How does Sup Forums clean their mouse pads?

how does Sup Forums clean their mouse pads?

>inb4 degenerates with caked up mouse mats

op can't inb4

I do the sink too, worried the washing machine would fuck my shit up


I use the bath because my mouse pad is pretty large, wet it and rub bodywash into it, then rinse.

Throw it in the laundry machine inside of a pillow case with some dishwashing fluid, then hang the pillowcase from door of dryer

>op can't inb4
>reddit spacing
Why do newfags always call people out on stuff nobody cares about?

I've always cleaned mine in the sink with Dawn dish soap and dried by laying a towel on top and pressing down as hard as possible before hanging to air dry. Just bought pic related a coupe weeks ago and am more careful to keep it clean than previous mouse pads. I love this thing.

With a disinfecting wipe, you subhuman cloth pad degenerates.

scrub the surface of it then let it air dry or take a hair dryer to it a bit

washing machine
I've had my qck+ since 2005, i've always just thrown it in the washing machine. the edges are fuzzy by now but otherwise it's still serviceable and looks fine

in a washing machine with black clothes

I don't have a mousepad

das a wyde boi

Wash it in the bathtub with shampoo. Doesn't feel as silky smooth as when I first bought it but it's a lot better when there was some rough edges of using it for a long period of time. Luckily I have extra mouse pads for when it's air drying

>Doesn't feel as silky smooth
Mix the shampoo with some conditioner

>has a nasty ass uncleaned sink with limestone and other nasty shit in the cracks
>calls others degenerates

Buy a new one for $1.

I wash it in the washing machine and dry it in the dryer and it's never been a problem.

My mousepad is hard plastic or something, not fabric. I haven't really washed it.

Bought a roccat aluminium one years ago from a literal jew on ebay.
Motherfucker took like 3 months to send me because it was some sort of shitty "holyday".
Fucking jews, it was cheap though but I had to argue with the nigger a couple times by mail.

I use a hard surface mousemat, so just a quick scrub will do it.
>Mousemat is designed to look scratched and damaged
Why even clean it?

That "scratched and damaged" mousepad smells like a piece of shit.
Never went away and now boycotting Corsair mousepads all the way.
Fuck them.
Bought a similar Roccat thin like
and it's way better quality than Corsass

Best way to clean a mechanical keyboard? with that nasty grunge buildup on the keys in all of its disgusting glory

Best? Take all the keycaps off, clean them with wipes or soapy water, vacuum out the keyboard deck, and wipe that down too. Then reassemble.

I have a knockoff Goliathus about like this one

>yes, it just werks

they're like $2 budi
I just get a new one like monthly

i used a sponge with warm soapy water on my ~5 year old mousepad.

who else remembers when we got them in bulk?

>dishwashing fluid
it like you WANT a washing machine full of bubbles.

Professional Dry Cleaning.

Faggot, OP hasn't been able to inb4 since 2002, shut the fuck up you giant piece of shit. Get the fuck off of my lawn.

old toothbrush and Dawn

> how does Sup Forums clean their mouse pads?
Buying a new one

i just pour some detergent on it and go at it with a toothbrush. if i'm bored i scrape off the dead skin and dirt with a knife

I use hard mats, they dont suck up dirt

Tide and a scrubbing brush.

My mouse works fine on this Ikea veneer, thus eliminating the need for a mousepad. It's like how the Grand National from the '80s didn't have a headgasket.


You buy them in bulk and replace if they get dirty.
Not even kidding.

Aluminum dick beater mat here. Just a damp microfiber will do for even the most fetid fap stains

Ikea lint roller.

I don't use a mouse pad.. I have a trackball

How do you get anything done? Or are you that dork who has all the meme tech but doesn't actually do anything of value?

I have one of those massive mouse mats that take up my entire desk
No idea how I'm supposed to clean it
I guess I'd have to lay it over a table and scrub it

Reminds me of an old co-worker who did all this memey shit. Boasted about haskell but never had any projects to share. Used a split keyboard and trackpad.

I threw it into a washing machine once. It survived. Think I'll just buy a new one if another washing session will render it unusable.

not him but I use one too, it's just more comfortable. it's pic related and it was super easy to get used to

I just buy a new custom 99c one every 6-12 months so it doesn’t really have time to get dirty

whats some good mousepad that isnt "clothy"
that material kinda makes me shiver like people do when they hear that chalk noise on blackboard

I still use my Icemat. Won it at a LAN like 10 years ago.

