Putin assassinating political opponents in Russia


>Muckraking journalists, rights advocates, opposition politicians, government whistle-blowers and other Russians who threaten that image are treated harshly — imprisoned on trumped-up charges, smeared in the news media and, with increasing frequency, killed.

>Political murders, particularly those accomplished with poisons, are nothing new in Russia, going back five centuries. Nor are they particularly subtle. While typically not traceable to any individuals and plausibly denied by government officials, poisonings leave little doubt of the state’s involvement — which may be precisely the point.

>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context. No other major power employs murder as systematically and ruthlessly as Russia does against those seen as betraying its interests abroad. Killings outside Russia were even given legal sanction by the nation’s Parliament in 2006.

>“The government is using the special services to liquidate its enemies,” Gennadi V. Gudkov, a former member of Parliament and onetime lieutenant colonel in the K.G.B., said in an interview. “It was not just Litvinenko, but many others we don’t know about, classified as accidents or maybe semi-accidents.”

>“All of this sounds like paranoid conspiracy theories,” Mr. Browder said in a telephone interview. “But there are too many of these happening to important people. Captains of industry and lawyers are not dying left, right and center like this in the West.”

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Don't let degeneration conquer Russia.

Nothing wrong here, the country's stability and unity isore important than the rights and lives of a bunch of leftists and humanists.

Yes, we would want Russia to have one of the highest number of HIV-infected people outside of Sub-Saharan Africa.

We also wouldn't want Russia to have one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the world. Nor of heroin addicts.

Russia is the definition of degeneracy

Don't forget sky-high abortion rates.

When don t Like a person ..….….…fuck subdole

are they still mad about litvienko

p.s. i recall that shakespearian joke about that assassination (polonius and polonium in russian are spelled exactly the same)

Now, Hamlet, where’s Polonius?
At supper.
At supper where?
Not where he eats, but where he is eaten.

>Putin assassinating political opponents
That's because they interfere to saving the white race. Based Putin knows what he's doing.

> HIV-infected people
It's mostly homos who infected here so there would be no difference since they would have children anyway

*wouldn't have

most HIV invected people in Russia are heroin addicts who used dirty needles

Are you for real? Do people honestly belive this in russia? Holly fuck

Is there any conclusive evidence of this?

Some people in the west, especially America, do it too. The masquerade their homophobia with fake health issues.

>Ever providing evidence

i guess not

Abortions have nothing to do with Putin, what are you trying to say?

afaik it's well known that fags universally have a much higher hiv and hepatitis risks, it's true for nearly any country

Russians is a masterrace, I want to be liberated by them. They will give you the freedom, love them.

>saving the white race
do you know how many muslims russia has? and how popular putin is among them?

Read the article, there are several examples of Putin's opponents being poisoned by extremely rare, extremely hard to detect poisons such as gelsemium, ricin, and heavy metals. Not to mention blunt-force trauma and gunshot wounds to anti-Putin activists. That and the testimony of former intelligence officials.

Drug-addicted are even worse than homos. I wouldn't mind if they had their livers cut out with rusty scalpels.
Also, most straight people here use condoms, so yeah, I'm speaking the truth.

actually the wiki has a list of journalists killed in russia if you are interested. it doesn't have anything especial fascinating though

but you should do something about the drug problem, russia has the second highest rate of heroin addicts in the world (only afghanistan has more)

Also several of the Kremlin's political opponents being denied medical care in prison which resulted in their deaths and (presumably) beatings that encouraged that.

>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context.

>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context.

>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context.

>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context.


The USA isn't any better than Russia

They will save the white race too, inshalla.

i would suggest you not to believe any article which you read somewhere, can you check what it says against any other source?

No its not. In the USA and Brazil its mostly blacks and minoritys that have hiv. In russia is mostly drug addicts. A small percentage of gays have ever performed buttsex.

RIDF incoming, with whataboutisms and posting something irrelevant to the conversation (foreign interventions when we are talking about domestic political assassinations).

And USA is the second by cocaine use. We are so different, but we are still together.

I'm too lazy and won't read this article. But Kara-Murza one of the most responsible politicians in whole Russian opposition.

Yes, Kara-Murza was poisoned for his trips in the US for providing sanctions against Kremlin. His friend and former deputy PM of Russia Boris Nemtsov was also killed. This is not a joke about evil Putin. If you are in opposition you will be in a prison or killed, or kinda.

Fuck the murrica, Russia is many times better country to live in.

Oh yeah, wasn't Boris Nemtsov shot in the street a year ago or something? So many Russian politicians dead it's hard to keep count these days.

i thought he was killed by chechnyans because he insulted islam or something

Not that you aren't spot on, but come on.

Prostitution and drug use are rampant

But at least they aren't nice to gays :)

Yes, they killed them near the fucking Kremlin.

These fables about him insulting islam is just the pretence, he didn't say anything bad on islam. The thing is that he insulted Putin.

youtube.com/watch?v=jaOmORmsx3I - Vladimir Putin would vote for Yanukovich, he is fucked Vladimir Putin you have to now.

Nemtsov was worse than Putin tbqh. He had power in 90's and what he did was way worse.

>On 26 May 2015, Kara-Murza was suddenly taken ill in Moscow during a meeting.[51] He had eaten lunch at a restaurant and then had a two-hour meeting, during which he consumed nothing and felt normal, before becoming ill rapidly over a ten to fifteen minute period, leading to vomiting.[52] At first he was thought to be having heart difficulties, but treatment at a specialized cardiac clinic did nothing to arrest the symptoms. He was then diagnosed with poisoning and taken to the First City Hospital.[1][2][3][38][53]

evil putin ordered the restaurant to poison him but forgot to order the first city hospital not to save him))))

i take it if you belongs to opposition and have a food poisoning or colics or something you can claim it's putin tries to kill for being the light in the russian darkness

Jeesus Christ and Nemtsov himself was a fucking saint. Anyone who had power in 90's should be gased.

