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Fuck pinkhats edition


>real understanding of ADHD

ADHD is like the go to symptom that annoying kids get diagnosed with so parents can shut them up with drugs



Have you ever read any studies on ADHD or are you basing that off what your indoctrination tells you?

this one is an obvious photoshop


cum lol

You know... reality is starting to bother me.

Oh, I forgot I am talking to a person with HIGH INTELLIGENCE and ADHD, sorry.

Hey, here take a few more pills. I swear, they help!!

And ADD?
You don't know what you're talking about.

>you in charge of knowing literally anything about football

He is indisputably the best QB in NFL history.

despite peyton having better stats and Montana having a better SB Record*

Because people just take pictures of random old men pushing shopping carts for no reason, right?

So you haven't?


muh superbowl record

>implying going to 6 and winning four isnt better than 4 total

>despite peyton having better stats
Which stats?

Peyton has the most playoff losses in NFL history for a QB.

>Montana having a better SB Record*
>getting to the superbowl and losing twice is worse than not getting to the superbowl
Again, wrong.

he's genuinely retarded
no idea why you bother replying to him

I actually used to take pictures of my family sleeping just because, so it's possible

Of course not, why would I read some Jew lies made to create more profit for the Pharma Jews?

But have fun swallowing pills lol.

>losing super bowls is considered an achievement

I guess Jim kelly is a Hall of Fame QB

what the fuck is that thing

I wouldn't be surprised at all considering he comes to a foreign general just to shitpost every day.


>conferfernce championships are bad


Getting to 6 superbowls is objective better than getting to 4

easiest way to trigger substance addicts?
tell them the truth lol

>easiest way to trigger substance addicts?
>tell them the truth lol

>losing more superbowls is better than never losing a super bowl

do they allow kids in hooters?

Yes, absolutely

Yes. It's a family restaurant.
No, this is not sarcasm.

pretty sure Ive seen a kids menu when I went to one


thought the whole titty theme was adult by nature

easiest way to trigger the autistic german?
talk about something that isn't feet

are participation ribbons held on display all around massachusetts? Because what Im getting from this is losing a SB is a sign of pride

It's just a sports bar. :^)

You go there to eat. The fact that the waitresses are all young bimbos with huge breasts is just a really, really weird coincidence. :^)

nah, the tits are really just a bonus

that qt on the left aint even a bimbo kek

It's not coincidence it's part of the marketing :>

What marketing?

Hot chicks bring in customers haha

But do they have good food pls tell me

I hereby commandeer this thread under the name of queen Elizabeth II

commandeering denied

You have to go back

There has never been a single advertisemen for hooters in the history of the universe. I just know that was I driving past one of those places and saw some chicks in booty shorts hula hooping in front of the establishment so it caught my eye.

fuck off nigel

Fuck off.

slow day lad


whew thought I had a roach in my kitchen but it was just a grasshopper
how the hell did that get in my kitchen

You looking for round 2, cowboy?

This has to be a special ed class
Can you post some feet?

>he want's another beating

>whew thought I had a roach in my kitchen but it was just a grasshopper
check again


Under the authority of Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, you are all under arrest for treason and meanery.


who's in the Drachengame

>No canadians
>No m*xicans


>implying you can arrest a Ruskie
>can't even arrest own people

That's it, mother fucker. Let me get my drum.


*dumps all your fucking tea into the harbor*

good post. god save the queen

4 lessons in to Assimil French with Ease buds

try me

>"oh hi user, it's me Taylor Swift"
>"hehe I thought you were so handsome that I'd come talk to you for a bit"
>"so your primary hobby is roleplaying as countries on an anime image board?
>Umm.... that's fascinating but I have to go"

Why can't asian girls resist big American meat?

noun: Canuck; plural noun: Canucks

1. A portmanteau if the words 'cuck' and 'animal'.

Your music isnt good anyway

i am not a cuck

>the fat nigger woman my roommate pumped and dumped is slamming our door with her ham fists again
>after like a full year of him avoiding her
What the fug

>roleplays as Taylor swift in a successful bid to exclaim his lack of a sense of humor


>b-but wait taytay don't you want to talk about eliminating the jewish virus

your flag says otherwise.

More like
>"oh hi user, you know who I am right?"
>"yeah taylor swift"
>"good boy, but sorry you don't make 10 million a year and you're not a child with a terminal illness so I could use the pictures for promotional purposes either so I can't talk to you. SECURITY!!!"

Why is wrestling the best sport ever?

Because you're gay and your interest in it is purely nefarious.

What do Americans think about establishing and maintaining friendships with British people?

Also, no Canadians (sorry)

Who is your favorite kpop star?

Im not gay

Are you implying having a constitutional monarchy is the same as letting another man fuck your wife?
I think reddit might be more your speed kiddo

this is a very good thread

I don't like brits in general. You have established a disgusting, servile police state almost on par with the germans.

The only one I can bear talking to is this one guy who lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, is actually autistic, and used his super autism to make a game entirely on his own that he uses to sustain himself.

Been to London and Bath. Brits and Americans are almost exactly the same with our differences mostly being superficial.

Knew it

TayTay mentioned!

>Are you implying having a constitutional monarchy is the same as letting another man fuck your wife?

I don't follow K-Pop idols apart from /r/kfeets.
The only K-Pop I listen to is Hyuna (catchy) and this song youtube.com/watch?v=CXPADwU05OQ (fucking choon)

Was gonna go play a game of football but I cut my thumb.

ok, kid

i dont like the english


The Police state prevents bullying.