Is it true in Europe it's not considered gay for two naked men or boys to sleep together in the same bed?

Is it true in Europe it's not considered gay for two naked men or boys to sleep together in the same bed?

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It depends on the country, in France you go to jail for hate crime if you do not perform that act.

The rest, meh.

at least you can fit two European men in a single bed.

It's only gay if they shart.


here we fucking go

Why would it be considered gay? Ive slept with my mates before on cold nights, nothing gay with some bro-snuggling


Is it true that in Latin america it isn't considered gay if a dude tops.

> two naked men
> sleep together in the same bed
we are really not eurogays.

Did they warm your bussy with their penis? :3


Yes :3 but even then its still not gay

>tfw no cute finn to snuggle with in bed


And you will never join EU

because we don't want. and EU=Economic not culturel my gaylad

Worst feel



Holy shit


I want to make love to you for that post
No homo



Damn son

yess here i am

>2 hours by car and I'll be in Finland

>Probably needs a visa for that

He probably have one if he's not an official

There might be something special for Karelians

>not having schengen visa
But I'm from Petersburg, not Karelia

I bet he lives in Saint-Petersburg. It costs nothing to get Finnish visa to us.

Oh, I get it

Does Karelia and other autonomous Republic issues their own visas or is it something strictly federal ? Sorry if dumb

I think not, but I'm not sure. Sorry

Cпacибo anyways

Is the reverse possible ? I might go to Finland for a good 6 months due to studies and would like to hop up to Petersburg or Moscow

I heard Tourists visas were hard to come by

I tried to google and it seems that you need to be 'invited' by tourist company and must fill form about places you are going to stop by.

Sucks. History teacher from Poland told us about that but it was in 2007. Thought things would have changed.

Good luck anyway. Oh, and my friends often told me that if you're going to Moscow, don't visit the southern districts.



This is a VERY good post


>same bed

That's pretty shallow. Too common and basic.
Look how much further and more enthusiastically one of your anglo circle jerk mates take gay relationships

Nothing gay about some quality time with your bros, it's only homo if you kiss.