Amnesiac is my least favorite Radiohead album...

Amnesiac is my least favorite Radiohead album, and I think people who put it at the top or near it are just indulging in a shitty meme.

But maybe I missed the point, so I'm gonna listen to the whole album again, front to back, something I haven't done since I first got it a few years ago, to see if I'm wrong or Sup Forums is.

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Memenesiac is the only Gaydiohead album I don't absolutely despise

You don't like Radiohead

You're wrong,
but so is Sup Forums

amnesiac is fucking awesome

how does it feel knowing that you actually typed that on purpose

>Amnesiac is my least favorite Radiohead album, and I think people who put it at the top or near it are just indulging in a shitty meme.

No, it's the best one they made imo because it fully commits to what it wants to be (dread) and it also flows really well with a lot of stand out tracks.

Packt Like Sardines takes too long to go anywhere and where it goes isn't even remotely interesting. It drags, noticeably.

Pretty good

Pyramid song is more fun than I remember it being. The build up is fun and the awkward drumming really lifts it.

what about when these guys play it chamber style

Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors was always kind of fun because of how off the wall it is, but it still doesn't feel like it's anything more than a more substantial Fitter Happier. Unfortunately just like Fitter Happier it outstays its welcome. It's fucking 4 minutes, with most of it being relatively stagnant. It could be just the last 2 and it would be a lot more fun

I don't know why You and Whose Army was always so bad to me, but it still is.

Maybe it's the really grating mix, or the SUPER boring melody. Granted, the end is fun, but it takes way too long to get there, and it's not worth suffering through the first few minutes of the song because the last one turns in to something decent.

I Might Be Wrong is still a great song, too good for this album.

Knives out has also always been pretty bearable, but like, in the way that it's not bad. It's kind of catchy, but it lacks any standout moments. It just exists but does it well enough not to get any strong reaction one way or the other.

Morning Bell is one of my favorite songs off Kid A, and so I've gone back to the Amnesiac version a few times recently. It takes all the excitement out of the Kid A version. All of it. It gives the mood a complete overhaul too, which really undermines the sort of horrific spirit of the lyrics.

Dollars & Cents has enough going on but it's just so boring and unengaging. Like the whole song just feels like a wall, it almost gives me a headache. It starts getting interesting halfway through, like a few others, but just like You and Whose Army the first half is just so inaccessibly bad that it's not worth waiting through to the second

Hunting Bears is absolutely awful filler that sounds like anything I could find in one of the soundcloud threads

To be fair, Like Spinning Plates does, too, but at least it's more enjoyable and substantial. There's actually something there to get in to.

Life in a Glass House is just bad.

This whole album is bad, there's so little to get in to or admire. It's obvious why these were all left off of Kid A. There's just no substance, no Optimistic-esque Guitar, or great basslines like National Anthem. No hooks, no progression, the songs just kind of wade and do nothing. Worse than TKOL, if I'm gonna be honest.

"I don't like this album"
"People ironically enjoy this album"
"I have no claim to back that up"
"Idk though, I haven't heard it in forever"
"Enjoy a thread based on a blog post"
Kill Yourself.

Amnesiac is probably my favorite Radiohead album. Why? Because it's like Kid A with purpose. Instead of a bunch of electronic garble, it's organized so much better in a way that creates the creepy, harrowing atmosphere Radiohead is so good at doing. And, pretentious vocabulary aside, it just has good songs that get me deep down. B-sides are killer too.

Nah, man. It was just as shit as I remember it being.

So you just come on music boards to say "I like this" and "I don't like this"?


>A shitty meme

Knives out is literally better than anything on PH and even Pulk./Pull outdos PH in one swift motion.
Amnesiac is not the best Radiohead album, but it is great.

B-sides on this one are hidden gems man.

>Knives Out
>Better than Blow Out
I disagree

Yeah, when it comes to established bands, yeah.

