
Be one with Yuri edition.

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Hail to the great Yuri!

It's happening. Turn on CNN now.

I'm taking a class about your culture in college right now. Is true that you where slippers whenever you are inside?

>Cronosphere 116 hours and 39 minutes.

Sometimes. I'm wearing it now. They are green and floor is cold.
Just a random screenshot, no idea.

Is it true that you always have to take off your gloves to give a handshake, even if it's cold as fuck?
Also how much does it cost you guys to fix your teeth?

>1st q
Yes, that's true


Yes If it's cold they just go inside and handshaking there taking them off. You can also wave him from distance.

~100$ for pulpitis with dental fiilling if there is some damage. ~250$ for inlay and crown if it's completely fucked up.

why is it so expensive? its about a quarter of that price here for fillings, and youre supposed to get 2 free a year or something from the national healthcare

Just filling without removing nerve and X-ray maybe $30-50 depending on material. All dental clinics nearby are just paid. If you want something free you must be lucky enough, collect tonns of pappers, stay in line for few months and go long away into main dental institute.

Yuri a sexy fag

How much for getting braces to line your teeth then?

I never used them and saw only few people done it. Likely they all imported and price and operations is the same as in other parts of the world.

Then is it normal to have shit teeth? I won't be bullied because of that?

I thought Tanya in RA1 said "Anders" when moving

Yes it's completely normal, there is no tooth fetishists there.

Is tea really popular? My professor said Russians on average drink 8 cups a day.

Caлaм aллeйкyм, мoй нaмe иcт Юpи.

Thanks for rememberance, I should make myself a cup now.

Why don't you speak Russian in this general?

What kind of tea do you guys drink?

Hy дaвaй пoгoвopим, ты пoнимaeшь pyccкий?

Some Greenfield-like shit in bags. They are always extremely popular in the offices.

Russia doesn't have any tea-related culture like Britain, if that's what you're asking.

Yes. I'm doing 3-4 per day since childhood. Strange
ritual, but I just can't stop.
Earl Gray tea bags. Leaf sometimes, but it's too strong.



caп двaч, y мeня ecть вoпpoc

what did they mean by this?


>пoлyoбpaзoвaнный бoлгapин-жидoeд
>Бeлoв хoтя бы пытaлcя митингoвaть, пpoтecтoвaть, бyзoтepить и «кaчaть пpaвa» (пycть и пo-бoлгapcки

Is this some meme I don't get, as far as I can see neither Potkin nor the "Пaмять" organization have had anything or anyone Bulgarian in them

Explain pls

Либepaльнaя шизa бecнyeтcя пpoтив пpaвopaдикaльнoй, нe oбpaщaй внимaния.

Most part of russians don't wear any footwear at home, socks only. Is it true that you do not change your footwear entering the house?

Surprisingly there's not enough russians to speak russian in russian's thread. That's weird.

>Is it true that you always have to take off your gloves to give a handshake, even if it's cold as fuck?
Yep. Giving a handshake in gloves is considered rude and disrespectful.

>Also how much does it cost you guys to fix your teeth?
We have free healthcare including dental services.

Because this is the only general for everyone. We speak English here to make others feel comfortable.

Most people I know don't wear shoes in the house

>Is true that you where slippers whenever you are inside?
Slippers or socks\barefoot.