
Based TayTay edition

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To girl user, me too. Wanna fuck?

Thread theme

Meh, I like both
TayTay is cute though. Make your own Tayeon thread

what was wrong with this decision ?


you are too good.
i was literally poised on posting this new (boards.Sup Forums.org/int/thread/63709101)
i hereby surrender my thread til the next time the post count reaches 300

>A study conducted for the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) in 2005 found that in England, the majority of ethnic minority participants called themselves British, whereas indigenous English participants said English first and British second. In Wales and Scotland the majority of white and ethnic minority participants said Welsh or Scottish first and British second, although crucially they saw no incompatibility between the two identities.[29]

nobody gives a fuck

How much do you think you'd have to offer her to get her to bang you?

the place Im going to is a shithole, plus its on a giant hill ,so walking anywhere is basically impossible

a record deal for a beej

Le cared enough to respond XD

I threw up all over my garage floor a few minutes ago, would you help me clean it up please?


My college is in a bumfuck shithole area, and its very hilly....what state do you live in user.

I'm waiting for my husband to come home.

Gross. Try artificially inseminating and picking up my child in 9 months.

When I was in school they just taught us that there are two mountain ranges, the Appalachians and the Rockies.

Can I fuck your mother first?

this image is strange


They didn't teach you about the Andes?


Everyday is Friday when you're NEET

In North America, obviously.

>Other research conducted for the CRE found that white participants felt that there was a threat to Britishness from large-scale immigration, the claims that they perceived ethnic minorities made on the welfare state, a rise in moral pluralism and perceived political correctness. Much of this frustration was vented at Muslims rather than minorities in general. Muslim participants in the study reported feeling victimised and stated that they felt that they were being asked to choose between Muslim and British identities, whereas they saw it possible to be both.[30]

>tfw turned down a booty call with a girl that had size E boobs and a thin frame because I was too high when she called me

Better yet get some ultra handsome Chad to impregnate TSwift until she has a daughter, then when the daughter is of age, bang her instead

I made him lasagna.

I'm actually going to go for a walk thanks to this image

>no Ozarks
American education is finished

your man tier post

Good lad.

I took a walk today too. A walk to the liquor store!

My phone is ringing and I thought it was him but it's my brother.

>younger brudder is watching SAO
the what lmao

No one knows where that is.

>no mention of her personality

Glad to be back in America.


And who the fuck are you?

Since I'm already rewatching TPB I figured I'd rewatch Seinfeld too

>ignorance is OK if everyone is doing it!

Is your younger brother autistic?
He also has bad taste
Were you the bong?

Glad to have you back. :)

>not watching seinfeld at least twice a week until you become a real life incarnation of george costanza

I'm not British, but I was over there for a month and a week in France.

I guess I'm pathetic.

>watching tv

no hes just a little shit

alrite lads

what do we thing about texans?

fucking southern twats tbqh literally hillbillies in a desert imo

northerners are superior americans

If you're autistic with nothing to do then fil this out please

The american counterpart to TPB is it's Always Sunny. And the Bong counterpart is Peep Show.

I already pretty much am aside from some of the physical features (although I do have a receding hairline) and the fact that George actually gets laid from time to time

Misdirected scum, but I will let them stay for the bbq.

anime is on tv

How old?

t. freechgagger
like 12 or something i cant remember
it changes too often so ive forgotten

>t. freechgagger
Are there any chans you actually like?

Why the fuck would anyone waste their time doing this?

I don't know, but when I was in the UK for a month, every time I heard one of you attempt an American accent, you spoke like a Texan. Why is that?

Rate me pham

That's wouldn't be up to me.
I really need your help though. I'm too weak and tired to stand properly atm so pls.

theyre alright. godawful weather though the one time I visited

Receding hairline/10

do you guys unironically know what all that crazy jap shit means?

I wonder, can men with microdicks get off from fucking nostrils?

wear business casual and you're set.

watching anime


I unironically know at least 10 of those because of /h/

no regrets

How is /cum/ doing tonight?

You threw up and you need my help. What's the gimmick here? Proxy? Not sure I'm getting this tbqh.

>It's a "Tripfag has entered the arena" episode

I know everything listed desu

I hate myself

I like you

Same, I hate you too

welcome to the club

there is nothing wrong with using a tripcode

you probably deserve it

your man tier post

I empathize

Don't say that

sup cucks

>there is nothing wrong with using a tripcode

>t. extra flags cuck

cum to daddy

its pizza night /cum/-chan !!!~

*devours pizza*

says the guy using extra flags

the black people are being extra loud outside tonight

your man tier post

hate this time. only niggers, spics and aus shitposters post this time.


I thought you were dead queens

>hate this time. only niggers, spics and aus shitposters post this time

hey cana chan if you want to be an ebin ruse man it might help to not type the exact same fucking way when you use a proxy, eh?

all extra flag users are just pseudo-tripfags who need to fuck off to reddit

Nope, it's bath night.


t. nigger, spic and aus shitposter