Do you want to live long Sup Forums?

Do you want to live long Sup Forums?

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I want to live forever to be honest, life is good.

at least long enough to see the destruction of my race

Eternal life and eternal youth are two different things.

i wanna rest from all of this muslim shit fammm

I don't really wanna live tomorrow

But it is already happening.

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuk no

He's not 145, retards.

I can go right now.

Yes, I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, even if that means watching the world burn

dunno I want so see humans on Mars I guess
or at least some nice world war that I manage to survive somehow

I'm 28 and I'm ready

Fuck no

I am Boshido and so I must say no to eternal life

I want to die, quick and painless.

Shotgun's your best bet for that

>145 years old

Basically impossible for a human being. This guy and his documents are bullshit. The oldest living person with actual, verified documents was 116 years old when they died.

Death in our sleep is a luxury few of us can afford

Imagine every deadly form of cancer you can think of?


I've had a relative who's died of it. One grandfather died of pancreatic cancer at 50, and another died of some unknown cancer at 35. I'm not going to last too long, so I focus on trying to do good with the time I have left.

shit genes mang
don't reproduce please

proud to be an american

ew no I don't want to live long enough to deal with health problems and people asking me why I'm not married/have no kids

so I'm off'ing myself at 30 or 35 probably.

I have no plan to. I didn't even get into the debilitating mental illness that my grandmother had (though, thankfully, I was spared it.) I'm engaged girl with two young kids of her own and I figure the best thing I can do is try to be a father for them. I also plan to donate my body to a medical school.

>current oldest person in the world was 15 when WW1 started

don't like life much honestly

Same here

when the day comes I will just shoot myself

Please live long enough for us to help better study you

t. Researcher.

>some posters that given you a (You) has killed himself sometimes ago

Does anybody really wanna go in their sleep though? It sounds really nice and peaceful, but going suddenly in your sleep from heart failure or whatever is scary as fuck to me. What if you had an unresolved issue with someone you loved? Or wanted to tell somebody something before you died? It doesn't matter to you obviously, because you're dead; but given the choice I'd rather know roughly when I would die so I could get a bunch of shit off my chest. The last thing I'd want is to die after an argument or raw period with someone I loved without ever being able to make amends with them. I'd never want to leave them with the guilt.

I'll live as long as I can. No desire to kill myself. When I die, you can cut me open.


Just pray that CRISPR becomes a real thing before you die desu

pancreatic cancer is literally the worst shit ever

if you've got that best to take the noose, it's not gonna be a fun ride. had a relative who died that way

i want to die already

When these things become possible all politics will start with "THATS NOT ETHICAAAALLLL" after 20 years they'll made some laws and half a century after it was possible it will start being a thing

There are already martians on earth

I fear to die, so yes

My fear is driving me crazy.

Enjoy every moment meh

I pray God everyday to strike me with deadly thunder

>This will be literally me in a week
And you can't stop me

Have a few beers, play some vidya, and stop being a bitch.

the governmenment confirmed it

My life has been shit since childhood so I want to live actually for some time. I don't care if it is a short time.

I thought it was that french lady who was like 125 or something

My great great grandmother just died like 6 years ago and she was 108

I'm getting sad when I look at old people. Don't want to be like them, better kill myself.


go to east indonesia

Can't buy those in Europe, RETARD

Everyone who's ever lived has had to face death, why should you be any different?

Can't you get Funs in Germany?

>forced to wear diapers
>life in a retirement home with other old people
>fed and washed by people you don't know
>you and your wife look like trash bags
>have to breathe through a tube
No thanks
I'd rather die at the age of 60

My grandpa is 90 and he doesn't need any of that shit.


I've been in a retirement home once and honestly I'd kill myself rather than living in such conditions

>Dozens of verified people aged 115 to 117
>one outlier at 119 and another at 122
>next oldest guy is 145
I'm not buying it, they all claim this shit. At least pick a reasonable number.

I have too, shits depressing. The staff treat them like shit too where I worked. Then again, it was in one of the worst ranked hospitals in the country, so it's not necessarily the norm.

Still, I'd rather neck myself than be a patient there.

Eh, what. You can get 12 gauges in most of Europe.

Yes you can.


You people are soulless, why would you dump your parents or grandparents like garbage?

>tfw 3 uncles in their 80s
>tfw one of them lives in a small apartment and travels all around America constantly, alone
>other two are alright
I hope to be like them if I get to my 80s.

Dunno, most people here do it because they have no time to care for old people

No I wouldn't there is quality of life to consider as well.

Fuck yeah I do, and with this new CRISPR shit it's gonna happen.
I'm gonna be shit posting on this fucking board for the next 1,000 years at least.

>humanity has existed for 200,000 years
>you managed to be born in the 1900's
>tfw you will likely die 5 years before immortality technology is discovered

We're all gonna make it.

>worthless pieces of shit will be immortalised
>you won't be one of them

Too much this

Depends, I used to want to live forever, now not so much

>Both sides of my family all lived to 80+
>No family history of cancer or diabetes
>Even the ones who drink and smoke nonstop still live relatively long and healthy lives

>hey grandpa could you share some of your knowledge

You woudn't have the money to pay for this shit

Meh i might live till my late 30's but i really don't expect to live too long.

What's the point going past 80?

I hope I die before I get old

>>humanity has existed for 200,000 years
>>you managed to be born in the 1900's
6% of all humans ever born are alive today, it's not that unlucky

No. Really old people suffer every day of their life and are stuck in hospitals, surrounded by apathetic, sleepless, overweight nurses and doctors.

There isn't a single country in the world that doesn't allow shotguns (aside from NK maybe)

>literally EVERY single ancestor died at age of 70 +- 2 years
>I'm not even kidding, literally every one at that little time interval
>26 years old
>my time is ticking

Feels weird man. Although it's probably going to take too long in the end.

I feel like once I get my life together I'll be diagnosed with some rare form of cancer and die in my early 30s to be honest with you familia.

That's just you making excuses for slacking off you lazy nigger

I've actually improved my life quite a bit in the last years.
Went from obese virgin neet to having a job and losing a ton of weight/got fit learned how to socialize a bit and have had a few gfs. Still have room for improvement tho. Js both sides of my family have a history cancer and diabetes.

Meant for

I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up to adults. But I also don't wanna keep living if every day is painful or I have alzheimer's.

Yes, I hope to have kids one day, and i would love to be with my family but that is a selfish need, we must all die when it is our time, just make sure you have lived a life you will not be embarrassed about when your future generations see you

Immortality doesn't exist.

No and I'm not planning to go past 70.