Why does Sup Forums hate Windows 10?

Why does Sup Forums hate Windows 10?


when your 'features' are just blatant ads and data-mining

what's the story on that webm

I really don't, I find it's the best OS I've ever used

Sup Forums is just paranoid because they hoard CP or something

is there anywhere i can buy legit win7 home pro or pro keys?

that wolf needs to be put down asap.

>ugly, inconsistent UI

its huge, slow as fuck and resource heavy as hell, but still manages to be completely static and inconsistent at that.

Woman leaves poodle at dog cafe. Husky strangles it and the dog ends up dieing later. Woman says cafe won't take responsibility so she threatens them and shows up with a hammer, was escorted out by police. Owner of the husky also apologized.

buy them on ebay for 6usd. sold in gbp though. delivery in an hour and they have a very nicely written video for activation. look for cheapercodes

What caused the husky to attack the small dog? It's not like its trying to pick a fight.

Why would I hate the best OS?

It snapped at the husky, like all small ratdogs do.

Guide not video

I like the husky a lot more now. Seriously the weak should fear the strong. Being weak should not be an excuse or a shield to act like shit against someone else.

the fuck is a dog cafe?

Because its fucking horrible.
My friend was having his oral exam in his 2nd year of CS in the fucker decided to update at the exact time he needed his computer the most. And so his time was wasted, and had to take the whole year off. Honest to god, MacBooks might be more expensive but unless Microsoft unfucks their US and creates Windows 10 2.0 by hiring the old staff of Windows 7 it is still worth paying the premium for an OS he can rely on.

the truly strong dont give a fuck about the weak, only insecure soyboys would fight someone half as big

are you sure this is trustworthy?

i'm also looking at edealonline.ca but the name itself just spooks the shit out of me

Fuck you, foofy dog faggot. Those goddamn puffballs are barely above cats.

What is the logic in that?