Non-booting linux

>Ryzen 1700
>Ubuntu 17.10
>Kernels 4.12.0-13 to 4.13.0-25
When I try to boot into 4.13.0-25 normally from grub2, the screen remains the same ie nothing happens and doesn't boot, try to recover boot into most 4.13.x kernels gives reports kernel panic and doesn't boot, try 4.12.0-13 almost works but then the screen flashes and I'm staring at pic.
Can anyone tell me what the sweet fuck is going on?

Kernel panic pic

Weird shit.
Did you try reinstalling the kernel to see what happens?

Either the USB drive you used to install is bad or your iso is bad or got corrupted when you wrote it to USB.

Get a different USB drive re download and re install the iso. Also try LTSB instead and use pendrive Linux to write it

It's not your kernel, it's gdm. You messing with your kernel is just fucking it up more. Login with a TTY and try reinstalling gnome or something.

>See 'systemctl status [email protected]' for details.

You are a fucking idiot.

How do I do that?
Yes, the OP post has clearly established that, now what the fuck does that mean and what do I do?

Canonical doing shit
come back to 16.04

Need the 4.11+ support for Ryzen

How the hell does gdm cause a kernel panic? I'm pretty sure OP's grub is fucked.

Try the kernel from

You type systemctl status [email protected] in any tty with a shell and hit enter and it will tell you why it didn't work.

Jesus christ dude.
Append systemd.debug-shell to your grub kernel command line with the kernel that actually boots without hitting the kernel panic and figure out what your broken stupid ass service is doing wrong.

Also if you don't know how to switch tty just press alt+F9 to get to the rescue shell that you appended to your kernel command line in grub after systemd hangs.

install gentoo

no bully plz

>not just waiting a full year for proper Linux support and using Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB in the meantime

You can either reinstall Uganda or literally install gentoo or void or devuan. That fail seems to be on systemD and these distros don't have it.

Or get a distro that isn't garbage like OpenSuse or CentOS

Kernel panic on boot is mostly due to architecture incompatibilities. Did you download the right ISO, user?

>muh stable ubuntu
Meanwhile my 4.14 wir th no problems

Rewrite USB, make sure you got the correct architecture downloaded (32 or 64 bit), boot into EFI and not UEFI because some bioses don't support it etc etc


Because that means that, by default, anything and everything should work without you knowing what you are doing, right? No, Ryzen doesn't give you the ability to safely be a brainlet.

Serious question:
Why is there so much space between "[]" and "OK", but absolutely NO space between "[]" and "FAILED"?

Because the space between [ and ] doesn't change

This. I had the same issue about a week ago.Logged in from shell, updated,rebooted, fixed!