Encryption without plausible denniability is stupid, so what's the best way to configure a hidden system in 2018?

Encryption without plausible denniability is stupid, so what's the best way to configure a hidden system in 2018?

Should I use Veracrypt? If so, do I first perform a secure-erase on the disk with GParted, then how do I install Veracrypt? I have to install an OS first or can I launch it on a Live Linux DVD of sorts? How's this process like?

Other urls found in this thread:

startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=cia blacksites&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english


>Encryption without plausible denniability is stupid
Encryption -with- plausible deniability looks pretty dumb too if they just let you sit in jail indefinitely because they expect you to keep data there. They might only have done this to a few pedos so we don't care now but it sets a dangerous precedent.

You dumb ass. The entire point of a hidden volume is that it's impossible to tell if there is a secondary password or not.


They only need to suspect you are hiding a secondary volume and let you rot in jail until you either die or confess.

If you think you win because they can only see noise then you might be the dumb ass here. Actually, naive would be more appropriate.

>Check HDD
>Check partitions
>Sum total = 750GB
Would they go:
>Those ffing Disk manufacturers
>Pedo/Narco/Spy alert!

>delicious brown
>long dark hair

The whole point of hidden volumes is you can't prove anything therefore it's impossible to put you in jail. "Suspect" is not enough you dumb cuck.

This is not how it works. When you open the partition which you are supposed to reveal it will show as if the entire HDD is availible in space.

bump for interest. how do we actually do this?

>This is not how it works.
Yes because they use Windowny Explorer to determine such things and not a binwalk like diskscan.
If they got the disk, you're ffed.

>dressed like a whore
>high-fat, probably low self-control
>skin tone suggests low IQ
>cuntish nail polish
Ew. 1/10, would not even help if her computer stops working.

Whatever floats your boat, m8. She looks fine to me, so I think your opinion is shit.

Plz gib description of self.

No matter what they use, they cannot prove you are hiding anything which is the point. Maybe in cuckmerica they can put you in jail with no proof of anything? but in actual decent countries they cant.

OP asks for something and aspies start arguing instead of being useful, typical Sup Forums

>they cannot prove you are hiding anything which is the point.
They can.
"Heyho, a 'hidden' encrypted volume/partition/folder"

latinas are hot as fuq until they hit 30 then they turn into fat land whales.

>Skin tone suggests low IQ
Gee, I didn't know IQ tests used skin tone as a metric

Sup Forums was homeschooled, metric sounds to them something 'yuropoore' uses.

Read 5.18 before you try anything, it should give you an idea of what you're actually asking for:

Plausible deniability is useless. You can also make a valid, true claim to have forgotten the password to the volume in the first place, and the courts (in the US) have held people indefinitely in contempt for refusing to do so.

Hidden volumes are the same thing -> they suspect you have one, you sit and rot until you hand over the password, even though you *could* be telling the truth

Of course, this would require *some* evidence you did in fact have the second volume, which could be an internet search you made, for instance.

that's why you use encrypted micro sd cards. get a knock at the door? break the little fucker in half and flush it. end of fucking story.

This but unironically

If you're serious you'd use live kali usb with luks nuke

I don't know too much about law etc. but I'm pretty sure that even outside the USA (where I am) things like that aren't petty crimes to get away with. Especially because they only knock if they know at least a bit whatup.

No, there's no way to prove it.

This is stupid. It would actually prove you were hidding something. The whole point of hidden volumes is you don't need to do that.

GParted + secure delete is the best way to wipe an HDD

I mean, In some places it's cheaper to masturbate in public then to pee in public. Yet when you go jerk ya dick when the police walk over because they think you're peeing only the 'peeing sound' - (clattering etc.) is enough to get a pee ticket and not a masturbation ticket.

No homo


>Of course, this would require *some* evidence you did in fact have the second volume, which could be an internet search you made, for instance.
Which is why you always use VPN etc or at least wait 1+ year until ISP destroys logs.

It wouldn't still prove anything even if you did search it on clearnet. It's on their end to prove it.

how would there be proof when the sd card has been snapped in half and is currently floating down the sewer into the nearest wastewater treatment plant? take your head out of your ass.


