Why don't you drink the drink of white germanics?

Why don't you drink the drink of white germanics?

You may only post in this topic if you are true white, aka a coffee drinker

Not so fast UK
Not so fast, Australia

Coffee makes you shart.

it actually does

Is this why you shart in the mart all the time?

If you don't enjoy coffee with beans harvested by south american child slaves, you aren't truly white.

Coffee is as German as the new Arab Germans making their homes there.

tea is better and better for you though

That McDonald's coffee is a special kind of magic

t. Nigel on vacation

Sorry but as you can see by the chart only white germanics drink coffee excessively, besides a few slavic hanger ons (the more germanic influenced of the bunch too)

>thinks starbucks is coffee

good thread

>the drink of white germanics
You're thinking of Turks

tea > coffee t b h
but best coffee is timmies and dunkin donuts

>only white germanics drink coffee excessively,
because they have a turbo slave mentality and need coffee to keep them working constantly

>in cups
That's retarded, you should measure the amount of coffein kilos or something.

Because americans usually drink watered down shit by the liters, while south europeans and turks usually drink low amounts of coffe with high amount of caffeine in it.

I'm sorry but you wouldn't understand this

This is much much better.

shart in MART

who /2.41/ here
not so fast rest of the world

>63% white
>poo in aisle 2

Caffeine is a drug, and drugs are for subhumans.

>Because americans usually drink watered down shit by the liters, while south europeans and turks usually drink low amounts of coffe with high amount of caffeine in it.
I was just in Portugal, both ways is good imo.

this, I even refuse medical treatment and rely on the powers of crystal therapy

>in cups
>in cups
>they drink coffee in cups

I prefer our strong espressos.

Instant coffee is poison.

Strange, I've never had the need for medical treatment due to my pristine health.
Are you sure you're completely freed from drugs?

Based Lavazza.

Pretty much everything is a drug guise. Don't be retarded.

why are northeners so sleepy?

>the drink of white germanics
Please, do the world a favor and never, NEVER put those two words again in the same sentence: "germanic" and "coffee". Germanics can't prepare coffee, they prepare some diluted shart and drink it.

what else would you drink it in? sip it from a bowl?

I'm an american, it comes in the tap water

Lack of sun.

hm, lavazza is kinda good but not REALLY good. i suggest you caffè illy and the top of the tops: PELLINI

>the one beverage made out of beans that only grow on the tropics
>drink of the white germanic

t. fags

I didn't like illy that much.
Pellini is GOAT.

I was just mentioned your most famous coffee brand.

Have you tried our coffee?

note:it's a tea spoon

Worse - that Germanics suck at preparing!

That's a cup

hm, the italian market is overflowed with local and mainstream italian brands, if you want something fancy you have to go in some coffee/tea/spices boutique

no sun and too much work


if you had some coffee not from starbucks or some shit like that i am sure you would like it, dont be close minded.

if i were like you i would have just kekked at how you take your coffee and hated on it

>Russia prefers tea
>Still drinks more coffee than us

There is good coffee in our country, but it's almost exclusively ground and prepared in the hour.

Every single "instant" or commercial coffee I've tried was utter shit. Like spanish coffee, just horrendous.
Starshit is one of the worst offenders.

you serve tea in a cup, this one is half that size

We wuz frappe n shiet

A cup is a cup

how does that not make it a cup

Biased because some of these countries don't drink either much at all

i do night shifts and used to drink 5 espressos per shift. i had to stop because 1.my stomac started to hurt like a motherfucker 2.couldn't sleep that much after a night of work cause i had to piss like every 2 hours 3.i was definetly too nervous.

i drink a 4 persons moka by myself on day outs tho lol

italians drink more coffee (and like most things, we are the only ones capable of doing it right). what you see there stems from the facts that these other countries are full of pussies whose idea of coffee is a jug with 3 gallons of brown water.

My people invented coffee. Nobody is more of a coffee lover than me.

i guess it's just a culture clash

you want to drink water? you take a cup
want to drink tea? you take a cup
want to drink coffe? you take a cup

in italy:
tazza da thè
tazzina da caffè

that's is like "little coffee cup" but it's terrible as translation. ok ok, i know it sounds retarded

Tazza also means cup in Arabic. Interesting how the world just fits together.

still a cup fucking illiterate

that's the most retarded shit I've ever heard, it's literary the same shit in English

cup, tea cup, coffee mug

Oh shit I thought you were Ireland so I was confused why you suddenly brought in Italian

I don't think those have any size associated with them though, maybe a rough shape

You can get big coffee mugs and small ones.

