Tfw there will never ever be a worthy race to rival angloieds

>tfw there will never ever be a worthy race to rival angloieds

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Please tell me some of Nordic feats that aren't making Russia

Go shart in the mart.

>that master race feel

Sorry Sweden having good aesthetics does not make you a worthy race, you are like some dumb teenage girl who thinks she is the most impotent person due to looks alone.

You will never understand the burden of having to be contently reminded by the world how amazing your group is.

Creating islamic homoerotic fanfic
>A substantial portion of Ibn Fadlan's account is dedicated to the description of a people he called the Rūs روس or Rūsiyyah. Most scholars identify them with the Rus' or Varangians, which would make Ibn Fadlan's account one of the earliest portrayals of Vikings.

>I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor kaftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free.

Literally all American states except for the UK and France

>>>>>>>>per capita

Lmao of course. Per-capita is the only way to compare countries. Or isn't it? Because if not, then America is the rape capital of the world. The nigger capital of the world. The shart capital of the word (goodbye India).

Tread carefully, Ronald McShartmart.

Thank you, sweden.

>rape capital of the world
>t. sweden

Oh my.

rival in what respect?

>tfw no strong independent Anglo gf

They did fuck all but stole and raped. Yet their countries are so much better than god tier histories like Greece or India.

You belong with us.
You interested in challenging us for our title?


more like Rapedbyimmigrantsphere

we wuz jutes n angles n saxons n sheit we nordick bois nao

Lmao. Know your place, anglo.

In shart per capita

Why is mexico there????

good to know

you used to be great
now you are socialist scum who's only notoriety is being the rape capital of the world


You will never be american

Kek, really the muricans of Europe. Glad you left

>attack civilians
cowardly and retarded desu

>you used to be great
Newsflash: We've always been great.
>now you are socialist scum who's only notoriety is being the rape capital of the world
We're actually known as the most beautiful people on the planet. Actually, we're known as the master race even by normies. Feels good.

Except filipinos

Non-meme version.
4 or less removed.

>irrelevance the country

The meek have no place in this world. If you can't defend yourself, you deserve to die.

Also, AFAIK, we we're recruited to be part of the Varangian Guard because of how superior we were at fighting.

your women aren't so beautiful when filled with muslim seed


are any?

>If you can't defend yourself, you deserve to die

how ironic

>normans conquer england
>romans conquer england
>hitler had the potential to conquer england
>vikings pillaged and murdered random anglo-saxon villagers

Anglo ain't a race, it's a language.

You do know that the normans were essentially vikings, right? Seeing as they descended from nordic people.

You just refuted yourself. Congratulations.


Normans were vikangz tho

Why the fuck is canada in the middle

>You do know that the normans were essentially vikings, right? Seeing as they descended from nordic people.

Yeah totally, they spoke Swedish actually

>Through generations of assimilation and mixing with the native Frankish and Roman-Gaulish populations, their descendants would gradually adopt the Carolingian-based cultures of West Francia, ultimately resulting in their own assimilation into the Romance society

yeah, and I'm 110% irish

>Also, AFAIK, we we're recruited to be part of the Varangian Guard because of how superior we were at fighting.

Nyet, it was because of the massive role oaths had in North Germanic culture. Imperial bodyguards were untrustworthy as fuck, so they outsourced their protection to lads who valued oaths of loyalty above all else. This is also relevant to OP, because after 1066 displaced Anglo-Saxons ended up being a huge part of the Varangian Guard.

>tfw Danish/English manmutt

Still find it hard that you'd be recruited into the Varangian Guard if you weren't capable soldiers, seeing as this was the elite unit of the Byzantine Army. The burger implied that we weren't capable fighters, which is laughable.
I don't think they managed to sully their genes within a century. Try again.

Hard to say. Generation times were slightly shorter then.

>The meek have no place in this world. If you can't defend yourself, you deserve to die.

Its funny cuz ya mum is probably being plowed by some Muslim right about now

>angloids conquered/owns most of the world
>invented everything relevant
>have and always will be global super powers
>everyone else is forced to learn our language

>have blond hair and blue eyes that make them look like women
>all recessive genes not dominate ones
>have nice looking land due to no large scale industry
>no one else speaks their "language"
>even people on this website speak angolied
>they will never contribute anything but lose at all modern wars

Nice bread

Delusional as fuck

>You'll never be a white stereotypical french

>have blond hair and blue eyes that make them look like women
Must be hard to have black hair lmao.


>tfw more respected than britcucks and ameifats

>Swede talks about degeneracy
Literally is all you're known for now.

You are all fat Mart sharters

You are respected by all of the African countries. Also your country never fights wars. This list is not something to be proud of.

It's amazing how butthurt anglos still are about something that happened 1000 years ago.

We never fight wars because no one dares to attack us. Not after the viking era, 30 years of war and the great northern war.

Also, show some respect, fingol. You wouldn't have independence from the Russians if not for Sweden.

That picture implies that the Swedish flag has the reverse colours than it should.

No one dares to attack you because you let them have free reign on raping your women

First of all, rape in Sweden isn't greater than any other European country. We're clustered in the middle. Do your research.

Second of all, even if this was an argument, it would only apply to the lest decade or so. Why haven't anyone attacked us in the last 200-300 years?