Spray of windex every few years does the trick.

>mouse pad

wash with warm water first to loosen up some of the dirt and then use a microfiber cloth with some hand soap, pay attention to the parts that your wrists touch and the right side if you use a long surface

gaymer glass or steel pads

qck heavy
liquid dish soap and water then dab it with paper towel good to use immediately if you don't press down hard on it dries completely in a day or so

>bought a rigid Qpad 10 years ago
>wash it with Fairy every few months
>use it every day
>thing still looks brand new
A good investment.

I just found out that my Icemat , was the original product from the company that makes Steelseries

Evvy veek mon

They usually stop working before I get a chance to clean them thoroughly but yeah, I dust them off about once a week when I'm cleaning my desk

wtf is reddit spacing and why is everyone always bitching about this?

mine has mold growing on it.

when someone types paragraphs


instead of
leddit needs two newlines to separate paragraphs

I just throw it out and buy a new one.



never because i'm not a filthy beggar. also from uk so rarely do i sweat all over it. if it gets dusty i just go over it with microfiber cloth. had my qck+ for a few years now, no need to buy another.

You suppose to clean mouse pads? Why? I'm not touching it, I'm rarely even use mouse.

honestly i think people are too sensitive to this. i've seen it since like 2010 on Sup Forums. i think it makes shit easier to read on a board like this.

how does a mat stop working?

Yeah, I add blank lines between thoughts where necessary like paragraphs because it looks better. Nothing to do with reddit.

i clean it with some wet tissues some times because its a SS HD4. It tracks like shit on some mice however, but its still an upgrade from the filthy mats imo.

This. I've personally never been to reddit

Just to trigger people i'm gonna write with two spaces now

The only people who need mouse pads are those still using PS/2 mice with balls and wheels beneath them

Why does this look like a weird cat in the thumbnail?

I've always bought cheap mousepads that I don't care if they get damaged so take this with a grain of salt. That said I rinse it under warm water, lather up some dishsoap on a rag and scrub vigorously, then I rinse the soap up and hang them to dry. Only takes a few minutes and isn't much more involved than washing dishes.

pic related, god tier dish soap that does a ton with just a drop. I use it for much more than washing dishes and I always have peace of mind that things are actually clean

anyone else with razor sharp edges on their pad? I have to tape over them so I don't cut my wrists open lmao

I don't have a mouse pad.

i use a trackball

i just wipe off anything that could go inside the mouse and fuck up the ball

I've been here since '03 or '04 and people have been doing it as long as I can remember.

Real "reddit spacing" would be

this anyway, a double line break because you have to hit enter three times to skip a single line on reddit.

little bit of dawn and hot water in tub
used a towel to scrub the spots with white marks
used a dry towel and hair dryer to mostly dry it then hung it on a chair for a while

they should remove extra newlines too like the spaces are removed


I don't use a mouespad.

You cant

it's stored in a box together with other legacy stuff like floppy drives and my old 8088 machine that i keep for nostalgia reasons, so no reason to clean it. people seriously still use mouse pads?

I dont like the thickness of mousepads, even 1mm is too much and stuff gets caught on it when you move it around the table.
I had one which was just the top layer of a regular mousepad with a postit-like glue instead o foam on the back. Now i just use leaf-binders and plastic envelopes and replace them when they get worn out or dirty

Some woolite or decent detergent + a brush in the sink filled with lukewarm water. I do it only once in a while if it is really dirty. Normally, I'll just use a lint roller or one of those brushes meant for removing hair from clothing.

why the fuck didn't I ever think of this

What's the point of using a mouse pad anymore?

I literally just use my desk and it works just fine. We aren't in the era of shitty laser mice or ball mice, it works fine on 99% of hard surfaces

Kitchen cleaner and a scrubby sponge
cleans that shit up flawlessly

I use one because my desk is a glass top. Tracking works, but it can be spotty sometimes, so I just use a pad. I actually bought one of those long ones for my keyboard as well since it keeps my keyboard in place too, and gives me that much more room for my mouse.

weird i have that exact same one. doesnt smell at all. good times.

>using a mouse mat in the first place

I'm slowly wearing a hole through my computer table and there's nothing you can do about it.