

Other urls found in this thread:



parents pay for my trips and rent
I have 2 trust funds and an investment portfolio at 22

>Belgium has no history or culture of it's own

Belgium is France with more bread and chocolate

this is brexit /brit/. get your eurofaggotry OUTTA here

me on the left

They say
I'm on your side
When nobody is
Cause nobody is

They're frogs


mark the shark is in business!

>tfw the Dutch used to be a global power and produced some of the greatest cultural works in history
What the fuck happened?

business idea: let us post emojis again


the entirely of Benelux is a non-region.

just the retarded offspring of France and Germany.

I both like and get depressed at british tv's use of very ugly women as love interests

I have 2 dates lined up tomorrow

I'm only 6"2.5 lads. Thought my whole life I was going on 6"4.

This is a disaster, don't even dare measure my willy. blissful ignorance preferable methinks

*has an existential crisis*

young man
there's no need to feel down

acts of union


Really enjoying this organising of dried fruits gimmick


You're bent, mate. She's a solid 9/10.

its good
american tv is so false

Find myself disturbingly aroused by this picture lads

take that back now

yeah but its soberly depressing

God damn I love her

How much do those fake arses cost?

I dont need to measure mine to know its pathetically small

>the entirely of Benelux is a non-region.

Rude desu, she's fitter than him

what do girls think when they come over?

crikey how many lbs of pussy is that

me on the left between the cheeks

runt activities

*gets signed by chelsea*

alri well lads, thats me done for the rest of my life haha

Northern Belgium should go to the Netherlands
Southern part should go to France

And Poland should get most of it's land back too

yeh and he had the sense to fuck off to a relevant place that has its own identity.

We became KANGZ of your country and all the merchants moved to London and we became poor and worthless who couldn't afford an army.

stayed in kuala lumpur for two days overlooking the petronas towers which were amazing, all I did was eat street food, go up the petronas bridge and walk about the lake gardens

then went on to bali for the rest of the holiday stayed in a beach hotel, went to see shit loads of temples like that

*leaves barcelona to join the A-league*

ah yes

never realised how much i fit in on /r9k/

bit worrying

For the person in the old thread.

Not tryin to gimmick, just tired of being asked.

>at least I don't instantly get called a nigger like in Sup Forums

that's a lot of fucking implications mate

Netherlands is as much a non-country as Belgium tbqh, fucking land thieves

the dutch are really the original merchants

good lad. it's nice not being a scrub isn't it.

Daily reminder that Mulholland Drive is a GOAT film


I don't want to go to chelsea

>google runt farm to see what comes up
>link to a blog that collects greetexts comes up
>click on it
>it's one of my old runtposts from back in its infancy

which one of you utter ballbags runs this site

how's /blackgfuganda/ coming along?

how have you been to so many countries?

uganda be kidding me !

now post a picture with your skin showing

Northern Belgium and the Netherlands should go to the 4th Reich
Southern Belgium and France should also go to the 4th Reich

remember that absolute nutter who went to japan and just posted all day on /brit/

like smdh could've done that without leaving the uk lmao
*posts the laughing face*

Nice lad, house party at yours? as long as I don't get killed going over there

Hello fellow african

The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion

>98% of Somalian girls and women have had their clits chopped off


tell me about Enoch Powell lads

who was he?

yes well they should've bloody introduced credit when the British did

simply being a loser doesn't make you like them, you have to blame it on women too

Wow I've met a real life Ugandan billionaire


You guys are still commonwealth so it's okay.

I've got dozens of them emailing me tbf

holy shit

on the matter of pastries, danes vs frogs

>98% of American males have had their dicks chopped off

all the european ones were basically family hoildays, finland was cheap for sking and I just saved up for the maldives and indonisia

ps i'm not rich by any means

How do normal people live their lives so well? How do I turn off my brain and become a work zombie?

a sure sign we oughta go freedom the shit out of east africa, tee bee aytch

looks better than all big brand packaging. i'd defo buy it for my solid 7 brunette northern girl with hairy forearms

all without their consent too

haha i love islam! so glad its here in Europe!

wait.. wait WHAT

link me

business idea: $3000 for a hug

Close the third eye, permanently

I've had a few chances to lose it I just have a 5 inch willy and am massively anxious about it

I've gone down on three girls but when it came time to get my willy out I froze up every time and made excuses

i blame everything on myself desu, maybe i'd try blaming my parents if my brother didn't turn out okay, apart from being gay.

>tfw no sophie gf


old school Tory politician; campaigned to not join the common market (EU) and made this speech youtube.com/watch?v=1cn7dDF74yE which created the first SJWs.

get into a viscous cycle of pointless spending and debt so that you have no other option but to justify your work to ensure your future

or get married and have a child, same thing really

Can't believe most of you think that the earth is round.

Pack of absolute idiots, the lot of you.

top kek

greentexted DOT blogspot DOT co DOT uk/2016/02/british-runt-farm DOT html

fucking spam filters

yeah, it's a spheroid

I love those pagoda-type houses, I wonder how much room (if any) there actually is at the top
Did you see any traditional music performances etc. while in Bali?
meeting an australian at the pool bar in >his crocodile dundee hat telling me how he chops snakes heads off with a machete

when will the media report on corbyn being just another lying cunt of a politician?

Spokesman for the Wolverhampton blood bank

shant be going to that

It's easy when you don't try because you've got crippling anxiety

meme-arrowed the wrong part there, silly me

delet this

wasn't for you, runt

it was for Bruce