

I know that feel

30℃ in my city today


what is that in real measurements


Like 77ish mayb?
30 is hot
20 is nice
10 is cool
0 is ice

> >24℃
Pretty comfy imo. 20℃ in Moscow today


30 is scorshing
20 is hot
10 is nice
0 is cool

F suks

>implying that a bad weather
Tell me your cтaнцию мeтpo

bretty gomfy if i do say so myself

My nigga, desert dwellers just don't understand.

>a bad weather
cкaжи мнe твoю cтaнцию мeтpo. Aнглийcкoмy тeбя нayчy

thats not catchy though



That's cool

>20 is hot

+35c is the ideal temperature for me on a day off.

Norway is an absolute weather shithole.



15c shame on you yeaurope hotter than africa

Comfy atm, rain for tomorrow but that's hangover day, so no worries.

I am Norwegian, of Norwegian descent. Cold, wet climate is cancer.


it is


It is not.

decent enough but you only really feel it if you go outside, above 25 is worthy of my sweaty essence

5-15c is the comfy zone. it's also best temperature to work outside

Do you dress like this during the summer then?

Protip, you're not supposed to. Shorts and t-shirt, then throw away the t-shirt whenever you can.

>implying Finns wear gay ass Nordic cardigans

30 - Way too hot
20 - Hot
15 - Perfect
10 - Decent
0 - Okay

40 - hot
30 - normal
25 - perfect
20 - chilly
15 - fucking cold as shit
10 - beyond freezing, kill me
below 10 - I am now literally ice incarnate

It is though

bit autistic desu
25 is definitely hot we can all agree to that
15 is chilly
20 is inbetween. Might be slightly hot depending on humidity

I prefer 15-20℃ desu
I hate summer (´・ω・`)

>20 is hot

30 and above is death
25 is hot
20 is quite good but can be a bit hot
15 is god-tier
10 is decent, quite comfy, and perfect if you're doing any outdoors activities
5 is a bit chilly
0 is a very shitty temperature; warm enough for snow to melt and for everything to be wet, icy, etc. but still cold enough to be unpleasant. The worst is when there's icy rain, god that sucks.
-5 is chilly but comfy
-10 is a bit cold but still okay
-15 is cold
-20 is very cold
-25 and below is freezing and very unpleasant


25 °C

24℃ is my usual AC setting

35 incredibly hot and uncomfy
30 hot and uncomfy
25 warm and acceptable
20 warm and comfy
15 kinda cool and comfy. perfect temperature
10 chilly and not really comfy anymore
5 cold and uncomfy
0 cold af


>29°C, I believe I am in a volcano.

>299.15 kelvins

35 hot
30 normal
25 cool
20 chilly
15 cold

other temperatures do not happen here

40+ hot
0-40 livable


Faggots, I'm still alive!

Fuck you China and America. Stop heating up the world with all your carbon. It's too hot

25 is respectable with zero wind or clouds.