What do you guys think is moot's work at google?

what do you guys think is moot's work at google?

lil succ boi

Coffee boy

>what do you guys think is moot's work at google?
I like to think that he shitposts on 4 chan while nodding his head during a meeting.

He's the lead developer for their new project Gchan
An "anonymous" image board that gives you a selection a boards based on their data of you

>what do you guys think is moot's work at google?

it literally doesn't matter what he does there, if he has any projects they aren't significant or important to Google's main goals

He has stated before he isn't a good developer, although he did study CS in uni, I think even saying "not a good developer" is an understatement. He very plainly has no real skills or abilities which add value to Google besides his past history and experience with Sup Forums

He is employed purely because he has a place in Internet history and Google has the money to employ interesting people

setting capchas on Sup Forums

literally who?

he's made other startups that failed too asshole, stop using one quote to write him off

He is most likely a Product Manager.

maybe he's a mole placed their to stop the evil via memes

one can only hope

He still works there?

Probably how the interview went, instead of using a B+ tree, he got the B=====D one.

anyone remember the failure of canv.as? why did google hire this incompetent retard is beyond me. not to mention that Sup Forums got infinitely better (in terms of anti-spam, cp deletion, ads, etc) after gook-moot took over?

>Sup Forums got better after gookmoot
t. gookmoot

Director of bench warming.

>managing ~20 million monthly visitors and ~ 2800 Terabytes per month
>no skills or abilities of value

ah yes, and don't forget the wonderful datamining and obfuscated js

pretty sure he is a slave on a secret google furry part sex dungeon....and he loves it, the fucking faggot

SNACKS did more for the website.

he's the guy who chooses which people get the "unsupported recaptcha v1" message

his buzzfeed wife got him the job

i wish they were our overlords, at least moot could have fun constantly fucking with pol.

Memetic warrior extraordinaire

senior butt stuff solutions strategist

>constantly fucking with /jp/



Not making another Sup Forums

Probably a diversity hire. They saw enough of Sup Forums to know moot was a faggot, and this probably elevated him above the other candidates

Who even is this dumbass horse faced nigger

I Listened to his farewell broadcast..

lmao who the fuck is this beta numale soyboy faggot cuck

I whish moot was still here... ;_;

I remember asking in his Q&A thread why he didn't call Sup Forums pass as Sup Forums gold instead, with pic related attached. He replied with something like "oh i never heard of that lol!", that guy was such a newfag

But he was our newfag.

Apparently, he's in Google's Area 120: a "start-up incubator".
So he basically farts about all day trying to come up with the next viral app.

>not having a faggot account
You dun goofed.

Shitpost and shill for google

he was obviously trolling u


>cp deletion

this is actually adorable

How quickly you forget only a week ago ad scripts were quietly placed

ornate scaly building

you're playing around right?

seems legit


What most of you don't get is that moot's move was horizontal in the industry. He designs captchas for google now.
>Click on all images with a vehicle
*one image has what could be a bumper in it*
He is simply shitposting now at a higher, more oblique level.

privacy invasion
& vp of goatse

that bitch looks tranny
glad moot moved on

He didn't deserve this

>be most well known to the public at large due to a talk about how anonymity leads to freedom of expression and that's a good thing
>become increasingly authoritarian and normalfag in your administration as you get older
>combine this with overhauls to the janitor and moderator site functions that allow the janitors and mods to tackle posts per capita at a rate never before seen
>one two punch creates a much more policed website
>people notice this and comment on it
>moot's response is always 'we've always had rules it was never anarchy so see guys nothing's changed'
Fuck that reality denying faggot. The rules themselves changed and the ability to enforce them changed radically on his watch and all he'd ever do is pretend nothing was new right up until he was literally selling the site and having janitors sign nda's for his llc.
But that's not a change because he's always had rules~

>implying they were even dating
I'm pretty sure they were just friends, but butthurt autists just wanted a reason to call him a cuck because he pulled a prank on them. I miss moot.

>no filter

Bitch that's at least 20% fade and one of the meme other muted color ones

fuck rules
this is why i hate women and niggers

The Cuckold Manifesto


Does this work? Asking for a friend..

