
EXTREMELY important poll edition

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korean culture

I could fucking deck every cunt ITT

looks like curry sauce in a tea cup

>Can't select more than one
What are you doing with your life mate.

sainsbury's red label desu. pls no bully.

Not posting in the kshit thread

Don't really understand how this regular tea has become the staple of teas on these islands.

They literally picked the worst type of tea, the chinese surely didn't drink this horrible muddy coloured water.


*kisses you*



alri lads



reeeeee I've already got that one


the gf

ill be myself ITT

*runs into the thread's gate with a battering ram until it breaks down*

my prostitute wouldn't kiss when we were shagging lads


why are pretend normies so socially inept? do they think the real normies wont notice their social retardation?

this post was made with in mind btw

say ay who gets it


reminder Grime is fucking absolute dogshit

it's like if Eminem discovered ""electronic music"" and went to town FUCK YOU

massive choons



>he doesn't listen to Kid A at least once a day


Absolutely fucking banging Australian tune l a d s

Eminem is fantastic. Fuck off yank.

I don't want this yank to fuck off

i find it funny how he thinks anyone gives a shit whether or not hes here.

>he voluntarily listens to Kid A even once a day

Bought 14 and a half.x2mg bars of xanax last night. Took two and then an extra one cause they didn't feel strong. Gave my one and a half, that should be 9 left. wook up this morning to 7 and a half and took one so only 6 and a half left. Gutted 2bh they were supposed to do me the week but since xanax is a shit tier drug theyll be gone in two days

if your house is attached to another you are scum


It's fucking tragic that you actually save gifs like that
Hang yourself

I listen to in rainbows daily, does it count?

do you sometimes miss an user whom you had a discussion with on the chon? like once i talked about krautrock with an user, literature with a guy on /fr/ and more recently film with an aussie on /brit/. the discussions were more in depth and nice so sometimes i wonder what happened with them and if they had as much fun as me discussing those topics

bit too rough for me haha

how's it like being a lemon?

never driven in my life, 231?

>I listen to radiohead

>Eminem is fantastic.
no lol

reminder that Americans literally stop what they are doing and perform coreographed dances to certain popular tunes in bars

I lived with a Yank girl for about 6 months and she would practice doing all the dances so she could drop them, said everyone does it out there.

video is an example of the kind of stuff you'd see


You have a good point. However, you are a Scandinavian.

>save gifs

he made them

>tfw no plastic qt kgf
fels bad mayne



fuck off bender

231 yeah

just realized like more than half the artists I listen to are British

strange feel desu

Why are there so many Yorkshire drinkers in /brit/?

how does "gif" sound in your head?

sounds like "jiff" to me

:) x

The physical gf just said yes to prom lads, very excited


I'd say 231

Every day I learn something new about yanks that confuses and horrifies me

didn't you buy a crayon pop helmet? you're the last one to be dishing out insults lad

Jif is a type of peanut butter

The perforations on the tea bags are always terrible, wasting time when you could just get precuts elsewhere. Also the tea doesn't even taste that nice, I could get better from whittards.

So why give him attention? Why bite?

i've already said never, afraid I can't go back now

/brit/ is 90% rasheed

I'm the only white, english poster

>However, you are a Scandinavian.
England was once Scandinavian in everything but name

because fuck you thats why

>he doesn't drink Twinnings English morning

smfh senpaitachi

Ninja kot

Lipton > Twinnings any day of the week my lad

>I'm the only white, english poster
i think you'll find that's me


dont talk to me

you're a loser and a wannabe

like like


>there is only one Norwegian on /brit/

why doesn't the UK get as much hate as the U.S.? We're both pretty terrible

They're on the wrong side of the road


Thank god our lad Alfred stopped that bad business eh?

1 is more than enough

I'm the only white, scottish poster

rate the faysh hair lads

caffeine makes me want to top myself

>And if a double-decker bus crashes into us
>To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die

What did Morrissey mean by this?

Die you stupid yank. Lipton is horrible.

I'd like that.

Reacharound too?


who do u think about Arizona Iced Tea >:-)

>multiple norwegians on /brit/

Jesus fucking Christ Danelaw has returned

just proposed to my gf on tv

Because you're too serious to have a real lark

>yank who likes amorphous androgynous in the last thread
good lad

voldemort is back lads

we're good lads with good bants that can laugh at themselves

Americans go fucking mental if anyone insults their beloved county and whip out infographics and memes that they've autistically spent years collecting and creating, with ammunition against every single country on earth in the event of an attack

don't reply to it

brilliant song

>because fuck you thats why

business idea: increase the bankers bonuses

I want to shag reviewbrah's mum.

Ignore it and move on


*hits the dab*
*combos into a flawless nae nae*

would be a bit weird

when does herts get in from work

we're the most hated country on this site by a lightyear lol