Why don't these brother countries merge each other ?

Why don't these brother countries merge each other ?




Canada+US makes more sense so that Alaska is connected to the rest of its country.

Why don't these brother countries merge with each other?

This but unfortunately neither of us are white so if we merged we'd become some big overextended shithole that looks like Brazil. what a miserable future we have.

why don't these two brother countries merge into each other?

why don't these two brother countries merge into each other?

Why don't these brother countries merge each other?


Fun fact: There was a plan where we were going to merge with France in the 50s

I'm ok with this.

It would never work out.

Mexicans are shitskins indeed my oldest ally.

The EU?

Rude surrender monkey!


It will happen eventually. As capitalism progresses, language and ethnicity barriers are destroyed by the profit principle.

Why doesn't the world join together like we truly are?

>America and Mexico
>language and ethnicity barriers