Sucking dick

Still looking dyel AF I see. Someone post the pic of him squatting the bar plz

It's fucking Lex Luther, normie shithead.

He walks around with a tray of complimentary tampons.

Trolling faggots.

I miss him.

He was tagged in a post in the Damore complaint on Google's social network. I just hope that the case goes forward and Moot gets deposed for some reason. "As the creator of the internet's largest bastion of """alt right extremism"""^tm would you characterize your employment conditions as those which prevent conservative views?". Or maybe "What part of your role as the moderator of the largest Internal Google group on polyamorous furry sex have to do with your day to day operations at Google?"

Headmate? Wat? Actually hope mootykins uncucks himself and exposes mighty goog in emperor Damores new 'suit.

She looks qt

what prank

turning his weeb website into a satellite of StormFront


Noone even knows his real name. The guy is an internet ninja.

Didn't happen like that m8. Before Sup Forums got deleted it was mostly bots. Then it came back and was still bots and occasional news threads scattered throughout. The right wingers were always present and in numbers, they kind of considered themselves the elder gods of the imageboard. Then you had the semi ironic commies calling everyone comrade ever now and again. Some serious discussion also took place but mostly the OP was a faggot.

Skipping a few years stormfront colonized Sup Forums in the same way Sup Forums colonized reddit /r/T_D - By having the best memes.

Crashing youtube with no survivors

If she could be president then mott could become first lady that'd be cute

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Sup Forums only had bots because moot decided to remove the fucking captcha for a whole month to force us out.

The bastard.

absolutely none of that is true
Sup Forums is a lobergtarian board of peace
Ron Paul/Kony 2012

At least we got the last laugh. He's forced to work middle management at a fading company to support his fiancee's boyfriend.

chief meme officer

Get your e-celeb threads out of Sup Forums

>world famous actor

fuck off, cancerous newfag

Ron Paul is actually still holding it down big time and the zaney alt candidate for the supreme intellectuals this last election was infact a turbo cuck. Berniefags btfo.

he was just an idiot, a funny idiot tho
and at least competent

Who is this guy and why should I care?

chief soy distributor

OP here, i really hope all the people asking who moot is are just trolling me

>OP here
>hurr how dare you not know my e-celeb bullshit

>thinks im reddit
>doesnt know moot

your newfaggotry is showing

Chief Luggage Officer

Same, I miss that faggot

Sup Forums is an anonymous website, no one gives a shit about your favorite youtuber or other internet """big names""".

Who is this guy and why should I care?
Is he some le epic /pol celeb?

Probably some twitch streamer who got hired by google for memes

fake moot, the guy who stepped in after og moot retired to mexico

Oh the guy who banned people for political opinions and introduced the captcha? Wish we could have Robert Bopkins back.

We all know Google managers don't have a test that big


He's a community leader who presides over daily meetings with the Google+ team hosted in a room befitting the divine creator of the premier English language Japanese culture and animation centered internet community. It's three stories tall, has a large boulder, some fig trees, with a wall to wall artfully manicured field of clover and grass. On the boulder is a marble altar supported by two short and stout columns behind which, the legend himself stands. His white flowing silk robe drapes down over his tutu two sizes too small of the finest lavender pink tulle barely exposing striped long socks with individual toe holes. Holding two tablets, one in each arm, he delivers the ten divine revelations to the Google+ team. Afterwards he reads a few pieces of that day's fanmail and makes a lighthearted joke about how Google+ is going to make it. With his right arm, he lifts a chalice inlaid with the image of a stylized redhead. A long slow slurping sound fills the room. Heads turn to face a young feminine woman with the physique of a young man by the door wearing a t-shirt with a depiction of a light blue haired monster with viscious red eyes. Realizing her error, she turns 360 degrees and walks away in shame. The room is quiet except for the whistling wind ambient background soundtrack. The metallic clang of the chalice on marble refocuses everyone's attention to oracle at the altar. He lifts up a set of keys by a red one with a logo of a black horse on a yellow shield tightly grasped between his thumb, index and middle finger and walks out the back door. Just before the door closes, a shout of Rayashi escapes into the room. This day's meeting has been adjourned.

literally who?

Pretty sure he's used to deal with wild 4channers shitting up google services.

collecting SJW-bucks

informed the fbi