Any Sd Laika fans here?

Any Sd Laika fans here?

I wish he'd make another album. He has a ton of potential.

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meme grime

literally who?

Aphex Twin's favorite new artist

Hey Richard, I'm a big fan.

i love this album

this isn't rap for one thing and the guy isnt british

gutter vibrations = god tier

it is grime
he said so himself you fucktard
do you not what grime is?

I actually started listening to Laika's stuff like a week or 2 before I saw Richard mention him in that interview. They do have a somewhat similar style, so I'm not surprised.


not the user you responded to but what exactly is grime?

subgenre of hip-hop made by brits with dirty south, trap, and EDM influences

>thinking grime has to have mcing
wew fucking lad

ah i see thanks

nivce meme

is there a good name for the genre of music made by Sd Laika, Autechre, and Aphex Twin in their recent works? IDM feels too retarded to say and is kind of broad. like progressive, glitchy, melodic electronic stuff.

caffeine core

That's so incredibly wrong I don't even know what to say

sd laika is experimental grime
it's no different than what Logos and Filter Dread is doing ffs
I forget Sup Forums has no fucking clue on electronic music besides what p4k feeds them


what's the correct definition then? because that's what all the grime i've heard sounds like to me.

All of these artists irl would tell u to fuck off worrying about genre names
we are beyond that in 2016

> Sup Forums has no fucking clue on electronic music
i was making a funny by asking what electronic was

SD Laika is that nigga

wew lad

I mean he has been putting out new stuff since then, but it's been singles/EPs

It's a sub-genre of garage with dancehall, jungle, and some hip-hop influences. "EDM" in the modern sense has absolutely nothing to do with it and trap influences only really happened starting around like 2011 and started fading out last year.

>sub-genre of garage
its called a basement faggot

i'm new to the genre, forgive my ignorance

i'm listening to Logos and Filter Dread now and i definitely see the similarities, but Sd Laika's stuff seems a bit more abstract and progressive

did he put out anything other than these 2 tracks on his Soundcloud?

>garage with dancehall, jungle
and literally wtf are these

are you simple?

No I just don't know your obscure subgenre shit

they aren't obscure at all mate lol

>not listening to technochronical sygo genic transmorhpic dance music

yeah well sd laika is more of a deconstruction of what they're doing. which is why he has more hype around him

you mean like burial? yeah bullshit dude

nice meme attempt


I listened to him for a couple months then he fell out of rotation. Pretty unique sound, should make more.

you have a lot of potential too but i don't see you making an album

I actually am trying to make an album. Still practicing and learning the necessary skills. It'll still probably be complete shit, but worth a shot.

burial is hardly the bacon of garage - he takes aspects of it but his sound does not sum up the genre. maybe you should research the history of uk dance music and you'll find that uk garage and grime are inextricably linked.

> Still practicing and learning the necessary skills
such as ?

Absolutely. To be fair, I think That's Harakiri is a bit too out there to fall under grime, but the genre as a whole came directly from the same garage tunes that Burial takes influence from.

All aspects of music production. Music theory, keyboard playing, use of drum sequencers, subtractive and FM synthesis and general sound design, mixing...

where could you learn this stuff besides schooling etc? ive been wanting to do this but i dont have the money to pay for school

proud of you for trying desu

anyway, like someone else mentioned, sd laika released new stuff on his soundcloud earlier this year so i don't picture at least an EP being too far off

/prod/ threads here are ok. There are some subreddits out there that have useful info buried in them, but the big one (/r/edmproduction) is filled with idiots. Other than that, there are a fuckton of resources all over the internet, in written and video form.

You just kind of have to go for it and consume all the knowledge you can find. Before the Internet, that would be tricky without a mentor or other people to work with, but with the Internet you can learn everything you need. You also have to learn how to learn on your own. Always rely on Google and Youtube searches before asking anyone else a question.


grime a shit

One of my favorites. Love the samples used from Meshes of the Afternoon soundtrack. Probably won't see much new stuff since all of his social media presence is gone

*subgenre of hip-hop made by brits with dubstep, future garage, and uk bass influences

uh no lol shut the fuck up