i naszemu krajowi, i za przedstawianie go jako cos okropnego, biednego i tak dalej, chociaż prawda o tym kraju jest zupelnie inna. Jest to robione po to, żeby calkowicie wyniszczyc jakiekolwiek wspolczycie albo uczucie solidarnosci ludzi na calym swiecie z Polską w sytuacji, gdy zostaniemy zaatakowani przez Ruskich. Będą mogli zabić wszystkich Polaków przy oklaskach i aprobacie całej ludzkosci. Myslisz, wymoczku, że to jest żart? Dopóki siedziesz bezpiecznie przed komputerem, tak ci sie wydaje, ale wkrotce sie przekonasz do czego to doprowadzilo

Who do you think makes Poland look better:
>An comp-sci engineer doing his job somewhere in his cubicle (or even home office) and publishes his products that have .pl in company webpage
>An academician publishing his paper in respectable journals under header of a polish university
>A company selling well-crafted products, or honest construction workers who fulfill their contracts with pride for their work
>A loud, fat redneck yelling "polska strong, jebac moskali, a na drzewach zamiast lisci..."
>A triggered autist typing out tirades about jewish conspiracy against the motherland

Enjoy your chechen dick you pedroleny by mongols white nigger.

> 09 Aug 2016

my asshole like a extinct volcano after two years of this shit

those video are fake, all the girls are actress

uwaga groźny łysy czerwonopigułowiec wykryty
chwała wielkiej polsce, a teraz wracaj już na wykop, bo krindż szerzysz

t. poorland

trick question
none because poo land is too shit for anyone to make it look better


>bombing its own people
Russian VPN user detected.

t. guy who is literally getting bombed

>Remember when Ukrainians started massacring Poles in WW2?
No. Because that literally never happened.

>Rosa Luxemburg
That's a negative thing

>Ukraine is pretty much a third world country
Donald Trump says the same about your shitty county as well.


Well that's literally Russia-tier war crime denial right there.
Do you really want to go that way?

Look! You Ukrainians killed Poles! You are very naive if you believe Russians are ever going to forgive you for that. Russians do not forget and killing Poles is something they won't forgive!

really makes you think


That was not Russians. That was the Soviet Union. It was run by Ukrainians and Jews.

really makes you think

>It was run by Ukrainians and Jews