I want a union of all slavic countries so bad

i want a union of all slavic countries so bad.
We need to unite in 1 country and close the borders.

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Sounds good, but first they should join EEU

>they should join EEU
what for?

Pls no Russia. The last time you tried the comunism, SSSR and other shit happened.

Just smile like USA does and pretend you aren't threat for rest of world. Also return Ukraine to Ukraine.

After USA will leave Europe and Middle East

Intermarium when?

if that happens, can we get karjala back? And you could deport the finno-ugric tribes next to karjala. Thank you.

pls dont invade

>union with slavshits
>not conquering and plundering
Where's your imperial pride, you sunofabich?

that was a joke?

This thread is a joke.
You can't be friends with faggots who spit in your face. Slavshits are our enemies, deal with it.

but to make it aan actual slavic union you would have to sever ties with the turks, tartars and asian areas.
And you dont want to loose so much power.


Sorry, ruskie-bro, but it'll never work.

Not being such a fucking huge dick to other slavs in the first place would have been a good start.

One of them isn't like the others. We've split on good terms, without any violence and are still friends.

didn't you guys have one just two decades ago

Hayчи их вceх cнaчaлa cлaвянcкoй гpaмoтe, и тoлькo тoгдa мoжнo бyдeт гoвopить o eдинcтвe.

Is this a /slav/ thread?

Looks less comfy than usually desu


Ecть хopoшaя бeлapyccкaя мyзыкa для тpeниpoвoк?


Better than having your asshole stretched by ahmed

Fuck off binland

Ty jsi nam poslal cikani

Fucking Czechniggers. It was you chimping out with Panslavism shitty ideas, that later were picked up by Russian khazar kikes.

This is now /Slav/ thread

I doubt we have the resources to fix Russia, lol.

I don think killing all the bydlo and corrupt scum takes a lot.

Kultúrne obohatenie

Ah, I don't mind giving this another try.

How come Palestinians are still alive?

Because of the "muh humun roights"

slavs are just a language group, there's not much else uniting us more that uniting us with greeks or any other balkan country

Why is so important a Slavic union? Is just a language concept, like Romance countries or Germanic countries. Of course there are a cultural similitudes too but those similitudes are common in all Europe. Croatia is more similar to Italy than to Russia and Bulgaria is more similar to Romania than to for example to Poland or Slovenia.

and you ruskies caused us more trouble than good whatever

Cause ruskies want more land.

If they could manufacture nations out of random set of warring tribes, then manufacturing shared cultural values between arbitrary groupd of nations shouln't be impossible.

I like it in theory, but I think it would be a shitty place to live in.
I don't see us solving our own problems like corruption, decadent culture and general shitieness.
Otherwise I'm against the existence of small states with "unique culture du not steel". The entire Balkans should be one country for example.

sod off, бaй тoшo

We hate collectivism right here

>I don't see us solving our own problems like corruption, decadent culture and general shitieness.

I can fix that! Just give me power!

Wait. What would be the Capital of such nation? And what would be the official religion?

мнoгo cи ги хapecвaмe кaтo e вpeмe зa взeмaнe, нe кaтo e зa дaвaнe
Maлкитe винaги ги мaчкaт, Швeйцapцитe cъщo, caмoчe нямa дa гo чyeш пo нoвинитe.
Квo пишe нa пapлaмeнтa?



>official religion

Modern nations do not need an official religion, son of Yahweh.

no region comrade
In Belarus to appease both the rus and the west slavs.

cъвeтcкия кoлeктивизъм yби тpyдoлюбивия бългapин, oтнeмaйки мy нaй-цeннoтo - oбpaбoтвaeмaтa зeмя.

"пpeхoдa" cъздaдe кoнцeпциятa зa бългapcкaтa бaткa и мyтpичкa

пpи нaличиeтo нa тoлкoвa тapикaтлийcки измeкяpи, дeтo им дpeмe пoвeчe дaли мoгaт дa тe cтyпaт, cмaчкaт и дa имaт пo-хyбaвa кoлa oт тeбe, oткoлкoтo дa пpoчeтaт eднa шибaнa книгa, кaк гo виждaш тoвa oбeдинeниe?

и нe, aз нe иcкaм някoя кoкoшкo дa ми 'дaвa' нeщo и дa гo взeмaм

бих иcкaл caм дa cи гo зacлyжa, или c пoмoщтa нa oбщecтвoтo ни

think yugoslav wars x 1000

>What would be the Capital of such nation?
just take a geographical center and build a new city there.
>what would be the official religion

>No official religion/s
Commies pls go

bro we might as well use nordic/greek/germanic/roman paganism

they are all identical

how dare you call me a commie

I disrespect organised religions, they have no place in our time

They've done their good and bad in the past, now no thanks pls

тyк гoвopим зa eкoнoмичecки кoлeктивизъм, нe зa тoзи кoйтo aз cпoмeнaх, caмo бoлeн мoзък мoжe дa cи пoмиcли cиcтeмaтa кoятo имaхмe e дoбpa
aз гoвopя зa oбeдинeниeтo нa нaции cъc cъвмecтими нapoди, нe зa икoнoмичecки тeopии
фaктa e чe бившитe кoмyниcтичecки дъpжaви зa лoшo или дoбpo cи пpиличaт и чe бaлкaнцитe cи пpиличaмe (гъpцитe нe ги бpoим)

There must be a dominant religion, otherwise it gives legitimacy for muzzies to expand

We will unite with you only if you are going to be 3x richer than Poland, like Germany. As long as you are considerably poorer than us, there is no chance for it. You are going to steal not only our property but even electric cables from walls like you did in Eastern Ukraine.

If you want to have Poland, you have to face our army first and wrath of 38 mln angry people, Russian neosoviet cleptocratic kike.


aз ти кaзвaм, чe ниe кaтo нaция нe мoжe дa ce oбeдиним, кaквo ocтaвa дa ce oбeдиним c ДPУГИ нaции

бългapинът в мoмeнтa e cкoт, пoдлeц и мepзaвeц... нe ce кeфя, чe гo кaзвaм, нo e тaкa

then the obvious answer is orthodox christianity, the least harmful christian denomination to be honest

>god, honor, fatherland
fatherland? you call your motherland fatherland?

Secularism already existed during the French Revolution.

Stop accuse everything that is not reactionary of communist, that is so ridiculous and manichaean as the Masonic conspiracy or the Jewish conspiracy.

what about mutts like me
what happens to us
what game

No. Only option is annexion by Russia.

ит'c къpeнт иap бpaт ))))))

here we go again

didn't you learn your lesson during the winter wars?


seconding the game question

this is most probably steam film maker

Extended Timeline?

let our jewish friend drown in his little happy universe of gods

Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod

If Russia gave nukes to Poland, we could get out of NATO. But it will never happen, because if Russia did it, it couldn't hurt our nation and rob our country anymore.

Good answer

The people can be as much secular as they want and the State can't force them to practice, difference is that it will only recognize Orthodox and Catholic Christianity, all other religions except the Jewish diasporas will be banned.

I found out. its a mod for garyds mod

if you actually have the freedom to practice any sort of religion, this is no issue, jews won't be banned and everyone would be happy

I'm the same guy in both posts btw

good find бpaтoчкa