How are all your best sportsman getting beat by ameriburgers!! Explain yourselves...

How are all your best sportsman getting beat by ameriburgers!! Explain yourselves. American race is the best race!!!!!!!!

Keep fielding niggers to inflate that medal count, cunt

Also we are raising jap children for world chess championships and the mathalon!!! We rule everything!!!

>American race
oh boy, you just broke my retard-o-meter

Obviously someone is mad he isn't American

Euros have much more.

I don't even know if Israel won any medals desu


Gotta give props to Hungry and Australia

Oh all of the sudden you're a country.

Now do one for a unified Asia

The EU is not a country no matter how much mama Merkel wants it to be

american is not race just like turkish.Who won medals? Asians and blacks.Thread Ends

>all this Yuropoor butthurt ITT

You being autistic != other people being butthurt

there's been only 2 European posters so far you silly :DD

>yuropoors shouldn't be counted as a single entity in the olympics
>when i do it it's ok tho

I'm living in Thrace . Am i european?

Asia doesn't have a union like the EU (that i know of)

If you mean this in a racial way, then we would have to add EU+USA+UK+Russia(+South America), and then substract the non-whites

(which i will let you do yourself since asians are good at maths)

Why do you so obsessed with the bronze?

No you're a Turk

>American race is the best race

I don't know how to feel about american education

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Or just add Japan, China and Korea together

That's just 3 countries

>The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere was an imperialist propaganda concept created and promulgated for occupied Asian populations during the first third of the Shōwa era by the government and military of the Empire of Japan.
that's all i can find about it

i mean if we do this, we might as well include a hypothetic german world-reich as well

Michael Phelps is black?

Do it


Why 'Murikanz alwaiz so dumb about evrything?

>not even in the top 10

To be honest

You're in the top 10 in my heart, UK

Thank you !
At least, a clever guy