UK vs Japan
German vs Vietnam
France vs Thai
Spain vs Indonesia
Norway vs India
Syria vs China

Other urls found in this thread:–Siamese_War,_Russians_least

What about Finland?

Finland vs Mongol


Drugs vs Philippines

What about me?

>UK vs Japan
>German vs Vietnam
>France vs Thai
>Spain vs Indonesia
>Norway vs India
>Syria vs China
China (Syria isn't European anyway)

Kazakhstan vs Russia

>UK vs Japan
>Germany vs Vietnam
>France vs Thai
>Spain vs Indonesia
>Norway vs India
>Syria vs China

This is fucking easy. someone post a real challenge that will get heated discussion.

love cute brits desu


>Norway vs india
C'mon dude... Give us something harder

That was USA you mong.

>Spain vs Indonesia

No war, siesta time.

this. Should be European vs European country, the memes and shitposting would go overdrive.


>syria wtf?

that's in asia you retard

50 percent of men in Japan are virgins at age 30. lol, Japan is infantile man country, relax



What about Belarus?

amirite guys

Arbitrary "continent". Syrian Christians and even moors are far more similar genetically and culturallly to Europeans to mongoloids far east.

still sleeping

but 50 percent of men in poor Russia will die by 30, and Russian grills desperately want to get out of your cunt desu

>Norway vs India
This delusional. We can annihilate them in conventional warfare. We won't even need our nukes to defeat them.

What happened Mr. Jap, I thought we were friends

>UK vs Japan
>German vs Vietnam
>Spain vs Indonesia
>Norway vs India
>Syria vs China

You bent your ass for the jews

He's just trolling. India can absolutely fuck Europe. Basically, the world imposed sanctions on India for its nuclear tests, preventing any transfer of missile technology to India. India responded by developing a more advanced missile program than Europe, especially with respect to anti-ballistic missiles.

Igirisu-san ha moe moe desu

Meanwhile they still can't grasp the concept of defecating in a toilet

Well that's true about our missile program. Britain did a very good job in making an English speaking democracy who is accustomed to hearing no, in every continent. They are the one's in Europe, You are the one in Americas and we are the one in Asia.

In Indo-Pak war 99, India requested US to share the GPS locations of its troops but US denied any involvement in war. We won the war but we also made our own GPS system to show you guys a big middle finger, like you care about that.

Soon, we are trying our best to get rid of that shameful tag.


Why not China or Japan ffs?

And a ching chong nip nong to you, old boy

More like Gross Poo Street


America pls

Nah, we call it NAVIC - Navigation with Indian Constellation

No wonder you Shart in Mart.

well my answers for the neithers would have been you guys and syria if it makes you feel any better
and for spain and indonesia I should've put neither, also

hahaha, u brit weeaboo knows our civil war very well, thanks for ur love!

>UK vs Japan


>UK has Japan
>Syria has China
>We've this weird country full of depressed loli prostitutes

Fuck it, man

Tbqh you haven't done well in wars for a whole century now.

It's about wars, culture, relevance...?

The amount of failure in saving your country from terrorist attacks and the leaks of sensitive information regarding military weapons ordered to build in France by other country's makes me wonder how you even have a seat in UN security council.
No offense, but your security sucks more than a 3rd world country.

Modern Kazakhstan is more European than Russia though.

>France vs Thai

We only fought one war with them (and won).

I just have a knowledge of our historical bantering of other nations


Cowards, attacking us at the worst possible time...

t. Designated street shitter

The reason it was your "worst possible time" is because YOU were the cowards.

Too scared of Hitler to strike at the best time and too weak to resist when he invaded you.

And Laos and Cambodia were OUR territory long before you stole it.

Karma bitch.

I'm sure the current beacons of civility and peace that SEA is today was worth it


We simply liberated them, m8

very impressed!
I just have a knowledge of your jobless status and all you do in your mom's basement is shitposting whole day on Sup Forums LOL!

Yes, streets with no designated ISIS truck drivers like in Nice.

From where my country stands? It was very worth it, and would've only been better had Japan won the war.

Can you say the same?

That's rhetorical by the way, the answer is that you can't.

Hence why the UK and France remain at the forefront of science/art/culture while your country has become a giant brothel serving a nation founded as a penal colony for our undesirables who have also eclipsed you in the mere 200 years of their existence. desu the only difference if France did win is you'd be speaking French and not English

You're a glorified mosque and we're one of the best places to live.

Science and art? You're not America, don't pretend you had anything to do with their successes.

The best contribution you gave the world was surrendering the colonies and giving them their independence.

And it's a good thing they got out.

You're just a shithole.

you military lost. japan called for a ceasefire and you were granted territories.–Siamese_War

I never expect asians to be honest desu

>You're a glorified mosque and we're one of the best places to live.

lmao you were victims to terrorist attacks long before we were.

We eclipsed you too m8

The difference is that hundreds of people aren't dying in our capital on a monthly basis.

Paris is basically Bagdad now.

C'est la vie.


Your forces were overwhelmed before Japan intervened. Check your own link, you were suffering higher casualties and were outgunned both in the air and on land.

>one of the best places to live

oh boy

Not for foreigners obviously.

We don't welcome refugees like cucked England and France.


