Racial power rankings

1: Ashkenazi Jews

2: mediterraneans

3: Chinese

4: Celts

4: Slavs

5: Arabs

6: Indians

7: Southeast asians

8: South americans

9: Blacks

10: Germanics

Is this the getting killed in genocides ranking?

1. Basque
2. Albanians
3. Gypsies
4. Everyone else
5. Anglos

>Implying blacks aren't superior

Slavic is a language group, not a race.
Bulgarians are culturally med.

1. Latin Euroeans
2. Greeks
3. Non-Arabized Berbers
4. Germanics / Celts
5. Slavs
6. Horn Africans
7. Latin Americans
8. Asians (including Turkics)
9. Arabized Berbers
10. South Bantu
11. Semitics
12. Oceanians
13. Central Bantu
14. South Asians

But then again my opinion is shit and doesn't represent reality.

is this the ranking for irrelevant shits?

>>Implying blacks aren't superior
To you they are

>tfw from Ashkenazi Jew background born in Poland, but living as a practicing Roman Catholic in the US

Where am I on that list?

First place ofc

I'm Jewish from my dad's side of the family, so I don't think it counts. On the plus side, I have a Bavarian Jewish last name.

1. Angolos

The list ends there

race is a social construct, guys

Well, being a slav isn't bad either.

We know you look at pictures of ancient Rome but Meds are poor corrupt niggers now and have been for a thousand years. Anglos are 1, Jews are 2, Celto-Germanics are 3 and Germanic 4.

You mad hook nose? 1-10 and you pick 10. You must be really jealous :D

1 Med (South Italic, North Italic-kelt, Sardianic, Greek, Makedon, Iberic, Vasconc (Basque), Central Italic, West Anatolik, Pontik, Turko-Anatolik)

2 Euroasiatic (Franko-keltic, Anglo- Keltik, South Germanic, North Germanik, Slavik, Hungarian, Finnic, Tatar)

3 Balkanik (Bulgarian, Illyrian slav, Romanian)

4 Levantine+Caucasus (Canaanean, Hebrew, Assyrian, Georgio-Colchidean, Armenoid, Pelasgo-Canaanite (Palestinian))

5 East Asiatic (Siniatic, Koreanic, Japanish, Mongoloidic)

6 South East Asiatic (Philipponic, Thailandioid, Singaporean, Indonisiatic)

7 Central Asian (Urgik, Khazaoid, Schityio Khazak)

8 South Central Asian (Pakoid, Veddoid, Dravidioid)

9 Arabic(Jordanic, Saudi Pensinsularic Araboid)

10 Afro Asiatic Berberoid/Nilotics (Aegyptians, W.Berberoid, E.Berberoid)

11 Native American (Mayanic, Andeanic, Patagòn, Karelian, Missisipinian)
12 Eastern Negro-Caucasoids (Ethipoik, Nubioid (Sudanese) )

13 Negroid (Bantu, Yoruba-Bantu, E. Bantu)

14 Ancestral Khapoid (Kapoid)

15 Papuo-Australoid (Melanesianoid, Papuoinic, Australoid)

16 Pygmoid (Biaka Pygmoid, Mbuti Pygmoid)

Yes I am very jealous of Scandinavian depression and alchoholism.

>Blacks not higher
>Meds that high

Dont appreciate you mixing celts with other groups and not having them on their own distinct group

Whatever floats your boat

>1.8 billion of them and fuck all to show for it

low energy

>Germanics at 10

ah it's a troll thread

1. Slavs
2. Asians
3. Someone else

Genetically Celts are barely different from other Euroasiatics, both are Euroastiatics, Kelts and Germanics only separated 4000 years ago, only to mix together again 1500 years ago (Anglo invasion of the British isles for instance)


Lol, the Chinese have had civilization for 5000 years, Germanics for like what, 500?

2)Amerifatian race

Only weak minded people consume anti-depressants. It's not about race. When an individual lives in a first world country, they're likely to develop mental issues. Such is life when there's no real priority to survive.

that's your baseline? "Civilization"?

looks like someone lacks the concept of achievement

>Lol, the Chinese have had civilization for 5000 years

Hum, no, they didn't.


1)Finnic peoples
2)rest of the world

How are ashkenazis above meds? There are people like Einstein and Oppenheimer but meds should be first

And scandinavians are more weak minded than others. I agree with the rest of your post, although it still doesn't explain why scandinavia in particular is so miserable compared to the rest of the west.

1. The human race

>there are actually people who think half shit skinned black haired meds are better than north western europeans, lmaoing @ u

Meds are fucking trash, Askhenazi Jews are more intelligent by a large margin (average IQ of 115)

>One observational basis for inferring that Ashkenazi Jews have high intelligence is their prevalence in intellectually demanding fields. While only about 2% of the U.S. population is of full Ashkenazi Jewish descent, 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century, 25% of Fields Medal winners, 25% of ACM Turing Award winners, 9 out of the 19 world chess champions, and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners have either full or partial Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.

It took Askhenazi Jews like 70 years to create a country that has a higher HDI than all Med countries, even though

>all their neighbours are fierce enemies
>they created Israel from scratch with barely any natural resources
>most of Israel consists of Arabs+Arab Jews+Spanish Jews who are all dragging the country down massively.

