Pee in ocean

>pee in ocean
>piss floats over to finland

>cum in somali woman
>baby ends up in sweden


>pee in ocean
>get beheaded for nudity

>be denmark
>lose all your land to cucks

>post yfw it hits you that you have been drinking western europe's pee & poo floating through the rhine al your life

>be swede
>live in worst scandi country
>only joy in life is reminding other scandis about old empire

i feel bad for you

>we border the indian ocean

our country is still 10 times larger than yours

And Russia is many times bigger than Sweden.

Your point being?


ah we ure county a shit


oh shit u gote me D:

>The loos are allready a continetal fecal power

stop posting that meme map

>Red/Yellow spot northwest of Straya


>all that shit near antartica
really makes you think

So nothing has changed.

>that blob off Australia
>Australia has much of antartica claimed

Really makes you think

I'm going to shit in ocean for revenge now

Meme map, it's actually about some Earthquake

That floats to Estonia.

all oceans are already full of whale's sperm

Come on now m8, the Baltic is barely a sea