Question for Asia: Do you read western comic books? Are they popular in your country...

Question for Asia: Do you read western comic books? Are they popular in your country? Or the entire continent was taken by the manga industry?

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I had to read this twice for high school reading (back in school, required reading was at least one book about the Jews/Holocaust).

2.No. Because we have Manga. We always read it.

japanese here, the short answer is :yes
the long answer is: yaassss


>not hentai

Good to know

Which of his questions are you responding to?

manga is more for normies
yes, i said normies. they buy that crappy recycled-paper anthology magazines and after they read it they put it in the garbage. just like newspapers
t. person that inherited one of those recycled-paper anthology magazines

was it even "edutaining"? or it made you hate more rats?

I haven't ever read and I want sometimes though, those are more expensive than manga

you can read them online for free nowadays
as a matter of fact it's how i started reading them

For comics:
Download CDisplayEx if you want to read on your computer, Challenger Viewer for Android.

Why is Sup Forums so shit?
They are by far the shittiest board

I don't even bother with that garbage.

MCUfag are ruining the board.

Not all comic books are garbage, check these two for example:

This kills the comic. Comic artists draw for a physical page of particular size, not your tiny screens. I've personally been shocked by the difference the arrangement and size of images can make.

i don't care i wanna read them but i don't have money
this computer isn't even mine :D and yes i'm stealing wifi

Good taste
There are also Sandman by Neil gaiman and watchmen by Alan Moore for those who are new to comics

You'll literally enjoy the comics less. I don't care about piracy.

Watchmen is among the most original, revolutionary and complex comics ever. Someone "new to comics" won't truly understand why it's praised.

i read V for Vendetta
it really fitted more a british tv miniseries than a blockbuster
Watchmen probably feels the same, but i still haven't read it

True, I'm not too much into comics, but after reading that Fatale I discovered Providence by A. Moore
>Someone "new to comics" won't truly understand why it's praised.
I read it after that movie and I enjoyed it even if I didn't get all references

I think The Sandman is the best comic of all time.
I fell in love with it right away after reading The Sleep of the Just.

Are you that guy from yesterdays thread about Brazilian soap operas?

Watchmen was the first American comic I read. Yeah its a bit complex but it's what got me hooked to the medium
V for vendetta is great too. Definitely one of moore's best works. Watchmen is a bit bigger than v for vendetta in its scope.

They have always been the worst board
It's because of how cancer comic creators are and how close the board is to tumblr

There is one interesting comics from Argentina I heard about - there is some alien invasion, the aliens kill humans using some kind of snow-like poison - do you know the tittle? I would like to read it.

Sure, you can enjoy it, but some stuff will simply go over your head. It's not the references that matter, it's the techniques and the style, and you won't notice their originality if you aren't accustomed to the more traditional and straightforward comics. It's like a music professor explaining what a piano sonata is and then playing Beethoven's Moonlight as an example.

>Watchmen is among the most original, revolutionary and complex comics ever
>Yeah its a bit complex
See this is why I can never take comic book readers seriously
Such low standards across the board

Alan Moore is an english writer. So Watchmen is english, not american.
El Eternauta. I read it in high school. The story is an allegory to the facto government.

Just put the images side by side
It's really not that big of a deal and you'll see the traditional 2 page comic die in your lifetime anyway (it's already a barely breathing industry)

I that Italian comics Dylan Dog popular in Croatia? I saw some interview with Umberto Eco who (maybe jokingly) recommended it, but all collected series I could find in the Internet were in Italian or in Croatian, never in English

yeap, same one, why?
have you found Playboy pics of Lucelia Santos yet? :D

not every comic is a piece of cheap trash written in the 40/50s
then again some works are sort of pompous, i admit it. the 90s were a dark and edgy era

But it was published by DC which is an American publisher

Pic related is El Eternauta.
Is good, but some parts are cringeworthy.

Have you read it?
It's really good. you can't judge a book you never tried reading in the first place

Yes, gracias, I know that it's an alegory, that's why I was interested in this comic book - we had one similar series here under the communist regime so I wanted to make a comparision:

t. Davido-kun

That's actually not what I mean
Watchmen is not a piece that is complex or hard to understand even the references arent too difficult to catch

I have read it
I'm not saying it's bad
I'm saying comic book readers have low standards if that's considered among the top

>yeap, same one, why?
I asked you if you know any movies from your country similar to that thriller "7 cajas", but then I had to do something and I forgot to check if you answered my question.

>you can read them online for free nowadays
Link prrs
It's been a few years since I read comics and back then finding downloads wasn't that simple

That's partially because it's a young medium. More narratively complex comics will be created in the future. But that's also partially because you obviously don't know much about the theory and couldn't recognize some of its qualities.
I'd love to read comics better than Watchmen, it's certainly inferior to many great books from the past, but it is a great comic.

That seems to have happened to many Italian comics. Popular in Yugoslavia, unknown elsewhere.

I'm not saying it's the best book ever. I said it's really good which is the truth. I read other types of books so I know that there are better books out there.

I liked this

speaking of low-standards comics have you read Nippur and Tony? :D

yeah but the croatian said it best: it has to do on an artistic level with the composition of images and framing
if the writing is bland then at least you gotta admit that Dave Gibbons is awesome, tho of course the writer has to think of that framing while writing his script

ah yeah there's none as good yet. "Luna de Cigarras" was so-so. haven't found any stream of it yet though, so i can't show you



You can find them in any library.

Good stuff

>The story is an allegory to the facto government.
no, it isn't

It becomes that, but it is just a scifi comic

there are no online galleries though, just downloads
And I basically stopped reading years ago because I was tired of having tolook for download links every time

No, I haven't read it.

This shit gave me many nightmares when I was a kid

>ah yeah there's none as good yet. "Luna de Cigarras" was so-so. haven't found any stream of it yet though, so i can't show you
Thanks, I will find it, it's not a problem for me. And is there any epic movie about that 19th century war against your neighbours?

Gailman is massively overrated tbqh lad
Franco-belgian comics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'murrican comics
Image releases some nice stuff from time to time though, Stokoe's shit is amazing
fuck Marvul and DipshitC tho


none made by paraguayans. our cinema industry is new-ish. there's always an arthouse film or two every two years since the 90s, and trust me they're boring as f

leelo papu :D
es muy setentoso pero el escritor es el mejor paragua del mundo, mejor que Chilavert y Arnaldo André juntos

OK, thanks

spookiest episode

>Franco-belgian comics
