Will American girls laugh at me and call me a "cheese-eating surrender monkey" if I visit America?

Will American girls laugh at me and call me a "cheese-eating surrender monkey" if I visit America?

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no, you'll get instant gf because of language and accent.

>implying I didn't work hard to have a near-perfect American accent

And now you tell me I'd better speak like Pépé the Frog?

Frenché accenté will do you fine imo.

>Working hard for an american accent when you can work hard for a god tier british accent
why why why

Bitches love french accents, even more so if you sound like you're from the south of France.

You'll pull so much ass it won't even be funny

>if you sound like you're from the south of France

As if your typical yank can tell the difference.

We will wink our vaginas for your thicc french cocc

Most Americans like France.

Do you ?
South accent is gay, nlt even french tbhonnête.

I can do both, tbhfam.

The only accent that's impossible to fake for me is Québécois French. I sound like a Disney character who did drugs, rather than a Québécois (even if the difference irl isn't obvious).

Southern French accent is pure cancer and should be terminated asap.

>(even if the difference irl isn't obvious)

Québécois french is the only french im really even comfortable speaking, as i live real close to montreal. would i be totally fucked if i actually went to france? i heard some shit is quite different

>(even if the difference irl isn't obvious)

>Southern French accent is pure cancer and should be terminated asap.
pêh, ils prononcent le français bien mieux que nous sur Paris. Ici, on supprime des lettres, des syllabes, on mélange les mots.

top kek


what the fuck is wrong with quebecis?

Not "totally fucked" as we would understand you just fine (it's 99% the same language), but you would sound... funny.

>bien mieux que nous

Non, moi, ça va.

i can live with that. plus it might be better to go undercover as a canadian in certain circumstances.

Depends, if you're good looking you'll be a hit, if you're a dork you might still be interesting for lower tier girls but you're not going to score if you can't do it in France.

The only reason why I don't score is because I don't get out. Sad!