I thought you was talking about bier.

there's something mystic in a tazzina di caffè, it's just not the same thing as tazza of everything else

a mug is another thing

i don't want to start an argument guy, i'm just saying a "cup of coffee" stranslates literally into "tazza da caffè" which is something no one would say in italy. end of the story. also i bet the american espresso is served in "cups" double the size of ours

>I don't think those have any size associated with them though
there definitely is


>coffe is native to yuroppu



(no offense)

I don't know, I'd say a coffee mug is still a cup of coffee

I'm pretty sure that tazzina is a diminutive of tazza, the english language is bad at expressing this because you people are massive fuckers

coffee cup implies no size, mug is probably big

i don't know mane, you use a tazzina da caffe just for coffe, you don't use if for anything else

>tfw drink 3 cups a day

Please kill yourself

Still the shame of Arabia.

Yemeni people are some of the most respected in the world. From East Africa, to Arabia, to Indonesia.
What are you even talking about?

drank 5 cups yday

oh damn, Czechia is more Germanic than Germania

>Slavic countries equal to Germanic
>United States of Chicano


>His chink eyes can't tell the difference between black and dark green

When we're talking measurement units, 1 cup is 240 mL. OP's image isn't talking about actual pieces of glasses/mugs.

Yep. I'm in N. Alaska and our state drinks more coffee per capita then anywhere in the US. If I couldn't drink coffee I'd probably have killed myself long ago, and I consider myself mentally stable.

I started having the same symptoms, and I've been drinking coffee since I was 7.. Did you feel better after you quit?

You mean beer

I used to be a tea drinker but now I drink coffee because tea makes my skin itch. I guess I have a rare tea allergy or something.

what about shart therapy?

>the drink of white germanics?
That sounds about right considering that coffe comes from Africa and Arabia. We prefer Mate, adopted from the Guaraní natives and tea.

>brown water is considered coffee in america

Tu vieja prefiere tomar el mate de mi bombilla gruesa y blanca.

I lived in Argentina for 6 weeks and got addicted to this stuff. So much better than shitty English Earl Grey tea.

> the drink of white germanics
Do you mean mead?

With sugar or ''amargo'' ?

I thought that foreigners don't like too much considering how bitter can be.


no thanks

>there's something mystic in a tazzina di caffè, it's just not the same thing as tazza of everything else
No there's not, it's just a linguistic and cultural artifact like mug and tankard in English, except it's not even a different word, it's an existing word with a suffix.
You can get espresso in different sizes in the US, but the bigger thing is that it often has more than just potent coffee in it, hence the "mostly hot chocolate" comment. Americans don't follow the Latin style of coffee drinking, where it's a smaller amount that's more concentrated, instead we follow the northern style and drink a lot that's less concentrated. When someone introduced something stronger, insufferable pricks advocated it and it got popular. People swiftly found it was very different so a lot of the insufferable pricks and others adopted other forms that were more like what they knew, like cappucinos and macchiatos. That was a stable shift but it was still too different for a lot of people, so they made the drinks even more like what they already know and like, and since many of them were also pricks that caught on, so now we have vanilla caramel frappucinos and such.
Americans don't drink coffee as a high-class thing unless they're, all together now, insufferable pricks-- it's a workaday drink, and accordingly some people want to do more than muddle through by chugging dishwater, they want to chug dishwater so saccharine it would give the cast of My Little Pony diabetes.

Well shit, I forgot to click "Post".
Drinking coffee is like smoking tobacco. You could do something similarly unpleasant (drink alcohol) that gives you more or better benefits-- or just skip the unpleasantness altogether. In the case of coffee, you could also have something much pleasant that gives you the same benefits or better benefits (drink almost anything else with caffeine in it). Of particular note hot chocolate which is another hot caffeinated drink that's not too sweet, and on top of that it's fairly good for you, and a lot of "coffee" basically is hot chocolate anyway.
Coffee is a horrible solution to any problem, unless your problem is that you need to be twitchy and upset and use the toilet, and all of those in hurry. QED

I want this to take off in Japan so we can have cute moments of confusion about "chotto mate".

>white Germanics
Yeah, it's Turkish though.

Doesn't tea do the same thing as coffee?

It has some other compounds that affect the mind and body in it, but mostly, yeah it's same, it's caffeinated water. There are a lot of plants that produce caffeine and/or related compounds like theobromine.

>implying milk isn't the true drink of conquerors
It's in are DNA and the advantages provided by it far outweigh those brought by Coffee

inb4 lactose intolerant scum, you're not white.
