German "Women"

>German "Women"

When have you realized that only Asians can save the white race?

Other urls found in this thread: pix

How the fuck is she 32 years old? Did she go through several chemos?


>german "women"
people need to realize that there's a reason this country dies

jewish women & Asian women > western ""women""

Why would you ever want to breed with this out of free will?

Admittedly she's terrible at putting on make up which she clearly applies with a heavyduty paintbrush but judging a person solely based on that is pretty rude tbqh

>fucking woman


Landwhale, please

Everyone already knew that slavic women were superior to german "women" in every way.

Why are they so old and still in school?

Stop cherrypicking. Asian women wish they could look as good as western women

Anyone else here just immediately disgusted by career women/women with an education like that? It's okay if they have a normal job where they still can put family first but these fucking sluts who have studied (((economics))) or (((business))) and have been told by professor goldstein that they don't have time to have a family.

I study at a big university and I always take the time to spit on and mock these "women", especially the beautiful ones deserve to be put down as much as possible.

This thread has potential, maintain it OP.

You not German? Tell us your story.

I never knew that i was a grill and that only fat women suck at putting on makeup

Are you saying Kiira is ugly?

I only like brown women

WOW it's like it's super easy to CHERRYPICK pictures of UGGOS and say OMG LMAO SO UGLY and then CHERRYPICK some more to 'prove' you're absolute CANCER xDDDDDDDD

bet she thinks she has "curves"

sorry but that meme died last week

My previous germano-danish gf better than slutty slavs
Her eyes are light light blue

Is that pooinloo or Ethiopian?

Nonsense you just don't pick washed up 30 year old whores.

Reminder that asian, latino, arab or blacl slav should be a female or gay race only, and germanicis exclusively male

That is a fucking man.

Very important opinion

Otherworldly beauty

Armenoid or turkish

Just google something like "Abiturfotos" or "Abschlussklasse", or simply come and visit us. German women look ugly.

What do you mean?

Never seen southern Germans before? They are shitskins.

I googled Abitur fotos and 90% looks fine, stop whining.

why do Asians look young and healthy up until their fifties and a German woman is ugly starting 25 years old?
36 and she looks about done with life

Plastic surgery and cherrypicking.

Their skin is different. Asians never get skin cancer either despite not being all that dark.

Plastic surgery and cherrypicking.

There better be a qt feminine penis out of frame.

I've been getting into a real European whiteboi trap kink as of late.

>tfw you will never traipse through the sex clubs of Berlin, filling tiny dicked white traps with your superior black seed

That's just taken from an advertisement.
My pictures are real women.

I can post ugly asian women too, you know.
When wil the yellow fever meme die?

why are whiteys so insecure?

literally doomed to fail with this attitude la'

Neger, please leave your basement from time to time.
Have seen quite a bit of the world and we are not much worse (or better) than other countries.

Finally you swallowed the red pill, hans. Like Hitler before you, you too realize that the answer lies in the Orient.

Which is just in time because your country is seeing lots of Arab migration as well

Pic related my Syrian/Lebanese Arabfu

I just really don't like weebs m8.
Besides, black girls are cuter than both anyways.

user, i heard you like Asian women, (which by definition is including women from the Near East like me), is this true??

>muh traditional asian waifu

Dumb muh traditional asian waifu poster

Funny how the only negroid trait about her is her skin.

My forefathers came into that realization long ago.

that's a dude with a wig or as you degenerate europeans say a transgender "woman"

anyway, german people look awful, both females and males

this must be the reason why you try to destroy the world at least two times every century, anyone would go insane by staring at faces like this 24/7

Tbh if they're over 25 and still on Tinder you know they're the rejects.

>asians are ugly and surgery-ridden
>posts an even faker black woman

Explain to me how she is fake. pix

Asians have thicker dermis layers than white people.

Actually at some point in the distant past a large amount of maternal haplomemes from the same group as north germanics was introduced into the finnish genetic population.

So it's the exact opposite, germanic women were enjoyed by finnic men and do to a later bottle-neck effect almost all finns have those haplomemes.

These aren't even the same person lmao


This, Finns don't descend Asian women more than Swedes and Catalonians do. Finnish yellowfeverfags have no excuse.

That doesn't matter, the point is the person on the right is ugly as sin.

Fucking kek.
Googled for Japanese school... SOOOO many qts. Literally one.
Get fucked OP, even the worst, t*rkinfested school here does better.

>literally one
Indeed, the white one

Na, biste Mett?

>what is puberty

mixed race shall inherit the earth

eurasians females and mulatto males, this is the ideal world

dude, are you blind or what?

in some pics she barely looks like a real human being (similar to that "russian barbie"). she wears fucktons of makeup (including eye contacts), uses a lot of photoshop and she is either an admixed person or did a few cosmetic surgeries, some of her features are way off for a black person

you're no better than the weebs who think their k-pop waifus are natural

white = brown >>>>> black desu

All women are ugly, they're even uglier without makeup, since they age like milk.

white people are overrated as fuck, especially white males

eurasian females > brown females >the rest

brown males > black males > the rest


South american women> europe women 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》asian women》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》black women

you mentioned black women twice

test post

Shut up
Chinese women are flawless

That's exactly what I meant, though.

>negroid trait

damn, you're stupid


Does any german here watch Gute Zeiten Slechte Zeiten? There was a (rare) hot german female specimen in it last week.

>No-chin Moonface

Op can't even get a regular girlfriend

More like three times

lmao it's funny cuz it's true

>only Asians can save the white race?

>yellow fever fags unironically believe this

That's not an answer. And the pic wasn't related to the question.

All I can think of is that if she's actually a real woman she might produce strong babies for me.

Keep on dreaming.

Actually it's the best negroid trait.


Nice cherry picking

At this point of time westernern european men are more girly than the women.

So either go gay or travel and look for a waifu.

No. Especially not cause niggers always have disgusting black armpits.

Please post more ugly german women, for science

All women are whores, Hans. Sorry to break it to you.

Who is this

Jodie Foster

Thank you

>(which by definition is including women from the Near East like me), is this true??

Nice autism

haha wow

She can make you good thüringer klöße

Germanics have always found some excuse to run from their hoes. Why do you think vikings went all over the place raping french, english, irish and russian women. Before that saxons, anglos and jutes literally fled across the sea to get away from them, suebi and visigoth went for that hot celtiberico pussy and ostrogoths and lombards went for dat hot italian pussy and vandals for dat hot northafrican pussy, franks wanted that gallo-roman vag.

they'd do anything to get away from them

BTFO'ed hard

Honestly if plastic surgery fixes their appearance does it matter?

Let's just forget that you condone race-mixing for a second. Do you want to reproduce with said woman? How do you think your offspring will look like?

fuck off sandnigger, we're full