
/flag/ + /risk/? Edition

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Greek music

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Anyone lurking?

I''m greek


how long did it take you to finish Greece?

1 month before /hell/ died everyone had regionals just completed Greece from there

I summon Sicily

Apparently there were nuclear bomb tests conducted in Australia, never knew this, neato

I wish man.

Australia had nukes?


Don't do that man, you'll attract normies, we'll do risk later once Quebec gets up.


bump again


Okay lets try get 4+ people

>Okay lets try get 4+ people

Where would we get them?

Regulars on this general i they are on

Me and you are the only ones on right now mate...

Then we wait, maybe australia user wants to play


YOu even got mount Athos!

i can host at around 4ish, but will hav e to take a break mid way through to eat then.

Pios ise esi?

What time is it for you

whoa, wait a minute my man, lets not us that map, looks like it'll take longer than it should.

Use this one.

Based western Greece desu

Den se exo di edo pios ise mila mou ellinika re magga

Use this

sr man mou eide ellhniko thread kai bhka:D
Sto /balk/ lurkarw.
Pws ta pas ekei sta ksena?
Einai kalh fash?

11:20 AM
it's a better map with more territories and a government system, it's funner.
i have an elder scrolls meme map as well as a LOTR map

I don't know mate, seems way too complicated and complex to be actually fun, plus, I'm pretty sure if we do play with it, it will take about 2 threads too complete.

I just prefer the more simple map, it's straight and simple.

aa me to /hell/ ti ginete?
Kala ine edo, tora prosfata irtha den exo di kai pola

We could use the usa one again?

>We could use the usa one again?

maybe lol :^)

Just because we didnt get to finish

we could, i lost the better version that had north mexico, alaska, hawaii and canada in it though
i have this one, that has the same ammount of tiles and bonuses, but rolls are different

o "I am Greek" tourkos to skwtose opote phgame pisw sto /balk/ alla apo oti fainetai mas akoulouthhse kai ekei.
Toso obsessed den paizei :D
Pws kai den postareis mazi mas re su?

Irthe kai edo i katsatida e den 3ero olo malakies blepo otan kano lurk kamia fora

found iut

oxi den einai autos einai enas autistas me germanikh shmaia.
Stis malakies einai olh h fash.
Ama piaseis to /balk/ h to /hell/ se renta tha lutheis sta gelia

What are the white spots in some territories
What is a Garrisoned
What are those spots on the Bonuses map
What are the different colors

aa nai ton exo di ftiaxni kati thread gia to /hell/ kathe mera gia na kanei to shit posting tou


I fly back to commiefornia tomorrow and then start school next week ("school" = preparatory meetings for my polynesia trip, I'm done at noon every day)

can't w8

the white dots are mountains
garrisoned increases the roll needed to take a province by 1
don't know

Ok high school student :^)

>high school student

To my knowledge everyone here goes to the same middle school.

I'm ok with this map.

excuse me I'll have you know I graduated middle school top of my class

What is metagaming
Also looks good

maybe start in a bit?


Might have to quit half way through but go for it


Anyone know?

Lucky. I'm missing Mount Athos, Mount Aegean, Peloponnese, and South Aegean.

Don't know mate, but it probably doesn't matter since we didn't even use it last game

>Mount Aegean

*North Aegean

Whoops typo

I have Athos and Pelopponese but I'm missing the Aegeans, W. Macedonia, E. Macedonia/Thrace, and Thessaly

given up on completing it

Choose your nations
New England

Greater Cajun Republic

Deep Blue


Don't give up friend, we'll find them eventually


Principality of Livadia


Cherokee Nation
Light Green

Rollling to fill MA and CT + RI
want to join?
kentuck and viriginia are mine this round kkk

Fill Bahamas and then spill to Florida

Fill Louisiana, if spill go into Mississippi

Want to have an alliance mate?

Fill Oklahoma, if spill, go to Kansas
Nice Trips

off by one

Thanks mate

Your ass is grass and I'm going to mow it mate.

Rude :^(

mupdate. rolling for VT/NH and spilling south to New Yoprk
nice scrpit lmoa

fill oklahoma, if spill, go to Kansas

Fill Bahamas and spill into Florida


>nice scrpit lmoa

your just mad lmao

Continue filling Mississippi, if spill go into Alabama

oh no we have a script user in the house oh no.

forgot bonus, it's 2 :^)

leave Georgia for me

nah m8 im packing and shit

ill be back later

make me :^)

I'm not gonna let you have ALL of Georgia

New England Start going south might need your help defending

kk l8r

rolling for the rest of VT, and spilling to New York

Fill Georgia

Fill Kansas

Lemme join

Continue into Mississippi, if spill go into Alabama

I'm not going to attack you for a while though mane

Forgot Bonus

Forgot Bonus

regional users only mate, get regionals

Difference of 20

mupdate, rolling to take New york

fill Alabama, if spill go into Georgia

Fill Georgia and spill into North Carolina

Fill Kansas, if spill, go to Nebraska

>off by 1


Georgia is mine if you want peace

mupdate, rolling for jew york

Fill Kansas, spill into Nebraska

Fill Georgia and spill into North Carolina

Move towards the south my ally i will need you

maybe, will consider it mate :^)

Fill Alabama, go into Tennessee is spill

mupdate, rolling to take the rest of new york than penn

Fill Kansas, spill into Nebraska

Spill into the westerner border of North Carolina and then continue filling Georgia