I fixed the planet

I fixed the planet


You forgot the kingdom of the Canarias

much better, well done cunt

Love it, let's keep it that way. We asimilate Central and South America and saves us the separate conquest of Canada.

Damn, thanks Australia!

I have an improvement, r8.

Fixed that.

U mentally ill moron i hate you kill yourself

wow. ok. i hope u know this is a no-bully zone.

I fixed Europe

>Golonialism will fix everything :--------D


>an improvement
not without the obligatory part

Actually well done.

I like it

A good idea, my family aussie man

What about me?

where the fuck is cuba

Pretty good. Here's a slightly improved version.

Why is Sabina so cute lads ?

Fuck you, newfag. We don't want dansk jävlar. Fuck Israel too.

You don't know what's good for you. Look at the state of your country.
