>inb4 phoneposter

Other urls found in this thread:



Not yet user.

Yeah if you refresh it starts working but it shows that the end is near...

Just type "v1 unsupported".

It accepts it.

Sup Forums Pass costs $20 per year, which is about $1.67 per month - or less than a single 20oz bottle of soda.


Fuck off hiro

Just bought one. Thanks for reminding me, Hiro.


You can type anything into those ones, you should be happy.

Increase your life quality, buy a pass instead of that extra can of soda a month

$6 isn't enough for a pass.

Seems like you've been drinking too much soda!

Eh, I only go through a 24 pack a week

Imagine being so retarded you don't just try putting something in to see if it works. This is the state of Sup Forums.

you literally type anything or nothing into it and it works, retards

Basically every other imageboard costs $0 per year, which is about $0 per month - or less than a single Sup Forums pass.

It doesn't work that way for me though. It tells me to type the proper captcha.


Oh sheeeeeeit! I bought an RX580 for something like $165 after rebate last month. Now it's $649? What the actual fuck?!

Honestly I do think Sup Forums Pass is a good deal at Black Friday prices (10$)... but I don't believe Hiro deserves a single cent with all the shit he's been pulling lately.

fuck off phoneshit

aaaaaand apparently I posted in the wrong place. Fuck.

Off topic but why is Sup Forums restricting me from posting about 8ch on Sup Forums?



What a goy.

this is probably the most relevant place to post this, but is autoupdate broken as fuck for anyone else?

There hasn't been update in two years.

Why are there so many phoneposters on Sup Forums? What can a phoneposter possible contribute to technology discussion?

Sorry, I meant on desktop - the native extension's autoupdate in either chrome or firefox is fucked.

>not typing in nigger

>not asdf

Test test

but im saving up for a dragon dildo

I totally would if I didn't get banned so often


>passsing for a pass and still getting served mallicious ads

There are thousands of other imageboards out there. Don't be a stupid cuck.

whenever I see that I just type "nigger", it just werkz.

more v1 unsupported goolag plz

I was actually taking a shit while shitposting and phoneposting also when THAT SHIT HAPPENED.

Just hit the refresh faggots, text will poop up.

>type "v1"
>post successful
Not an issue

works for me

Reminder that nothing is stopping hiro from hosting our own captcha.

He probably can't design one more annoying than Google's, so he'd end up making less off passes if he did that.

Just type any characterit will accept it. I want more of this.

Huh. Cool.

people shilled it a lot when it was new

just type in nigger

We have this thread literally every day you dumb phoneposter, V1 isn't going till March, just hit refresh and you'll get a working captcha

You are alone in your misery. Enjoy the botnet

i finally caved in and bought the 4jew pass. i couldn't deal with it anymore

>giving money to a slanty-eyed jew

nah, i'm good.

>pay for Sup Forums pass
>still get ads that can't be blocked


>browsing Sup Forums other than on mobile

you can literally input any text when that comes up. It's actually quite comfy.

It'll only be a problem when it is completely removed, but I've been visiting less and less since december anyway. I'm training to fight my addiction.

Does Sup Forums pass remove ads and the malware installed on every page, and allow me to post without getting banned?

That's a deal breaker.

> abusing REE as expression of general anger
Surely OP is reddit.

You're on the same botnet we are. You're paying to be on the botnet.

I don't want to use the normie REEEEE captcha

Shit's been popping up on and off for a few days already for me. Just clicking thru the box again usually brings in them words'n'numbers so it's OK.

Get lost.

You guys are panicking too hard. We literally get bs free captcha with this error. Just type whatever and it sends anyway. Enjoy it before they cap it.

>you can only hold one account per computer. doesnt carry over across platforms
>spending money on Sup Forums to begin with

After what you pulled with that malware crap a month ago, no thank you hiro.

There's a reason I use an adblocker: I don't want malware.


why is nu/g/ so fucking stupid. they can't troubleshoot basic shit.
I type "a" in every time and it works fine. go back to fucking Sup Forums if you can't figure this basic shit out

Pass owners don't have this problem.

can you buy a pass without giving your real name

i got mine with a pre paid card i got at cvs

you mean like a prepaid visa card?


fuck off phoneposters, all u nigger loving phooneposters must fucking die

can you use the same Sup Forums pass on your phone and your home comp?

yes, but not at the same time

people like you should not touch the advanced settings.