
Texan county seals edition

Previous thread ### FAQ ###

>what is /flag/?
Originally created for the sole purpose of collecting flags, /flag/ is now a general for the discussion of vexillology and other things.

>how do I collect flags?
Click on the flag (it should open in a new tab) and save it. There is a link to a world template below.
To save extra flags, just right-click on the flag as it is displayed.

>how many flags are there?
>which flags are identical to others?
>are there any unobtainable flags?
>what are the boxes on the world template between Iceland and Greenland?
>why do I see Andorran flags that say 'Unknown' when hovered over?
Information on Sup Forums's flags can be found at i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>what are extra flags and how do you get them?
Click the link in the links section below, and follow the relevant instructions. If you're having difficulties feel free to post in the thread for help.

>what is my flag?
You have to install the extension and set up your flags before people can see them.

>is the script malicious?
No, it is open-source and you can view the code on GitHub.

>how does the script work?
It stores users' selected flags with their post numbers in a database, and retrieves them when a page is loaded. IPs are not accessed.

>how do I request for a flag to be added?
Posting in the thread is usually enough for a manager to see it. You don't have to make the flag yourself.

### LINKS ###

About Sup Forums's flags:

World template:


Flag Fixer:
github.com/flagzzzz/Sup Forums-Flag-Fixer
github.com/karakalpak/Sup Forums-Flag-Fixer (fork for added aesthetic compatibility with Extra Flags)

Extra Flags:
github.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums

Regional templates:

SHut up I was first

Doesn't even have a proper subject.

Also yours isn't the proper sticky

You too.Because it's supoosed to be /flag/tism


Using this thread because dubs

Also fuck you suddenlink, put me back in the US

Shitty name that Greek cunt came up with, never been a fan of it personally

Why you such a cunt lately?

I'm not gonna let Quebec outdo me, so I'll bump this thread

Don't be rude my man


This is our home now, lads.


Do you have periods ?

>no kosovo

Now I'm mad >:(

It's a linguistic map.

You're a linguistic map

What did you just say?

I just think you and OPLK are annoying as fuck

I just said







What the fuck did i do you cunt

You're a cunt aswell

Why? I can understand Quebec, but what about OPLK, he literally did nothing wrong.

Why OPLK ? He doesn't deserve hate ?

Your posting style pisses me off because I'm an unreasonable perfectionist


>Your posting style pisses me off

>tfw not part of the circlejerk
I'm ok with that, actually. I'm here for the flagfus.


>I'm here for the flagfus.

I don't understand why mommy and daddy are fighting

Post Sao paulo mesoregions map,pls.I didn't have the time to save it
I love you too :3

There is autism and then there is autistic drama.

There, laddie.

>There is autism and then there is autistic drama.

Which one does this fall under?


>not part of Quebec

I'm kinda triggered right now, not gonna lie

Oh and also that wifeposting, thats probably the main reason

Shitty posts like "explain"

MG has so pretty darn good regional flags.

Why would Louisiana be part of Quebec?

We don't want swampniggers though

Is that a weird version of the flag of Middlesex? Also the Outer Hebrides uses the county flag.

>Louisiana be part of Quebec?

Louisiana has a deep French heritage, the same as Quebec.

fuck you, you cuck, real Acadians left and went down to Louisiana

You really do get periods dont you?

I got that one off the internet. Some Britcunt might be able to answer you better.

Fort Bend county here

>the county flag.
The council* flag

>fort bend

More like Fort Bend over amirite?

Do they speak French, too?

Your regional flags aren't showing.

Do you want a ''No fun allowed'' thread ?

Consistently annoyed with you for a while so no

Yes they speak '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''French''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Not trying to change shit, just saying what I think for the first time

Wife posting other than yesterday have not done that shit in ages. And asking you to explain something is annoying?

>Do they speak French, too?

Look up Cajun French, it's basically turning into a dead language since Anglos forced French speaking people in Louisiana turn learn English or be publicly embarrassed.

Quebec '''''''''''''''''''''french''''''''''''''''''''''

If you really want serious discussion this is the wrong place

>Lemme tell you something about your family

>Lemme tell you something about your family


Do you think megaregions will have their own flaga at one point, or are they going to be lazy and just use the one from the city with the biggest population?

>megaregions will have their own flaga at one point

Mega regions are a meme

If you really want mentally stable people who can control their emotions well this is the wrong place

Will be going now for ~45min

Quebecois, Cajuns, Acadians,etc... are part of a great family

Never said such thing

Have been nitpicking at small shit for ages and no one's noticed?

>Quebecois, Cajuns, Acadians,etc... are part of a great family

Yeah, but how does that imply that I said anything about your family?

I don't really care anymore, rather be Cajun than an actual Frenchman

I hold extreme grudges for the most minor of things

Is Marion part of the Great Lakes megaregion?

What do you think of me sempai? :)


If so you hate 90% of people that have ever visited this general?

I want a Great Lakes flag.

Second option.

You will soon cry,babe

Third option. This one seems relevant to Indiana and the French heritage.

Like me and you :,(

I like this flag, make the lakes easier to draw though


Indiana has no French heritage though, it's mostly Germanic

Fourth option.

I meant Louisiana.

Karakpalkak will soon insult you and you'll commit a seppuku

Fifth option.

Sixth option.

>Karakpalkak will soon insult you and you'll commit a seppuku

I don't know my man, I'm like the quality shit poster, everyone hates me for a while, then you get use to me and start to like me.

Seventh and last option.

benis :DDDD

Kek. It's actually supposed to represent the five lakes (five stars) and the water that divides the region.

looks like a benis though :DDDDD

I like this one because it's recognizable and it's easy to draw

Cities in the U.S. seem strange. Most of them follow a grid pattern, which looks artificial and repetitive. In Europe and South America you'll see more 'organic' cities that grow spontaneously.

nuh uh

Isn't that the point of cookie cutter planning?

I miss The Dude and PK

that looks comfy

But I am The Dude though, what are you talking about?

I like natural growth better.

That looks neat, but the buildings look to close to each other, I like wider streets

best one

Where the fuck were you when we played risk?

You aren't him
The dude is a Louisianian living in Livingstong

This one is in Ouro Preto, MG. Natural growth, unplanned buildings, typical European architecture, and fairly spaced.

I don't know if you're trolling with me or not, but I went down to Louisiana to visit my family, I originally lived in Indiana (where i am now) and went down to Louisiana for a visit, it started to flood often so I got out of there and went back to Indiana.

I stopped using "The Dude" because you filtered me :(

We do have some cookie-cutter cities, though. They are usually pre-built.

>I stopped using "The Dude" because you filtered me :(
S-sorry but you never stopped to bully me and you always say ''turn off your script''.

>S-sorry but you never stopped to bully me and you always say ''turn off your script''.

I only used "turn off your script" because OPLK claimed that I have a script and I just played around with the fact that OPLK has no idea what he is talking about. "Turn off your script" is a meme.

Did OPLK kill herself?

>OPLK has no idea what he is talking about
Do you want to die?

1488 get

fugg you mane >:)

Its OPLKes to you Mr

>33 instead of 44

get a better script