
korean pop edition

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off to my interview

M8 you look like a fucking womaniser.


Ahh yes, so called ''british'' blacks



When I woke up this morning I had a new Tinder match but when I went to check it she'd already unmatched me, and now I can't tell if it was the fit Catholic girl I went to primary school with.


really makes you think


just got back from signing on and on my way I walked past 4 really qt girls

didnt say anything to them though, but could a sniff of them so that was nice

ah nice one playa

I don't know if you you know this, but not alot of british people know how to read Japanese

Just made creamy pasta soup lads


waiting at the dentists lads aha

post pic

23 degrees and sunny? Not a fan

yeah mate dentist here, we've just been over your x-ray there's nothing we can do you're going to die sorry

>yeah mate dentist here

Battering the Asian gf with a sack of oranges tonight for leaving her dishes on the dining table, will be quite fun (and it leaves no bruises behind)

Need a bf but I'm an ugly manlet with a small willy :(

haha you put bf instead of gf lmaoooo gaylord



dentist here lads, patient coming in soon is some pommy cunt, gonna fuck his teeth up (moreso than what is natural for a brit! haha)


haha you're right what a bender that bloke is

>two japs in /brit/

>Implying our home away from home is any different
Ha, gud1 Dundee.


feeling very sad and alone

haha dental nurse here just been having a good laugh about how badly the next patient is going to get fucked up.

the dentist still doesn't know I come in his tea every time I make it haha slurps it up like a complete poof

what a gaylord am i right

*pokes your willy*
haha, thats nothing
*unzips my pants*
darn right

I want a japanese gf



Japs explain why you need TWO cameras when touring British Heritage sites please.

kiss on the penis :)

gonna have a shower that always gets me motivated

I am simultaneously freezing cold but also hot and sweaty

mate are you like black or what


gonna watch some pom have his shower lads, he's quite a qt

just did a workout



Wog cunt

Applied for a job at Curry's yesterday lads and had a dream about going to the interview and getting the job lel


He's from Bradford, so nearly

waiting in my shower with a cricket bat for this peeping aussie to come around the corner

going to splat him like the runt he is





haha I had an interview for pc world years ago and they made me sell them a laptop

>"Please describe the functions of this item"
>tell them all the specs what It can handle etc
>"You forgot to add in all the anti virus and other 3rd party software you need to sell them"
>no one wants that shit
>"thank you for coming"

didnt get the job

>mfw I used to watch that davidsfarm channel when I was young

Apparently the bloke is a paedo

is that filthy australian here? wanted to let him know that he's a cunt and that i made sweet love to his mother last night

Just on break at work lads haha.

Bit rude. My Bangladeshi neighbours would object to being called 'blacks'.

Is Josh on here?


*hides in the u-bend of your toilet*

*peeps at you go toilet*

hehe got a runt in my sights....


Hence "nearly"




WOAH toyed with the idea of an online dating profile for more than thirty seconds just then


Feel a bit left out wth these lads speaking Japanese

It's like when Pakis speak Urdu cos you can't understand them

dodged a bullet there lad

tinder? otherwise you're in the wizard zone I'm afraid

ta tu homogneasach

Rare Choon


parents are out all day should I go apeshit and order lunch or make something

>order lunch

fuck off rich posh southern twat

Can I come to your house an wank you off?

man was thinking OKC because i have no phone atm (at the moment)

really close shave

lot less fit bird on tinder 2bh

not getting as many matches as before either

it's gone to shit by the looks of it

Take the time to go through your fathers porn collection

Going to pretend I didn't read this vile post

I've had an interview with Currys before and the bloke said WELL IF WE DIDN'T HAVE OTHER INTERVIEWS I'D HIRE YOU RIGHT NOW

Didn't hear anything back, had to ring them up and find out that I hadn't got the job.

I know that they make all their money on warranties and software.

desu I'm not a salesy person and don't have retail experience so I doubt I'll get an interview let alone the job. I have various IT qualifications though which should help.

>why yes i do enjoy women and moderating on the 4chans

>mfw my name is Josh

Heart lurched in my chest when I saw your post.

Self employed, la.

Post runt-tier names


Man's on road (driving in the car)

Bit of a faggot name. Are you're parents middle-class hippycunts?

Sit on the sofa naked and have a wank

>[your name]

Oh in that case carry on then

>pic of black man and white woman
>invariably she's overweight
ah yes....the infamous """bull"""

fuck off yank

southern edition /brit/

Josh is some twat

> Canada

Middle class yes but not hippycunts.

It's a shit name desu and everyone else is called Josh. There were 3 of them in my class at school, people just called us by our surnames.

maybe later on when it's warmer, me nads are a bit chilly right now

prefer to wank when they're all warm and relaxed

Nah think I'll stay on break a bit longer ngl

The ex gf's new bf is called Josh

Looks like a right estrogenised little cunt

anglos shouldn't breed

Alri Joshy boy


Josh is a name for really ugly boys or very cute twink types.

There is no middle ground.

Anglos is a racist term 2bqh