I say this unironically, I hate vulgar women.

I like my women like my Thinkpads:
- Barely used
- May not that pretty at first sight but has something unique to her
- Will not fail/betray me after a year
- I can brag about her on Sup Forums

>No, there's no way to prove it.
Then what do you mean with 'it'?
Are you saying you can hide an encrypted partition/volume/map from the law when they have your drive?
Sure finding such a thing is proof of nothing, but they went searching for a reason. Like a house-search, if a jugde aproves they can wreck your house to find 'hidden' stuff. Then it would be a law-thingie what to do with you when you won't give your keys while they have the right to search all.

also linux doesn't save history all over the place like windows does. just shred -fuzv the bash history file and your good. you mount the fucking sd card and store your shit there. not on your hdd.

Cops knock when you are sleeping, you wouldn't be able to do that.

Plus the fucking autists may even search on the sewers. They have reconstructed totally fucked HDDs before, at least enough to recover some data.

>No, there's no way to prove it.

good luck recovering 2 tiny pieces of a broken sd card from the city sewer that has hundreds of gallons of poo water flowing through it. and the data was encrypted to boot. lol truly good luck with that.

Scared me off from saving the pic.

You do give the keys, to something that opens something encrypted, so you already did your part.

It's on their end to prove the existence of a hidden volume. Give me a single sentence of a man put in prison because he gave the password to encrypted hard disk which didn't contain what the cops wanted.


old as fuck, already patched

>skin tone suggests low IQ

I bet large sums of shekels that if you (ever) dated a girl who was smarter than you, you'd wanna dump her faster than you can move out of your parents place.

>shred -fuz
mah nigga

>I like my women like my Thinkpads:

Black, cheap and discarded by their original owners?

Best security is not needing security. Your OS should not boot from hd but be a live (remastered to your preferences) .iso image with no information on it. Use MicroSD card adapter if need some storage but hide it wisely away from the PC. There are many places to make something small disappear. Avoid the obvious.

Wanting to protect anything on or in a PC is fairly stupid but if need smuggle data a card could be tucked beneath a heat sink etc.

The cops find the 'hidden' volume and ask for keys again.
>I already gave you acces to my basement, now you also want the combination to the hidden safe labeled WMD? What is this?
But yeah, if you think you can get away with highschool logic, go ahead.
>Like they ever needed proof
startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=cia blacksites&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english

Depends on the cops and the government. In a hypothetical tyranny they can torture you for info until you break then kill you. If innocent, they can kill you anyway.

>Behold my wizardry!!

Behold this elastrator. Which nut do you wish to lose?

oh well... I guess I will stick to

in what countries there is a law to force you to reveal your password?

also, what is better, veracrypt or cryptsetup or luks?

evidence of absence is not absence of evidence

You have no idea how any of this works.
To make a hidden encrypted drive you make a partition and half fill it with some inconspicuous shit and then the rest of the drive you fill with encrypted files below the filesystem level.
There's no way to distinguish the rest of the partition which just looks like random bits left over from deleted files from actual encrypted data.
Anyone who didn't know what was on the drive could easily just create files that overwrite your encrypted stuff. There's literally no way of knowing.

what about this:

and this:


lol at considering anything but full disk encryption safe

there will always be traces somewhere

What's better, LUKS or Veracrypt?

What OS should I install? I wanted to install Xubuntu, but LUKS says that Ubuntu can break the header file... wtf?

what is a live cd for $500 Alex?

It's an installation of Linux that boots off a cd or usb stick.

I'm sure there are ways to forensically find them, I'm just saying that an undetectable encrypted partition section is theoretically possible, it's not like you can just open windows partition manager and ENCRYPTEDPARTITION will show up.

why would you pay $500 for that?

also you need to store the data somewhere

but we are trying to defend against forensicks here

>also you need to store the data somewhere
jesus h christ this site is a waste of time. what the fuck do you think i'v been talking about for the past hour? read the cocksucking thread for fucks sake,

So with a house-search they just leave your hidden floor safe alone because they can't get into it.
The only way to defend against forensicks is to not have it. Destroying stuff when they knock is a legal debacle especially if (and they usually have when they knock) they have others things to go on.
Yeah I'm sorry forgot that forensics just shruks at random 'inconspicuous shit'.

