How do we stop them?

How do we stop them?

Mexico is working on it, slow but sure

You don't


they are the laughing stock of the world. I don't know who we would turn to next if they were gone.


geography quiz


Try and stop us


You can't


>they are the laughing stock of the world
you're not better than them, James

Hey, Taiwan...

>all that advanced military technology
>still lose to a bunch of jungle chinks

>all that advanced technology
>still get cucked by sandniggers

>implying we didn't win the Vietnam War

By waiting?
They already doing it.

>Trump is planning to invade Poland to establish lebensraum for the Aryan race and introduce a program of genocide
It's pretty incredible how progressives are so easily brainwashed.

>all that arrogance on the back of American money
>shits on America and still loses to a bunch of sand arabs

really makes you think

>Trump is planning to invade Poland to establish lebensraum for the Aryan race and introduce a program of genocide

I'm pretty sure he said that, or another enormous bullshit, desu.

>I'm pretty sure he said that, or another enormous bullshit, desu.
That not surprising because you're brainwashed. Brainwashed people believe a lot of outlandish things

Read Trotsky and vote Bernie Sanders.

Yes, I'm brainwashed and you are not. Long live Trump.

>tfw when they're leaking into MY southwestern Lake Michigan

build teh wall

>that one white county in texas stranded in the middle of red and orange ones

1. Use their media against them
2. Support mexican reconquista
3. Wait until their memes get more and more real

Pick one

Why the cuck are there so many Mexicans in Worcester country Massachusetts?

>by country