As a linux user what media player did you use before mpv?

as a linux user what media player did you use before mpv?

Clementine and VLC. Fuck fedora, vaping, and Pabst Blue Ribbon-tier mpv.

traffic cone


mplayer was the big one back then. Wasn’t mpv an mplayer fork?

gnome player, then vlc

now I've seen the light and have been using mpv for years now

mplayer. I the only reason I switched to MPV was because mplayer couldn't handle streaming from https sites. And when youtube switched to default https I started looking for another player.

Fore music I used to use Rhythmbox or Clementine.

Other than VLC I can't recall the names of the other cute built-in programs I once used.

Now mpv is the god of all media.

Very Large Cock


I'm tempted to switch back, because VLC has these advanced features called "repeat track" and "repeat playlist." I'm not sure why the MPV developers have never heard of them. Do they listen to any music but Anime OPs?


>using mpv for music
Are you retarded?

If you're the type of retard that's using a video-playing focused program to play music then you're probably better off killing yourself.

I use a media player for media, yes. Unless you only watch silent films, I don't understand why you would treat audio and video separately.

What program do you use to compensate for MPV's deficiencies?

mpv userscripts

it makes for a good music player desu

foobar skips. I can't Sup Forums recommended that piece of shit to me

Totem is fine, VLC too. I like audacious though especially in winamp mode.

Which of these userscripts can make a track or playlist repeat itself?

Who the fuck uses mpv?

Sup Forums tards wanting to fit in

I use deadbeef
the amazing bomi
before that smplayer

it's the best player for windows and linux

May Allah forgive me for uttering these words, for I used vlc.

anyone who dislikes VLC

Says you. Not anyone else outside of Sup Forums. You know, with a brain.

For one, I don't use mpv as a music player so that solves most of my problems about playing music.

Are you angry because you're not fitting in this board?

Use a proper jukebox software, you fucking retard.

Not at all mate :>)
Whats that sound?

Whens the date with the shearer?

Then are you some retarded anarchist that likes destroying trash cans because he abhors the idea of fitting in with society?

mpv is best!!!111111

mpv is bad!!!111111

mpv is bad!!!11111

before mpv all the media players for linux sucked. i would use mpc while using windows.
mpv made me switch to linux

I dont use mpv because its a meme, use debian instead #yolo

VLC. But like you said, now mpv.

mpv.iu for life

rape iu

mplayer2, and before that, mplayer
i've been an mplayer user for a long time

mpv is an mplayer2 fork, which was an mplayer fork
mplayer dates back to 2000, it's been a common media player on free os's for ages

I switched about 12 years ago and I used vlc back then.
Video players never really interested me, vlc worked well and have global hotkeys which is the only crucial feature for me.
Music have always been more important as many fails to get it right.
When I was using windows I used winamp and none of the recommended players was as good. I now use cmus which is a bit better than winamp and I think it is the height of what a music player can be.
It have been really interesting to see android trying to develop players that have a useful interface with a limited input method. I don't think they have done it right yet.

for android use vanilla music

cute whore

kodi is pretty dank

VLC ncurses is God-tier for music

Debian is botnet, use dhcpcd instead

>plays every format I have
>integrated in muh loonix
>just werks
you use it to play music.. why do you need transparency and shitty pajeet tier ui for an audio player?


I still use Deadbeef for music.


The linux media player developed by the linux project of course!



potplayer and mpc-hc bundled with SVP
now i use mpv compiled with vapoursynth support on GNU/Linux

I use Clementine for music. I used whatever the default player was on GNOME and Unity for about a month and then installed MPV. MPV is too good not to be included in all DEs as a default player.

Are you talking about looping a file? Pressing L will loop a file. Or you can set all files to loop by default or have certain files loop by default.

10/10 would decimate her anus.