i still use truecrypt for everything because some token faggot stealing my shit will never be able to crack it and ive got nothing that would get the government on my ass

> (You)
>Yeah I'm sorry forgot that forensics just shruks at random 'inconspicuous shit'.
You could just have the drive full of ripped movies you don't actually watch or camera pictures or something.
I'm not saying you fill it with a bunch of random text files or mass amounts of cat pictures.

meant for

First of all if you want to completely clean up a drive
The only option is
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourniggerdrive

the people that never advanced very far acquired dark skin traits as protection from the sun since they didn't create much clothing or housing.

Based gib

>plausible denniability
Oh gee look at all this unpartitioned space
Clearly, nothing to see here
Move along


>dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourniggerdrive

just do this:


parted magic and secure erase is the best prove me wrong.

People who have no idea what plausible deniability wrt hidden volumes means or how it works

is there any normie tutorial or jewtube video in how to do it?

The simplest way is to store everything on an encrypted removable drive that has a Deadman switch.

You would have to make sure to use the external drive on a live OS only, otherwise your swap file would likely contain unencrypted portions of your data.

you pulled that bullshit right out of your ass you low IQ rat-like creature.

so what the fuck do we do

readed the whole thread, still not sure if i should bother with a hidden OS or just encrypt the full drive which is pointless since there are laws now that force you to deliver password or you are dead


Encrypt full drive. Also don't live in shitty nations that think they are allowed to know everything, unless maybe it works both ways (are you allowed to know everything that officers and officials and investigators do...?)

i dont know there are no clear laws about that in my country

its not listed there but its EU

i mean here


Thanks for the save user

Then just encrypt and you are done.

it's just about the best heuristic out there bucko
holds true even of northeast and southeast asians
darker = dumber (on average obviously)
yeah that's maybe a mean thing to say but where's the lie

>he thinks his ISP deletes logs
>he thinks his ISP is the only one that's logging

no, gib me

gibby bobbies

but how

LUKS is too autistic compared to Veracrypt, it has no GUI so i dont know what im doing, and once again, can I do it through Xubuntu?

I would test through an VM, but im scared it wipes the entire HDD and not the partition only


fuck off im not a pedo

its autistic as fuck that you can watch tortured people in liveleak but not fap to a 16 yo girl with huge tits with his bf tho (imagine porn with a girl that looks like OP's picture, so sane heterosexual porn)

doesnt watching the tape of a tortured person also magically torture this person again or only applies to -18 sex?

Use dmcrypt/luks or last safe version of truecrypt. Vera is dogshit.

My understanding of plausible deniability encrypted drive is that you have a drive fully encrypted and within that drive is free space that is actually another partition encrypted. Since the free space looks like random data marked for overwrite or whatever it's impossible to actually confirm whether there is another os within it.

>vera is dogshit
nice argument

>use dmcrypt/luks


this is severly autistic

chances are anyone that isn't an aspie will fuck it up during the process, so veracrypt is better

who cares? as if they could recover the data, it's still encrypted with aes256, why bother with that luks command line aspiefest

>fuck off im not a pedo
that was not the point you fat fucko

I figured I shouldn't care about "plausible deniability" if I only own and use one laptop. What plausible deniability do I have if I only have a single laptop, plugged in, and sitting on an otherwise bare desk? Does it even matter for my scenario?

If you live in a country in which they will put you to jail indefinitely until you handle a password you are fucked, what does having a single laptop or not has to do with it.

Cause I figured if I had a second one I could shutdown and claim is an inactive secondary device, I'd have a more believable scenario than having a fully-encrypted single device with plausible deniability on whether it's encrypted at all.

I'm really get sick of idiots like you shilling vera for no reason.


Vera illegally using truecrypt's code and modifying so much that they introduce multiple vulnerabilities

Legalizing underage pornography encourages exploitation of young children who don't know any better, fucko.

Imagine living in such a shithole where you have so few rights that something like this could possibly happen.

not him but, what is wrong with smart girls(male) and girls(female)?











It doesn't take as long as dd
Check mate