/asean/- Sleepy time wagecucks

Get yourself ready to wake up 5am and prepare to leave.

Mr. Lim here is busy watching the AOTY during real nigga hours.

Other urls found in this thread:

krinstitute.org/[email protected]



>be me
>wake up anytime I want normally at 12am
>eat breakfast
>have shower
>clean the house
>read law books for at least 3 hours
>shitpost on 4chin and relax
>sleep at 3am
feels not being a wagecuck gud mang :^)

what if he fires you?

Marcos pa rin, mga bobo.

but tomorrow is holiday

do you have that "castilla pa rin" fb post?

>tfw given 1 week off due to raya

I love it when Duts malacaƱang staff softly triggers yellow army

But didnt you just have your 1 month holiday during Ramadan few months ago and you want more holidays?


Don't forget to buy your copy

it's a holiday. but you wouldn't know cuz you say inside always

another year in muzzie countries m8. Deal with it

Let's see those Steam libraries, /asean/

You are almost guaranteed to get laid in a BPO company because a lot of agents vent off stress by having sex in their free time, in fact, security guards are forced to roam around at night just to prevent the call center agents to have sex everywhere in the vicinity. There IS a reason why convenience store located near a BPO company sells a lot of condoms.

I would be impressed if you managed to get out of your BPO company with your virginity intact unless you're a sperg.



Says you, lmao thanks Malays for giving us another day off

I can't find it on my folders
Try the archives


That's actually the revised edition

The original one was revisionist history

While Aquino grandpa sold us out to Japanese

Really makes you think

is there a brand of hemorroid cream that I can buy in mercury drug?
>im asking for a friend btw.

Dont thank Malays. Thank ISLAM. ALLAHUAKHBAR!!!

Good thing he stop the Marcoses in a way

Rowatanal Cream

For the Malaysian the Department of Statistics now have data visualisation tool if you are interested.
Just google the dept of statistics data visualisation.
Khazanah Research Institute also has an interesting interactive socio economic map.
krinstitute.org/[email protected]

He stood up against someone who is forcing a lot (not all) of Filipinos to live a life they don't want with the threat of death. And for that opposition he also risked his and his family's life.

A simple definition, but seriously when your fellow politicians and family (Cojuangcos) are sucking Marcos's dick to be in power, and you know that going against the flow will put you and your family in harm but you'll do it anyway because no one is stepping up, I think few would disagree that you should be a hero.

i expected surplus women than men in malaysia never thought this turns out 50:50. i guess chasing a decent GF will be harder for now

still baffles me
why is ratio of males and females is still balanced?

i mean wars should took a good chunk of men and we should be swimming in females in this generation

You're underestimating the power of sex.

Thanks :3




>Tfw 0.95 man to every 1 woman in Singapore
I.. I should be alright, right lads?


we never had wars, conflicts or mass murder for decades pham

>Implying Reddit:Zero is better than Mob Psycho 100

I'm afraid I'll have to call your taste into question

Saiki + Fudanshi >>> all anime this season

>a decent GF
According to Khazanah map you gonna have to go to Selangor, Perak, Johor or Sabah.
You can afford Vietnamese mail order bride, we couldn't or its gonna burn our wallet.


How do you plan your money?

if yearly means youre rich
if monthly means youre middle class
if daily means youre poor

is this correct?

I don't even budget it.

I just buy whatever and then salary comes in.

I thought he was talking about this season.

If we're talking about AOTY,then Rakugo takes it easily.

I'll plan shit if Im done with paying loans to money lenders.

dunno pham countries like spore with extreme high cost of living tends to have low birth rate meaning your locals had zero interest into pursuing relationships unless it involves protected sex

>According to Khazanah map you gonna have to go to Selangor, Perak, Johor or Sabah.
Good enough, at least its not Nogori9

Rakugo is a fujobait show ofcourse its AOTY

>Tfw never fucked a girl without condoms before
Life is suffering


Not fucking your classmate during gradeschool.


Mahal = Love
Mahal = Expensive


where you been bae

>never fucked a girl before

only i am allowed to declare life being full of suffering

sometime betrays you

my singaporean family shut off their camera :(

You forgot the Lahad Datu stuff a few years back which cost us a dozen lives.

Lucky you.
Fugg why doesn't any youngsters want to live in Kedah, do I have to find a separatist gf in South Thailand?
Who is gonna be left to do the ricenigger job once my grandpa dies?
Some money can fix that.

The price to pay.

Always been here, waiting.

For how long did you stalk them Hans?

Oh hai Yandere :3

dozens out of total of 29 million doesnt make any difference, its like another traffic accident each week, my condolences to the soldiers tho

i thought ppl like kedah because agro & ketum? unless you can innovate partial of your grandaddy's land into a basic agritourism spot
these kind of things normally attracts families and students you might able to score with a visiting girl

>stalking a random chink family
Wtf thats creepy why do you bother anyways?

Please help me understand. I'm worried about you.


Just because some unemployed guys were caught muching fried ketum in a shed doesn't mean everyone drinks ketum tea and eat fried ketum.
Besides people prefer going to nearby Gunung Jerai and pantai Merdeka instead of driving several miles into single lane road in the middle of rice fields and rice farming is not popular anymore. If the federal govt is willing to invest in irrigation upgrade allowing 3 farming season a year the farmers would be rich and we would have enough surplus for export but agriculture is not as popular as industry to gain Putrajaya support.
Langkawi is the major tourist spot with assorted places such as Bujang Valley archeology where we are excavating a 2000year old city, the Ulu Legong hot spring in Baling and the 74000 year old volcanic dust from Danao Toba supervolcano in Kuala Nerang.
I'm not sure why but some people including foreign tourist are paying money to roll in ancient volcanic dust. Thanks a lot Indonesia.
Pedu lake resort is also going under soon as we expand our flood reservoir.
The hot stuff lately is the planned chink tunaport in Kuala Kedah.

You rich fk. I only have 3 bought steam games and the rest of the hundred are all torrented.

Tell her to go somewhere, like the mall or smth.

Feels bad mang

3 is the number of games I actually bought

The rest all torrent

>TFW still no crack for desu ex mankind divided

I envy you man.

I do my budgeting in 3 terms,

Short term which are monthly bills, food, health insurance
Mid term budgets are for house savings and business capital,
Long term is pretty much retirement fund which is around 3k a month (started with only 500 pesos monthly for 3 years) tucked away until i'm 50

>MGQ Folder Icon

>same person
>different ip
Teach me how to teleport great user. So I can ditch this forsaken country.

kiss for malay-chan

Where did you get those folder icons

Total: 268

>saw some image here in Sup Forums
>turn it to icon

I am not that Ausflip

Here, change this pic to icon at converticon.com/

>303 hours

fucking casual

My games are almost equally divided between Steam and XJew. I left at least another 10 XJew games back at home.

>playing gayms

You fell for steamjew too

>Buying games in boxes
Are you posting from 2005 m8?

pls don't bule, my toaster can only handle a few games

One does not simply resist those sales though

2nd hand xjew titles are pretty cheap.

You fell for Gabejew

Such a shame

>Playing anything using Bethesda engines on console
>No Ace Combat for tunnel combat using jets
>No Armoured core 4 Answer to become the best ever terrorist worse than Hitler
What are you doing?
Its not jew, its investment. Gabe gonna surely deliver Half Life 3 someday.

Gabe ran out of ideas for Half Life 3

So he lied to you all and said that it's still in development

I don't know what to do anymore

Think about your life.

My life is empty.

What meme is this? I can't keep up.


don't join ISIS pls mang..

be my friend :3

make cupcakes

>he doesn't get eid holiday

Hey I do this too.


>he doesn't get eid holiday
we do,we celebrate all muslim holdiays

So what's up with the OP?

>Not wanting double pay

Economy with stop just because of some holidays

he doesn't leave his room

>leaving his room
why anyone want to do that?