What are the most common pokemons in your country? Ignore insects, pidgeys and ratattas

What are the most common pokemons in your country? Ignore insects, pidgeys and ratattas.

For some reason, Staryus, Starmies, water and grass pokémons in general are common as fuck in Brazil.

fucking Drowzee is everywhere
>water and grass

Aguamons and Greymons

ton of jynx at qut

In my hometown there were loads of Zubats, in my current town there are loads of Weedles and Pidgeys.

>race-mixing propaganda
Jinx = Hood Women

>religion-acceptance propgranda
Drowzee = Beardless hypnotic Imam/Mullah

Jynx in Australia? The only Ice pokémon I've seen is Seel and Dewgong.

goddamn i want a fucking drowzee

quite few magnemites here and in amsterdam tons of magikarps tbqh

lol Op is right.

Staryus and exeggcutes are very common.

Drowzees, Zubats and Clefairys


Khangaskan and Farfetchd really common

I think there are no Farfetchds in Brazil.

where I live the most common pokemon is zubat
near the sea voltorb and magnemite is also very common instead of water pokemon

I thought there'd be lots of Jynx in Brazil.
Also Drwozee/Hypno in Israel.

I keep encountering pinsirs more often than I expected before starting the game. Not sure if it's regional or seasonal or simply they're not that rare.

I get pinsirs very often as well.

They are pretty common and easy to catch even those with 1000+ CP

Fuckton of spearows.

Aren't they supposed to be as rare as scythers? I've already caught a dozen of pinsirs but never seen a scyther.

don't care

pokémon go is for normies


Jynx is Ice type, dumb moor.

Idk man, i got more than 30 pinsirs but never saw a scyther, actually i got 2 scyters on my nearby but i couldn't find them.

slowpoke, psyduck and poliwag, few other water types

zubats and drowzee/hypno

Fuck off Singapore

Exeggcute is the best Grass type after Torterra anyway.

Starmie is top 3 in Water type at best.

Is that a real pok-e-mon?

shitload of zubat everywhere
also eevees

Starmie has low HP desu.


Do guys like this get lots of pusy at poke stops?




This must be irony.


I want your stardust

€250 a gram

Most common is Dudous and his evolution

Living in a suburb

>What are the most common pokemons in your country?

Nah I'll beat the shit out of Pokemons and take the stardust

I never understood the doduos-are-everywhere meme until I took a peek at Pokevision and found out that there is a district that spawns hella lots of doduos not too far away from where I live.

>What are the most common pokemons in your country? Ignore insects, pidgeys and ratattas.

Outside Pokemon Go?

Well, mewtwo is CANON chilean.
