If you were a billionaire where would live

If you were a billionaire where would live

In my own island


In countryside.

New Hampshire


In hell.

I would get a nice beach front house in Malibu. Also someplace cozy like Montana or something just to escape.

Rural Mississippi


In south America I guess. but without nazis.

I'd live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere


I would move to orlando and fuck american and cuban women all day

In NY/New Jersey

Someplace I could buy a lot of land for cheap and build a ranch. I would have a farm and raise livestock. My wife would have supple breast which require milking every night and we would have as many children as humanly possible.

In the virtual

LA or San Francisco


Does Sudan have islands?

In a big ass house or an expensive flat in a city


Large country mansion in southern Germany, or at the Lake of Ohrid.


santa monica

I would move to a new city every six months. But only in first world countries.

Outer Hebrides.

Fixed it for you.


The Cotswolds, maybe with some luxury London apartment I can visit sometimes

Probably somewhere in Murrica, it seems to be really nice for rich people.

Svetogorsk probably

Hell is actually pretty boring. Sure, it's right next to the airport and very close to Trondheim, but I would not want to live there. Even though Trondheim is a student city, it's very small and there isn't that much going on.

The nature in the surrounding area is also pretty bland by Norwegian standards.

Some low taxes country, probably the US.