If you read further on, it wasn't food poisoning, someone had spiked him with heavy metals.

>there are people pretending to be surprised by this
>there are people who will defend this
>there are people who think america is still somehow worse

Russia is a shithole full of Chechens that have used these assassination weapons since the 60's.

Despite the memes, Nemtzov was hated by Chechens for directing the Chechen war in the 90's. Remember the war Americans were taught to hate the evil Russians over?
In no way was he a political threat to Putin when he had 0 seats in the Duma. He was a nobody.

But he was not a nobody to Chechens.

>kill everyone who knows how to run a country
>once Putin dies/retires, the country goes to shit because there's only incompetents and yes men left
Good jerb.

>heavy metals

Oh wow it's almost like professional assassins use rare poisons?

>Nemtzov was hated by Chechens for directing the Chechen war in the 90's

the russian opposition it's either those who are not near the feeding-trough but want to get there like nemtsov or those who wouldn't mind to get american money and residence for being good anti-putin guys like kara-murza

i wonder why russians despise most of the opposition, lol

the real opposition it's the communist party of russia desu, but those rather belong to the first kind anyway

the wiki has nothing about it

wtf am i reading


It is in the article OP linked.

It's just like Stalin desu. The man was ruthless, but he knew how to accomplish shit. After he died, a string of hacks and empty suits from Khrushchev onward led to the USSR's eventual downfall.

>>Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context

lol look up Michael Hastings

WTF am I reading? He was against war in Chechnya you fucking idiot. He was a governor and collect one million signatures against the war.

He was in power only in the end of 90's.

But cocaine is classy and doesn't make your arm rot

And what is the source of the NYT article?

And so what? You write some bullshit, he did not personally directed the war, the military did it. He was murdered by Kadyrov for a sharp criticism, but it has no relation to the Chechen wars.

The actual hospital report. I'm sure you can email the reporter for more if you want to be autistic.


His "plan" to end the war was influential and helped end the war. But he was against Putin's governor. This is why that governor hated Boris and likely ordered his assassination.

>He was in power only in the end of 90's
End of the 90s was the point where Yeltsin was just a figurehead and Putin's crew were already basically running the ship.

I mistook his influential policies on the war for "directing the war"

[citation needed]

Putin was granted much of his power.

He only became influential in late 1998 after the financial crisis turned Russia into the Ethiopia of Europe.

Google search "cocaine nose damage".

Right. During Yeltsin's second term, his health was failing and he was relegated to ornamental status when Putin and other of his cabinet began taking charge. When Yeltsin stepped down on the last day of 1999, it was really just a formality.

nice meme

ob gourds


I don't think Russia is stable. Putin basically rules by appealing a coalition of plutocrats and military officials, while also placating radical Islamists and communists.

>United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context

this is bullshit, Hillary Clinton had dozens of people killed just because they had information that could threaten her career

Russia has never had proper stability or rule of law. It's always been "the strong take what they want from the weak".

So.... a bit like Hillary Clinton, amirite?

>Prostitution and drug use are rampant

Because of Jews. The same Jews that Putin orders to be killed everyday.

Russia being a shithole run by shitty people isn't news.

You wish. Racism in Russia is totally illegal, except you can discriminate against ethnic Russians all you want.

It's a choice between capitulating to America and using force.
Same shit in China. Tiananmen was necessary as a message for all colored revolutionaries.
The west is the same, just sneakier. You don't know much about politics.

hillary clinton changing her sex when

>heavy metals
>hard to detect

Aslo in the west people don't get killed that often but get accused of being a rapist/pedo/racist and/or destroyed economically

now I know where Gaddafi got his "HIV is a peaceful virus that only hurts gay people" knowledge

yeah, smoking freebase crack cocaine is very classy Tyrone

>Prostitution and drug
Problem with HIV rate as our druggies use needles.

For what purpose? His rating is skyrocketing

yep, and consume a large amount of the heroin that is produced next door in Afghanistan

+10 Putinshekels for this post.

that's too little given the economy

Who cares what Russians do in Russia? Americans are blowing up the middle east and risking nukular war.

Look to Vice documental about drugs in Russia. Russia was a degenerate country before Putin the main provider of drugs to russia comes from Iran and it's really also i think maybe very hard to stop drugs dealer if you have a huge border as Russia.

I hope a russian friend can confirm this.

Don't believe the Kremlinbots. Putin's approval ratings especially among young people have been sinking like a stone since 2010.

Nah, unlike your media, ours doesn't often print blatant untruths, and when they do, it's considered a scandal.

I know this may be hard for a miserable, cynical, disaffected Russian to believe, but the truth is that Western countries don't usually wage massive, coordinated disinformation campaigns against their own citizens. The last time that happened in the US was 2003, and people are still bitching about it.



Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.

I think i know which one you're talking about. Only the Kazakh border with russia is the same distance from NY to London.

ofcourse its only evil ruskies who lie on TV, please belive everything you hear on CNN and Fox news.

Back in 2014, when the Ukrainian crisis was on its peak, I had a huge collection of examples of western disinformation and lies about the conflict. Too fucking bad I lost it when my Laptop died and I was too lazy to make a new one. Maybe I'll do it again when I have enough time.


I remember 2003 well, I was already an adult back then. I also remember the onslaught of Bushbots on the internet, who silenced any criticism of going to war in Iraq according to the methods the Russians are accused of using. "How dare you say the war is just for oil? They have WMDs you retard. What you need to email the journalist for proofs?"

I know a Russian girl whose face looks like Putin's, it's weird desu senpai.

nice propaganda faggot

More Russian invasions coming soon:
