5 years old

>5 years old
>battery drains from 100% to 70% in five minutes
>emergency shuts down at 50%

Why the fuck do they use Li-Po batteries for their phones and laptops instead of Li-Ion?

Well, time to purchase a chink battery.

I left my 2012 mbp plugged in practically 24/7 since the day I got it.
The battery swelled after ~4 years.
Battery still lasted a good few hours when I need to go unplugged.
I replaced the battery last month.

I can barely get 3 hours out of my 2011 mbp

My parents Toshiba has been plugged in since 2008 and has no battery swelling, why is that such a common MacBook problem

Isn't the toshiba one in a hard case? How would you notice the swelling?

>expecting any 5 year old battery to work properly
Also they use lipo for muh thinness. Apparently you can't make li-ion that thin.

Batteries fail on every device after enough use. The problem with Macbooks is that they make them harder to replace on every iteration.
On my Asus:
>remove screws on back case
>replace battery
On a Macbook:
>remove shitty special screws
>battery is soldered in and glued to the frame

Will Apple replace the battery on the newer laptops if you ask them to? Eg: When you visit one of their stores?
I know they do/did so with older (presumably no glue) laptops.

Isn't the MacBook one in an aluminum case?
Anyways if they had swelled they would have blown the seams on the tightly packed plastic battery casing. I've had a 5s that the battery swelled and broke the glue holding the screen down and it popped out, and a family friend with an older MBP have the battery swell and break the screws holding the panel that covered the batteries, so they had to be drilled out of the holes. And I thought the slowdown thing was a meme but a couple friends have 6esses that have gotten glitchy as fuck and barely any battery life recently

Lipo and liion have the same chemical composition. Lipo uses a polymer electrolyte and polymer case so it can take more 'complex' shapes, although this has no effect on performance.

Actual different compositions that affect quality are, for example, Lithium cobalt, lithium manganese.. nickel manganese, iron phosphate etc etc.
Lithium nickel manganese is good. Still would be called lipo or liion by everyone depending on how it is shaped or wrapped though.

I mean when you open the case. Consider a 2008 toshiba you wouldn't even need to unscrew the case to replace the battery, or?

Nope, it's just a spring loaded catch and it pops out from underneath. What I think maybe is there are more reports of Mac batteries swelling because people tend to keep them for longer but I don't know if thats actually the reason. My roommate recently said to me that his two year old "high end" 900+ dollar HP laptop was getting old for a laptop. I mean the cpu died like weeks later, which I don't understand like it's a low voltage processor and all he does is web browsing. He also wanted to pay 600 dollars to get it repaired instead of buy the $150 replacement motherboard I found him on Amazon that I would install 4free so he would stop bitching to me.

Apple is using chinkshit batteries. Even chinks don't use that shitty batteries. Chinks use genuine 18650 Sanyo, Panasonic, Samsung 18650 @ 2000-3000 mAh 2C discharge rate...

Those are safe as a fuck, and impossibly wearproof.
My 2014 MacBook Air 13" have dropped 30% of capacity, and my Chinks Acer-PackardBell 15" with Phenom II 940 and ATI shitgraphics from 2010 lost the same 30%.

MacBook have more capacity, so in theory it should last longer, but in fact, fuck you, battery is chinkshit.

Because Apple uses shit batteries, that were rolled by dirty chineese hands somewhere in shenzen for 1$.

thankfully the Airs don't have them glued in so I was able to get a $30 battery from Aliexpress to replace it

bump for answers

>Tfw Macbboks and Macbook Pros used to have easily replaceable batteries

>All you had to do was turn the little latch with a quarter and it popped out.

>Now the batteries are soldered to the unibody frame

One more reason Apple can suck my dick.

It's for your own good, user.

>Apple uses cheap batteries from china this sucks. My battery is dying.
>Hey I got a great idea, why not replace it with another cheap or even cheaper battery from china

5 years old
Amazing really.

All you macfags used to make fun of me for having a huge ass battery off the back of my thinkpad

And this is why I use ThinkPads. My shitty 1850mAh battery pack it came with was lasting me like 3 hours, so I got a nice $40 6-cell replacement that's like 5800mAh and it lasts 8-10 hours. It got here in one day through Amazon and all I had to do was turn off my X230, flip it over, and install the new battery by sliding it in.

Good luck getting that battery out of your fagbook.

At work I use a 2011 MBP, I get about 1.5hrs of battery life. I consider this acceptable considering it's 7 years old.

What's not cool is the GPU related kernal panic. Randomly shuts off when switching between the onboard graphics and the GPU :(

Found your problem.

My X201 dies in 10 minutes. My older MBP still goes for 2-3 hours.

At least my computer is the same brand as my phone. That’s essential. It’s not perfect, but you have to choose one brand for everything.

I don't care if you a huge ass battery. You do you.
>caring what the internet thinks about your Thinkpad

>My X201 dies in 10 minutes
Then buy a cheap replacement battery. It's not hard.

>you have to choose one brand for everything
Most retarded thing I've read all day. I hope I'm just experiencing Poe's law and that you aren't serious.

But it’s true, user. One brand for everything makes everything smoother and easier, and you’ll stop thinking about your gadgets and just move on with your productivity.

My point is my Thinkpad is worse than my MBP.

>worse than my MBP.
Not possible.

Exactly. WTF?

>and you’ll stop thinking about your gadgets and just move on with your productivity
No, the opposite is true. I'm not a tech illiterate moron, so spending some of my free time fine tuning my computing experience to fit my own specific needs and preferences is what makes me more productive. I don't need my hand to be held like I'm a child.

You sound like a shill, or at the very least a moron that doesn't understand how batteries work.

Time to buy this year's new Macbook™ user ;)

>You sound like a shill
Because I state a fact and you don't like it? Ok.

It's not like they're guaranteed to last that long. Mine is 6 years old and still runs for about 3 hrs on my MacBook Pro but I'm lucky. More often than not the capacity will be shit before then, and it's not uncommon for them to fail. If you keep it between 20% and 80% you'll get the most out of it, but if you're a fag and bought a laptop just to keep it plugged in 24/7 don't cry when it fucking explodes.

>a fact
Your opinions are not facts. Would you like a fact? The X201 battery can be more easily and quickly replaced than the battery of any recent MacBook. This is a fact.

Correct and another fact is that mine died sooner than my older MBP. Why?

Wait, really? That sucks. Well, at least Apple still officially supports upgrading RAM, of all the things that could be upgraded.

Because batteries are not all made the same. They're made of chemicals that are extremely hard to balance properly and mass produce with consistent results. That's how batteries are. So unless you used your X201 more heavily or abused it in some way, you probably just got a dud. Of course, as an iToddler, I wouldn't expect you to understand jack shit about chemistry. Wikipedia is always there for you if you ever have the desire to stop being a fucking retard.

>14", i7-3630QM, 660M, 8GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, all original components
>only ever opened it to clean it
>battery still lasts over 3.5 hrs
>can get a new one and easily slide it in, no tools needed

Look up planned obsolescence, OP

Why so sensitive? Do you call everyone an iToddler?

>of all the things in the post he chooses to respond to "iToddler"
This is why I called you an iToddler, you stupid iToddler.

Everything else made sense. Calling random people iToddlers was uncalled for.


You obviously dont even know what a LiPo battery is

iToddler yourself.

no u

>t. iToddlers

aluminum is much softer, that toshiba probably gonna explode if you open it up

>thinking batteries are soldered in

a notable difference to someone that opens a thing with such battery is that one of them is hard and made of proper materials and one of them is soft and breaks and might even explode if you dont handle it very carefully.

>thinking the battery is soldered to the uni-body frame

My laptop is from almost 20 years ago and still runs like a dream

Does anybody know how much I could get for this thing? I’d really like to sell it off and get an upgrade, but I’m not sure how to go about it

Li-Po is barely different than Li-ion

I own a 2011 and I get about 1.5 on the dedicated gpu and a couple on the integrated, the battery has over 1300 cycles on it.

But mine has the same dedicated gpu issue where it will lock up and mine won't turn back on again until the battery completely dies.

ill give u $10,000 for it

WOW! Really? No joke?

i used to have one of these as a kid. didn't know what it was for lol

Looks to be in excellent condition. Probably would go for $150-200 on ebay. As a collector of retro machines myself, I wouldn't pay more than $250 for one of those, or maybe $300 with a really good battery. The price really depends on the internals and specs, and having a good battery helps a lot.

Thanks! That helps a lot

is that a toilet seat cover?

Being this dumb in any year....


>5 years old
Why the fuck are you using a 5 year old macbook? You need to buy a new one, anonfag.

>this is what itoddlers actually believe

get cancer and die you fucking consumerist logo worshiper. stop polluting this board with your filth

They'll replace the entire "Top Case with Battery" assembly, which is the aluminium unibody, keyboard, trackpad, battery and microphone all stuck together. It's been this way ever since the Retina models were introduced in 2012. On 2016 or newer models, this can include the touch bar as well.

Can prove very expensive at times. Apple will replace the entire assembly at a reduced battery replacement price, but if the case has so much as a small dent or scuff, the keyboard has an issue or the trackpad is damaged, they'll charge for the entire replacement case at full price, because it's all considered a single part that happens to include the battery. Close to a thousand dollar repair in some regions.


That has less to do with the battery itself and more to do with your usage of it.

If it's been used continuously for these past 5 years, then yeah no shit the battery is dead. That would happen with any laptop.

greedy fucks...

What alternative do you suggest?


Extremely shit cooling compounded with the shittiest legal batteries from chink sweatshops

I just bought a 2010 MemeBook Pro cause some dumbass nigger didn’t know how to unbork his shit. $50. Damn thing isn’t too shabby and he battery holds up like a beast. Can’t believe people paid a $1,000 for a machine like this. Never understood the thermal throttle till I had one melting in my lap.

Funny, on my Mac it was like this:
>Remove phillips head screws
>Remove backpanel
>Remove shitty tri-wing screws
> Remove old battery
>Insert new one
Remember that there still are 2012er MacBooks. Macs have the same "golden age" as thinkpads.

Can confirm, I still have a fully funtioning 2007 macbook.

Yeah, about that...
New MacBooks RAM is soldered onto the board. Better buy enough to begin with!

>Well, at least Apple still officially supports upgrading RAM
Oh boy

Macbook, Macbook air, and Macbook Pro have had soldered ram for years now.
Macbook Air 2014 was the last good Macbook, had a replaceable battery that wasn't glued in, just a couple screws, and a removable SSD with it's own controller, so you could remove it and use it elsewhere.
Macbook and Macbook pro currently have soldered and glued battery, soldered RAM, and soldered SSD.
Mac Mini has soldered CPU and RAM, they used to have replaceable SSD but I'm not sure.
iMac's have removable RAM and CPU's (They didn't used to), 27" iMac's have a RAM door on the back. Depending on the machine you buy, not all SSD slots on the motherboard are soldered, so upgrading in the future is difficult.
iMac Pro's have removable RAM, CPU, and SSD's, but the SSD's controller is on the motherboard, so you can't recover data from them.
Additionally, you can't start up a recovery disk from USB, you need a second iMac Pro to reflash it, like you would an iPhone or iPad.

>tfw refuse to update my 6S past 9.3.5 even though it nags me every day
At what point will they actually stop this shit? Is the lawsuit going to change things?

I thought i'm the only one.