$1500 P51

Nicest computer I've ever had...except..
That touchpad is so fucking bad, is right in the middle. I've accidently clicked off the text box 4-5 times just typing this


Does it thermal throttle?

Apple Trackpad doesn't have this problem. Should have gotten a MacBook Pro.

I've put this thing under some high stress and it barely heats up

would definitely recommend if the trackpad wasnt so fucking autistic

You're supposed to disable the touchpad in bios and use the trackpoint. That's what I do, anyway - nothing beats physical pointing devices and buttons.

Have you fuckers ever heard of a mouse?

GTFO Macfag

easily solved by adding a mouse and disabled the trackpad

who the hell in $CURRENT_YEAR still used trackpad?

You're an idiot. Go back to school.


I'm not 13, unlike you.

You sure sound like a newfag though.

Unironically use the clitmouse or purchase an additional pointing devices that you're most comfortable with and best suites your needs. I'm a long time ThickBad user and I just have trackball mice that I keep in the office and at home. Trackpads in general are gross, and you should disable it.

> Said the newfag

>do you have gaymes on your phone mister?

I'm gonna tell my mommy if you don't quit being a big meany head.

But mommy is at my house...

She is one of them. We have to take care of this.

ya, have a mouse already but still can't code or anything with this mofo

the clit pointer tho kek

mouse is for desktop stationary fuckers, what if i want to fap on my bed, good luck with a mouse.

>disable trackpad
>use trackpoint

If you can't fap with a mouse, you might as well get a fagbook pro or something and use that Siri shit.

Why can't you program on it? I do most of my programming on a ThinkPad X230 and I'm making a decent amount of money for the area I'm in as a software engineer. I could do most of my on a Windows 95 laptop as long as I had access to a few external disks and a reasonably powerful remote machine to compile on. What are you struggling with on that nice of a machine?