On a scale of 1 to fucked...

On a scale of 1 to fucked, how fucked are you trying to enter the tech industry in your 30s as a junior developer with no post secondary education or experience but good networking skills?

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>how fucked are you trying to enter the tech industry in your 30s as a junior developer
bad but not impossible-

>with no post secondary education or experience
Impossible. Completely fucked.

Take your ass to Uni and get a fucking degree

fucked. dropped out twice from college, no connections, no good networking skills. just big lazy brain.

go into another area, development is for 20 year olds and 20 year old pajeets and who wants to program in their 40s-50s? Hardly anyone.

What other area?

I'd say he'll be able to get a job if he has something worthwhile in his portfolio. Don't expect to earn a lot, though.

>Take your ass to Uni and get a fucking degree

Is a meme degree like pic related worth a damn or should I get a real Bachelor of Science degree even though that's 4 years long and I'll be an old fuck at a school full of kiddos?

How do internships even work?

See, I have no problem networking. Few drinks and I'm quite the social butterfly.

What's something worthwhile to have?
What kind of salary should I expect?

>degree in programming
that’s like getting a degree in pipetting or solving equations. You program as a tool to solve problems. Do a CS degree. I would also say look at the nearest uni’s job fair (they have them often) and try to network there.

Get an actual Bachelor's of Science degree in an actual engineering field
Either Computer Science or Computer Engineering (or Bachelor of Science in Math with a minor in Computer Science).

That looks like a meme degree that "might" help you get your foot in the door since you'll have something to put on your resume, but without any actual math classes (Calculus 1 & 2, Probability & Statistics, Linear algebra, etc) will not give you any real advancement after a few years.

what do you guys think of a Informatics degree?

>good networking skills
As in computers, or as in talking to people?

why would you want to enter a domain where you have no experience an therefore no interest in it whatsoever? You'd be competing with ppl who actually like that stuff, so much so that they do it for no pay in there free time.

Talking to people.


>friend is high school dropout, working as chef
bought HTML CSS JS course
bought another JS memecourse on udemy
bought angular and react courses
got a FE job after 6 months of learning
spend about $70 on udemy
>but muh student debt and my meme degree
no fucks given

In many EU countries (if not all) Informatics is equivalent of Computer Science, and in general very employable.

>why would you want to enter a domain where you have no experience an therefore no interest in it whatsoever?

No professional experience, have plenty of interest in this and let's just say when I become interested in something, I get compulsive about it.

Can confirm, "informatics" is basically eurospeak for computer science.

that pretty good then. In your 30s you probably learned how to handle people and not get fucked over. So that's a plus. Anything specific you need to know for your first job assuming you got the junior dev position?

In light of do you perhaps have some work you'd be able to show potential employers (on github and the like)? Provided someone is willing to give you an interview you may have a chance but you'd have to be quite convincing that you know what you're getting in to.

~65% of our interviews fail the Fizzbuzz variant, with zero relationship to their education. I don't even read that section of a resume anymore.

Informatics as in CS?
Do your research! Look at the curriculum and think really hard if you want to commit to it.
I didn't and just signed up because I didn't know better.

If he was a HS dropout then yes he's fucked, only rich kids get to drop from high and still be able to do something, like the faggot who made tumblr

But you don't need an actual uni degree to work in this industry anymore, nobody cares and your experience and portfolio is worth much more than a degree

Shit, even a harvard dropout has better chances than someone with an actual degree from any other non-ivy league college

>Anything specific you need to know for your first job assuming you got the junior dev position?

What should you expect in an interview?
What's a reasonable salary?
Is there any room to negotiate or is it better to just get your foot in?

What is with all failures looking for career advice here recently
I don't have a problem with younger folks but dude you're thirty use the internet or ask a friend in the industry ffs
Did your NEETbux run out? So now you think you can suddenly make it in CS after wasting your best years shitposting? Lmao
Go tf back to r9k with your facebook frog you fucking loser your kind have no ambition and will never ever make it

Whiteboard aside, what are some protips you would give to someone applying for a position?

Serious question: Would a bottle of good scotch ever tip the balance?

>Did your NEETbux run out?
>Go tf back to r9k with your facebook frog you fucking loser your kind have no ambition and will never ever make it


I made $95k last year selling videos of me fucking my wife, sadly we're getting old and paying $14k annually in taxes really fucking blows but judging from this month alone I'm projecting 2018 to rake in $130k.

So listen here faggot, while you were busy getting indoctrinated by Mr. Goldberg and encouraged to dye your hair blue and get a shit ton of tattoos that signal to other people that you're into getting pegged and cucked, I was basically playing video games and shit posting here doing roughly 6 hours of work a week with the rest dedicated to working out.

>What should you expect in an interview?
Technical interview: How would you approach this problem ___ ? Fundamentals like graph theory, recursion, loops, basic runtime analysis. Study every technology listed in their job offer and know the buzz words. Set up at least a hello world on each of them.
Personal interview: Proof you aren't an aspi or uppity cunt.

>What's a reasonable salary?
Depends on location. Junior dev where I am (Germany) make 40k-50k tops before taxes

>Is there any room to negotiate or is it better to just get your foot in?

Only if you have options on the table, which it sounds like you don't.

At least look into getting certs from CompTIA and Cisco, that will open plenty of doors.

The appropriate name for "CS".
That said, be careful when it's coupled to something else.

Assuming that isn't bullshit (which it absolutely is) what do you think your wife's plan for work is when the cash dwindles out lmao
Sticking around with a center-cubicle javascript developer making $45k who is knee-deep in debt from a state college CS degree?
Get a gig at the gym selling memberships or smoothies breh. It's more your speed and would be marginally less pathetic

Honesty above all else. I respect "I do not know" rather than 10 minutes of cringe-worthy, failed recall.

I might respect it if you did enough Google work to know the right answer was "really good whiskey".

I’m looking to get into the tech industry. I’m 30 years old and just received my Information Technology degree and working on my A+ certification. Is landing an entry level position in tech support difficult?

I plan on working my way up from there and pick up some other carts along the way.