>Russia, Indonesia and Thailand are considered the least welcoming out of 27 countries in the Refugees Welcome Index

But for ourselves? You won't find a better off people.,_Russians_least

depends what refugees
russia was very welcoming to the refugees from donetsk

Sure England and France are shitholes but their still infinitely better than fucking Thailand lmao. And you guys still get regular terrorist attacks, it's just that nobody gives a fuck about them so they don't make front page news outside of Thailand. When a first world country is attacked the world stops and pays attention.

>But for ourselves? You won't find a better off people
he says as he unironically lives in a """developing nation"""

all memes aside m80, you're delusional if you think you standard of living can touch the west
our underclass lives better than you

>regular terrorist attacks

Nobody cares here either because most of them are in the south and committed by and against through Muslim minority.

It's contained, unlike in the West where it's hitting their capitals and wiping out hundreds.

The first and only time Bangkok had a major terrorist attack was last year, with only 20 dead. Compare that to France where hundreds die.

Also by all metrics Thailand is a better place to live. Better employment, less stress, affordable goods and no threat from foreign criminals.

Thailand is objectively better and happier, it's a fact. Best place to visit and best place to live (if you're Thai).

Check any index or survey, England and France are inhospitable shitholes compared to us.

Your pollution is also terrible because like most East Asian countries you have no concept of environmental protection.

Thailand is classified as "newly industrialized" actually, the same as South Korea in the 1980s.

And no, most of your people are overworked and miserable. Most Thais I've talked to who go to Paris say it's a shithole with blacks and Muslims and rude french faggots everywhere.

They're always glad to come home and we use countries like yours as reminders of why they should be happy to be Thais and proud scions of the Chakri Dynasty.

France is objectively a shithole.

>Also by all metrics Thailand is a better place to live. Better employment, less stress, affordable goods and no threat from foreign criminals

Is that all you have?

Good, at least we're at the stage where you're just grasping at straws.

>Thailand is classified as "newly industrialized" actually
ah yes literally in the same boat as such utopias as turkey, india, malaysia, brazil and mexico

truly an elite club of civilisation

I'm sorry, I forgot to tag that with a reminder of what you are.

Hell I'm probably talking to a muzzie right now, aren't I?

By all means enjoy your multicultural empire. Howling indeed.

Civilization? Oh yes. Yes I would certainly say a society that doesn't have gatherings like this on a regular basis is civilized.

Ignore them if you like, I've got oodles.

I think terrorism and pollution are factors that effect liveability imo. Not to mention the poverty.

>Is that all you have?
No, I just can't be fucked writing all the reasons Thailand is a shitty country. You have nice food though I guess.

not even 5% of our population is muslim (or asian, indian, or paki)

meanwhile our GDP per capita is $41,787 to your $5,778
france is the same and the US is even higher with AUS being even higher still

you quite literally aren't even in the same league as us

Lies and slander aren't reasons.

I won't re-address your debunked claims, but neither will I say anything about Australia because there's nothing to say.

You're unremarkable. Behind the banter and full memes, you're utterly banal. Have at it.

No, it's you who aren't on the same league as us.

Convenient that you leave out cost of living and unemployment.

Whatever fits into your narrative of lies and fading relevance.

Yep looks like paradise

but look at how beautiful it is!

>GDP per capita is $41,787 to your $5,778
>That much Idiocy
Do you know why MNCs outsource? Its not because that we Asians are sub humans and are almost working for free but because we can acquire the same number of resources that you can in way way less because of our cheap commodity and low oil prices and very high Dollar to Local currency rates.

A guy earning 3000 USD per month can buy the same number of resources (digital or conventional) like a guy earning 600 USD per month in India.


me coming home to my thai mansions

>Muslim on Muslim violence


We're the future, not you.

You no longer matter, though it's debatable whether you ever did matter.

Your inferiority complex is showing

Mmm yes I imagine it must be odd seeing a river where you can't fish for Qurans.

Name one Australian accomplishment of note.

Then we'll talk of complexes.

>We'the future
and what a future that will be, Fuk Yoo

>somebody chucked a bunch of quarans into a picturesque canal
meanwhile in thailand

Haha I've been to England, it's shit.

Total piss on a stick.

Topping HDI charts despite being founded as a prison colony on a desert island on the ass end of the earth. There's literally nothing you can say to upset an Australian, I simply don't give a fuck about you or your opinions.

Yes, I'm sure when you're used to such standards of Thai living, visiting England would be a shock to you.

And yet you keep replying.

All joking aside, admit it.

England is shit. Come on man, just admit it. I'm not trying to upset you, I promise, but come on.

It's pretty fucking bad. You don't even see the sun, it's a wonder you haven't killed yourself.

It's okay to admit it, it's just us here, no one else.

ah yes a single caravan in wales that looks like it was either ransacked or exposed to be bad weather is on the same level as thailand's numerous slums or literal sea of waste

you're a joke thailad

Come on lad, we both know England is utter shit. It's a cesspool and that's putting it bloody mildly.

You know it, I know it. There's no need for any song and dance about it. No ring around the fucking rosy like a bloomin caravan with its brakes slit.

Just admit it.

Tell you what, you admit England is complete and utter garbage, and I'll admit Thailand isn't perfect. That we can work on some things.

That sound fair?

Take it, come on now. It's alright, just take it.

You're not gonna get a better bargain than that m8 I'll tell you right now.

>blurry picture from what looks to be the 70s

hmm yes you've surely convinced me mr. ladyboy

>It's Sup Forumstard subhuman vs subhuman thread

Fucking this thread. Roll for your one night stand