Why the FUCK aren't you lifting and roiding in your country yet? Why you being a pussy?

Why the FUCK aren't you lifting and roiding in your country yet? Why you being a pussy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I am shield to homosexual and black people
Only faggots are /fit/

nice excuse fatass

fatasses WILL not respond to this


Sam hyde is a literal faggot. All his fans dickride him like crazy about how big and strong he is but im positive id smash his fucking face in because hes a huge pussy.

In one of his videos a literal gay faggot confronts him and says hes going to beat the shit out of him and Sam actually runwalks away from him then mutters shit quietly into the camera about him. Hes a proper massive pussy.

Not only that but hes just NOT funny. He only appeals to 16 year old alt right faggots to keep himself afloat and he secretly despises his fanbase. He talks shit about them all the time, havent the posts saved but he calls them stupid fucking sheep etc.

Not only that but there are posts proving he fucked a tranny from /soc/. Hes a literal degenerate scumbag. ALSO his tv show is shit and will fail and will not get a second season.

Hope him and his fans die. Dont post this fat gimp here.

>In one of his videos a literal gay faggot confronts him and says hes going to beat the shit out of him and Sam actually runwalks away from him then mutters shit quietly into the camera about him

No he doesn't lmfao, post video

He has never done anything close to that

>Not only that but hes just NOT funny.

Wooow imagine that, could it possibly be that humor is SUBJECTIVE?

Skip to 5:12 to watch fat cowardly sam hyde retreat like the yellowbelly cunt he is


Hes a fool. Your an even bigger fool for following him like hes some sort of God.

>Following him like he's some sort of God

you're being awfully presumptiuous. You're so butt blasted you wrote me a whole essay about why you hate him just over an OP image of him. I just like his videos because he's pretty funny, especially the most recent ones. I don't think he's some sort of god, not even sure why you wrote all that shit you have autism fag


bump fags

>I watch sam Hyde post 2015

fuck off leaf


>I don't

His yale and rutgers university ones were probably his best works


Manlet confirmed

fuck off, eh

Only gay faggots care about other men lifting

Looks like you put two and two together, Mr Watson.

>Not compensating
get out of here chad, go eat PIZZA

>sam hyde
This guy is on so many levels of sarcasm that he doesn't even know who he is anymore

why the fuck you roid? you go to competitions or some shit?

>move to Japan to live Baka gaijin dream
>only "gym" in your town has only machines and DBs that only go to 40
What do?

jesus japs are weaklings

To look good and to feel good

Why the fuck waste years to make no gains and look like shit when you don't have to?

I'm too smart for lifting, only insecure meat heads partake in such activities

>Sam Hyde
Back to Sup Forums please


Lol. Enjoy your mental instability and depression.

t. Tren

>I'm too smart for lifting, only insecure meat heads partake in such activities

Then stay out of the thread

I'm only looking for fellow insecure compensating manlets with an enlarged heart and osteoperosis, and i always have a below average sized penis

test/tren/deca right now senpai



Like moths to a flame.

only compensating manlets allowed

If you go to other areas there are legit gyms but Not really here in dou inaka unfortunately

beta fags