when the hardware is so inferior that you start talking about the aesthetics

> when the hardware is so inferior that you start talking about the aesthetics

AMD fanboys are just the neckbeard equivalent of Apple fanboys

Other urls found in this thread:


>fanboys act like fanboys
What an impressive discovery!

lel garbicx gerds X D X D X D


amd makes better hardware

Is that why the Vega 64 is a more powerful, more power efficient GPU than the 1080Ti?

I'm all for minimalism but that literal aluminium rectangular looks like cheap shit, not to mention the red of the logo doesn't mix well at all. The 1080 reference card looks much better IMO

Thanks for your insight about what fanboys are.

it's why every vega 64 is sold out

NO. Just fucking stop already. Go play somewhere else.

Yes, that's surely not due to cryptofags.

Get the fuck out.

What the fuck are you on about you AMDrone autist? I'm saying Nvidia reference cards look better, I couldn't give a shit about brand wars

i fail to see your point

>waaah AMD can do no wrong stop criticising them
Fuck off

AMD GPUs > anything else

Pooga doesn't even look nice


Far superior build quality & finish

this tbqh

Pascal is still better than Vega get over it AMD fanboys

it looks like shit

I don't give a crap about AMD or Nvidia. You are completely missing the point that this is tier child's screeching that doesn't belong on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a technology board and not designed for kids to brag about the GPU they got for Christmas.

>all that mad

>talking about the aesthetic design of a tech product is Sup Forums

>Looking good

The post.

Talking about video games surely is.


t. Rx580 owner

It actually does look slick. Too bad it's only for cryptofags and not Sup Forumsfags.


>when the hardware is so inferior that you start talking about the aesthetics
Implying that it's not just the marketing department trying to focus on a marketable aspect of a product to distract from it's flaws.

buttblasted AMD cheerleader squad

what's the best hardware combo
and why is it ryzen + nvidia?

Where in my post did I talk about videogames you retard?

the best looking gpu ever

amd is the lincuck and windows in the nvidia

One is great and popular the other one is shit and only autistic faggots use it

What went wrong?

>18 months late
>3 8pins
>maybe 10% faster than 1080 at double the power draw

ikr! it's a better value, it even comes with a built in blue screen feature!

step aside /gay/mers

>nvidia/amd will never make single-slot cards again

>Trying this hard to change the topic
Kek, I bet you're on gayming novidia platform. Fanboy

OP is butthurt because he can't say amd is poorfag tier anymore. Only cryptocoin millionaires can afford even the rx580 nowadays.

poor people these days buy 1080ti's.


You're the biggest manchild of them all.

AMD fanboys can't touch Nvidia so they spam anti-Intel wojaks.

The thing is there aren't any Intel shills so they can be easily spotted.

I love playing video games on both AMD and Nvidia GPU technology



You don't need shills when you own 90% of the market.

it may looks good but blower style are soo fucking bad temperature and noise wise

It's not if there are 6 of them.

r/AMD will meltdown time announce volta

I like quadro aesthetics more.

Man, I still have my one of these. It powers up but there's no display output on any of the connections. I keep meaning to buy a heat gun and try reflowing it.

Nvidia is like this
>FUCK aesthetics.
>FUCK decent driver interfaces.
>FUCK open and free hardware/software standards (Goyworks,.GoySync etc).
>FUCK cost of ownership.

Just as long as they are '5' FPS faster than the competion NOTHING else matters!

Most AMD reference cards since the Fury X only have a single row for outputs, meaning they can easily be converted to single slot with a waterblock. The same is true for some aftermarket cards.

Use it as a secondary GPU for mining?

That's what the 4000-series look like right now, which are roughly equivalent to the 970 and 1070 but with 8GB of ECC RAM. It's pretty low power at 125W TDP and has one 6-pin, so it's no problem to cram seven of these into a workstation.
Given the crazy prices on GPUs right now, there is actually little difference to buying a P4000 vs a GTX 1070 other than the single-slot cooling.

Would two small Kepler GPUs even pay for their own electricity consumption?

Idk, depends on your local energy price. Alternatively use it as a dedicated PhysX card - unless you now use AMD, in which case Nvidia disabled PhysX completely until the AMD card is physically removed.