1. Ashkenazi Jews
2. Germanic people
3. East Asians

There must be an explanation. Maybe pharmaceutical prices are lower in some aspects? Maybe it's our culture? I'm not sure, and I don't care

Balts are the most powerful.

It's the culture and maybe the climate. Scandinavians are very cold and unfriendly

>Germanic people above East Asian

Kek, what a deluded fuck, but I do agree that Ashkenazi are smarter than any other ethnicity according to IQ tests.

1/2 Poles/Frenches

3-100 - anyone else.

what about sephardi jews?

arab tier

Yes, we are above them. Germanic people are by far the best nation-builders. It's not even close.

>converted arabs


but ashkenazi are germancucks
how is that so much better?

Chinks are masters of imitation. Don't be fooled.

east asian only got shit done because they have so many people, germanics had way less people and have done more

Brutal generalization, you must be friendly.

Germans are currently paying the price for what they did, their country will be muslim soon.

>It took Askhenazi Jews like 70 years to create a country
Ah yes, they created the country.
Are you that same braindead mouthpiece from the French thread? My god you're an embarrassment to my Dutch lads.
The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.

germanics had the most people among european people
only slavs can compare in terms of numbers

>paying the price

I hope they will turn brutal and kill you all again.

Is that what you want to hear?

Kill them shlomo kill them all

israel is ashkenazi?
other jews not welcome?

so how many jews are left after the 6(six) gorillion?

There are exceptions ofc, but in general Scandinavians tend to be boring, rude and soulless.

but arent ashkenazi like germans?
you were mixing with them for centuries

13-14 Gorilla Nion

only if you mean it :) Germanic tears makes me happy.

More than enough to rule you

Shut up dumb sandnigger

it that yet another toothpaste nigger butthurt post?

>c*lts that high
they are/were basically white niggers

Culturally? it's 99% mizrahi, look at nigger/hiphop culture in burgerstan for reference.
Ashkenazi/eastern europe jews were the first settlers, the credit for preping up and creating the country goes solely to them.

Races are a social construct. Just like genders

>Excelent Tier
Caucasians (Europeans, Arabs, Aryans, Indians)

>Good Tier
Mongoloids (East Asians, Southeast Asians, Native Americans)

>Okay Tier

>Shit Tier
Abbos and Bushmen

>. Germanic people are by far the best nation-builders.

they are the best nation-destroyers, you disgusting fuck.


I read that as "goys" at first.

It's your country lad.

Keep living in your secluded box, while science progresses in diverse groups of different races.

Depends on your definition.

Archaeological evidence goes back to early Shang in 2300 BC.

>tfw judaism is dying over here

So let's say ashkenazi didn't exist

If the worst race coupled with the best race in your chart, the result would be an even greater race?

They didn't have writings, cities, monuments, anything worth mentioning back then.

Kek, Sandniggers came up with civilization on their own, unlike you who had to be dragged out of your mudhuts by the romans.

Iberia, Northern Italy, UK, South Germans (the only good Germans) and France are all predominantly celtic

Jews are just a Med-Arab-Germanic mix

There is nothing that indicates there is such a thing as an ethnic "celt"

Celts were basically every people that wasn't roman or greek.
Peoples in ancient turkey were considered celts.

>Keep living in your secluded box

Sounds kinda like most Scandinavians to me

>Work at shitty office job
>Have no close friends or family
>Wohoo it is weekend let's get drunk!
>Go back to shitty job

The highlight off a scandinavians life is when he can go on vacation and get drunk in foreign countries instead,

>Peoples in ancient turkey were considered celts.
it was a tribe of gauls that migrated there you moron

this jew is angry, why are you so angry man?

Beacuse I was born in Sweden

>they are/were basically white niggers
That's funny. Hilarious.
Northern Italians claim intellectual superiority over southern Italians. The only part touched by Celtic Europe was north.

>keeps using Scandinavian as a solid association to his own view of degeneracy and boredom

Jealous/ 10 , maybe just dumb. Many people are jealous of the Scandinavian look though, so I can't really blame you.

northern italians that claim that are retarded though

where the fuck do i rank in this i'm not a racial expert

punic scum

Not gonna disagree with this one very much

Please fuck my boipucci Slav daddy

Both Arabs and Germanics are pretty much in the same historical boat when it comes to civilization building.
Germanics were barbaric snow tribes that toppled the Roman Empire and built their civilizations on its bones.
Arabs were barbaric sand tribes that toppled the Persian Empire and built their civilizaitons on its bones.
It's funny to see how the Persians and Romans had been rivals for centuries, but it was their corresponding ooga boogas that fucked their things up in the end.

1st if you're not retarded like 80% of people in this thread


this triggers the roman

Why would anyone be jealous of you? Scandinavian countries are overtaxed hellholes with no culture.

I think you're all generally sub par but It's amusing.
Nice aqueducts though.

this triggers the punic

Mostly our superior physique, quality of life, intelligence and kindness. Though I guess sandpeople like you would know nothing about any of that.

North and South are actually all the same, right?

really now?

no place in Italy is the same as the other, but their claim to superiority is just false

Anglo Saxons > all