Japanese websites

Daily reminder to all Sup Forums users that there are Japanese websites literally dedicated to translating Sup Forums threads in Japanese so netouyos can talk about them without bothering to learn English.



netouyos ruins everything, they are the cancer of japan and int

topkek this is hilarious and kind of pathetic at the same time

From the little Japanese I currently know, I can say that that English-to-Japanese translator makes a good translation about half the time. Are netouyos aware that they are literally getting brainwashed by their own echo chamber?

Oh, the irony...

It's not just Sup Forums, there are also blogs dedicated to selecting 2ch threads.

They're among the most popular Japanese websites, more so than 2ch itself. It's kind of like Japanese r/Sup Forums.


>tfw you will never know about the netouYous your posts have generated

the most pathetic part is that they tend to translate only pro-japan posts to satisfy netouyos, and you can see those butthurt netouyos on Sup Forums who came to know the reality here, even though 99.9% of them still don't since they can't into english for shit, lel

nah, most don't, so they buy into what those blogs make it out to be, resulting in swarm of netouyos who believe that japan is the most beloved nation on earth..

Kek, I imagine ninja japs reading this sited with stone faces

I know these sites, very disgusting desu
and the worst part is they make money just by translating our posts

but you are not Japanese desu

Holy shit for what reason?

yes, i am, i just don't like them because they can't handle banter, always go apeshit and ruin threads

to make shekel

Someone should make a site where they translate those posts so we can know what the japs think of our shitposting.

because those bloggers can earn money (by affiliate marketing, I believe)

How much money do they even make with this shit? It can't be that much.

But why would anyone be interested in reading translated Sup Forums shitpost?

How are you able to speak English if you're from japan?

I guess the main readers are just ordinary Japanese who are not good at English

Not everyone from Japan speaks elementary school English.

t.Have actually talked to with Japanese people in English

i havent seen any of them because it must be cringeworthy as fuck
also they surely breed a bunch of retarded netouyos who come here and post 2ch trash without leaning english

japanese internet is seriously corrupting and isnt worth reading and staying in.
its riddled with business and commercial sites all the way around, such as affiliate driven sites run by NEET/jobless netouyos like that, and very nerdy anime commercial sites, which go in a similar business direction.

you cant find anything other than it anymore. in fact, even blogs, which arent commercial, are mostly dying there.

dunno, but major translation blogs have lots of web traffic, so it wouldn't be that bad for neet bloggers. maybe thousands of bucks a month.

they don't know what Sup Forums is in the first place. they think you guys are just common foreigners.

In those blogs your English is always tarnslated to Japanese in an awkwardly friendly way of speaking than you would imagine.

I just saw that. Even through google translate you can tell they removed the swearing and ethnic slurs.

>tfw you can't be a netouyo and make mad dosh just by translating some memes on the internet

We should have threads where we translate it back to English and see if they translate them again, and so on.

i don't think they translate it if it's meant to make fun of them.

the business model is only lucrative when your people are incredibly shit at english xD

>people get paid to translate my shitposts

>they think you guys are just common foreigners.

O-oh... Okay...

delete this thread
so embarrassingu desu

Jokes on them lads, I haven't made a single valuable post in years. I purposely avoid doing so.

Also, if nobody speaks English there...who is to check the translation?

Ps fuk nips

That's adorable

>Ps fuk nips
rude or cucked by the western posters on Sup Forums

nobodys gonna check it because they suck at english and it doesnt matter for the contents itself. all they need is plausible one, not realistic one.


So you're telling me someone is paid to translate everytime I post

>tfw finnish gf

Netouyos are greatest allies, they like french language

What is a netouyos?

not everytime but on japan-related threads, and you have to side with japan as well.

try posting something like "i like japan, their food is GOAT, in particular Takoyaki!" next time, it would be translated for sure.

So my thread Japan sama was translated ?

japanese alt-right

Nothing wrong with the alt-right though desu

alt rights are still new in the west, its still fresh and gets new comers and outsiders managing to keep some logicalities. but when it comes to a stop, they are going to be into a massive circlejerk, out of hand, rotten to the core like netouyos.

i don't know as there are shitloads of translation blogs and i don't watch them, though it's possible, considering your topic :D

I feel used, like a whore :_:


Wtf, does any other country do this?

Also you forgot to mention they usually only translate threads that are positive about Japan/negative about S. Korea etc.

I hate both netouyo and payoku (left-wingers)
both are very hysteric, neet, and cannot handle banters well

right but its the same as racebait/clickbait articles in the west. making assholes buttmad also can make money. so they also translate threads against japan.
fuck off netouyo

kek, kill yourself retarded netouyo

see? this is a typical reaction of brainless payoku
they are retard just like netouyo
I hope both of them disappear from Sup Forums

So payoku are sjws and netouyo are Sup Forumstards?

Holy shit, we got more in common than i realized.

japan dont shit in family mart

t. alt right

he meant sayoku