Why don't you spend some money on your sister, user?

>why don't you spend some money on your sister, user?
>Jessica needs a new Macbook for school

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't get her a MacBook. Get her a fucking chromebook

Get her a Sandy Bridge Thinkpad.

>Why wont she spend on me? I need a sportcar and my own house to fuck girls in
>Where's my Mustang? Go on buy me a Mustang.

>>why don't you spend some money on your sister, user?

it's time for you to move out


This is how families get broken.

>sister has Thinkpad
>I can gift her accessories for Christmas
Based sister desu

No, forcing her to learn the command line will be a bounding experience.

Bought my sister and parents Chromebooks and now I don't have to troubleshoot and reinstall Windows every time they install garbage.

Well does Jessica suck OPs Dick?
Cook for him?
Make his laundry?
So why should OP pay for the hoe?

>No, forcing her to learn the command line will be a bounding experience.
Dont overestimate learning ability of non-autists

Macshit is how families are broken.
3 4

My little sister wanted a Macbook. Last year, she received an old laptop with Windows 10. Since I'm a good brother, I formatted the drive and installed Linux mint with apple themes.

Jessica is a communist and we all know what the treatment is

Bought sister a HP Probook when her old HP died, it just werks and doesn't look like an autist toy


this jessica better be a cute imouto, or else she deserves no damn thing

Does she liked it?

Why not elementary OS

Imagine being autistic enough that you feel the need to install OS's on others computers without permission just so you can feel satisfied with yourself.

It didnt run well on that computer. Mint just works

>why dont you spend money on your sister
because Its my money and I want it now!

>He wants a Mustank
Do you want your sister to buy it for you because she's your girlfriend?

buy here a thinkpad and then fuck her

everytime i watch this