/tosg/ - TempleOS General


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On the run from the law, somewhere in the American South-West.

about to go to court


Why doesn't he give us an update on his situation and a random philosophical monologue of indeterminate length like he usually does whilst evading law enforcement operatives?


The boring answer is probably money. He can't afford to live on the lamb while maintaining a connected life with his mental conditions

Tezmond was fat on generous donations from his viewers and he also got regular psychobucks from the government. Something bad must have happened.

come home white man


Holy shit, a quick rundown on what happened?

He's been missing for over a month. No sign of him anywhere. Nobody knows why.

Terry is kill.


Never using his shit again. Fuck you Terry.

Why because he's taller than you?


Haha. I wonder what he damaged or defaced?

besides himself?
no idea. any arizona boys willing to go to the court and find out for us?

The CIA glow in the dark niggers got him.

kek even my gf(male) is taller than this autistic manlet.

NSFW: imgur.com/a/L2e3s

He's a big boy.

Haha a cutfag, kikes got to terry

We are at war. He is off fighting the space aliens

That's old as fuck faggot. Someone bailed his ass out like 2 days later. I even sent the cops the info on where he was at.

No dipshit, he HAS the space alien. He doesn't even need to fight because he has god on his side. TempleOS is the space alien trading platform. Dumb fuck nigger monkey.

from the blog
>Bad news. We are now in a state of war with space aliens. LOL

from his nigger cattle ultimatum
>are you fucking crazy? I've got a fucking space alien

i think this explains terry's frustrations

for you

he probably got into an argument with an inflatable outdoor Santa Claus decoration
those things are enough to trigger anybody

I bet he put a poop on some park equipment.