I think you're missing the point with this one. The change in mood actually makes the Amnesiac version creepier in my opinion. The Kid A version is delivered as mumbling and angry, while the Amnesiac version sings "cut the kids in half" gleefully, which in my mind makes it more demented. I like the Kid A version better overall, but saying the new tone "undermines the sort of horrific spirit of the lyrics" doesn't ring true for me

Your main complaint seems to be that the tracks take too long to build up, even thought it only takes a minute or two for each track to build up.

and lack of "hooks" isn't a real complaint. I don't think Amnesiac was intended as a hook album apart from the singles from it.

who the fuck cares

amnesiac is so doubled over with sneering cynicism that it's at turns difficult to distinguish from its regular downtrodden depression and its smoldering, blistering anger. It is their best album in terms of a cohesive statement, and that statement is, generally, 'we are all royally fucked'

even pyramid head, which might almost sound soothing if not very sad, is full tilt anger and delusion and lies. why else would you need to affirm that there's nothing to fear and nothing to doubt unless you didn't believe it for a second and were simply desperately trying to convince yourself that it was true?

fuck i love this album

>while the Amnesiac version sings "cut the kids in half" gleefully

no it doesn't. . the amnesiac version sees its narrator singing it with such exasperation that it's like a last ditch effort, like he's thrown everything at the wall and is in a state of manic delirium and begging off every which way he can. There is no glee whatsoever there.

I got a little sick in my stomach reading your criticism.

AHTTT is pretty underrated desu.

As someone who used to hate this album with a passion, go full bedroom goth and listen to it in a quiet, dark room. For me, Amnesiac is an album that feels wrong to listen in any situation other than dark rooms or nighttime.


there's a reason the liner notes of the album say 'store away from direct sunlight; preferably in a dark drawer with your secrets'

Coincidentally that's where I got the idea. I bought it begrudgingly since I saw it for like $5 new, saw that blurb, and said fuck it, I bought the album anyways. Might as well give it a try, and it worked. I think the only reason I didn't give up wholesale on it is Knives Out, which has gone on to be my favorite Radiohead song.

Life in a glass house is a GOAT song, easily the best on that album. I respect your opinion but it's a bunk one

He's not wrong about that distinction but I think he's wrong about it being the only album that does it. OKC, Kid A, and HTTT are all cut from the same cloth as Amnesiac, and to me they get progressively bleaker in outlook.

imagine having taste this bad

Yeah it's more of an album for when you're feeling really depressed, I live pretty far north and it's definitely an autumn album, as everything gets really gloomy and such. If you're not depressed at least a little bit it's probably not very appealing.

It's my least favorite on the album too but to be fair I still think it's a perfectly good song. I just like the other 10 more. That said, if you read his criticisms they basically amount to "the album isn't fun", so I think he's kinda missing the point of this album because Amnesiac isn't a fun album - it's not even trying to be one.

I generally associate HTTT with autumn above all else but I can see it with Amnesiac too.


OKC is still pretty brit poppy, Kid A isn't fully alien/electronic all the way through (HTDC, Idiotque) and I don't really care for HTTT.

OKC commits to its themes of alienation and dystopian fearmongering, I'm not sure what you're even saying with Kid A - electronic music =/= dread, and HTTT is basically the calm after Amnesiac's storm, where everything is so fucked that no one's even arsed anymore, it's all beyond fixing.

Also, Amnesiac is more organic than Kid A is. The only full-blown "alien/electronic" songs on it are Packt, Pulk/Pull and Like Spinning Plates. Pianos, string sections, and even guitars are aplenty on Amnesiac.

It's not that it isn't fun, it's just that nothing stands out. Even Kid A wasn't "fun" to me for a few years but at least I could appreciate things about it that stood out. HTTT wasn't always fun but at least the songs were interesting, they had something that set them apart. Even Sail Me to the Moon has some appeal.

Amnesiac was just dull. You can call it moody genius or an album that needs to be listened to in a dark room, but it seems more like something you have to trick yourself in to liking. Every band has a bad album, and you can say it's Pablo Honey, but even for a shitty rip-off grunge album You and Blow Out are still standout songs, and I think we learned from today's Creep thread that we all still have a lot of respect for that song. But nobody's ever gonna say "Wow, a Radiohead marathon sure feels like it's missing something if you don't play Like Spinning Plates"

>but it seems more like something you have to trick yourself in to liking

I'm at a loss as to how you're coming to this conclusion. Amnesiac is just a moody, miserable album. I'm not sure how the album is devoid of interest - even the weirder shit like Pulk/Pull and Like Spinning Plates have a driving beat and a disorientine vibe through the backmasked everything respectively. Pyramid Song is a beautiful piano ballad, You And Whose Army creeps slowly along with an unsettling defeatist narrative, Knives Out sets its bleak imagery to intertwining guitar melodies that fade in and out of one another, Dollars and Cents is a moody krautrock piece with a string accompaniment, Life In A Glass House sets possibly the album's most paranoid musings to a jazz ensemble. I'm sorry, I'm not seeing how this album is dull. Understated sure, but not dull.

How did this
Turn into this?

I mean I'm not saying they were magically devoid of talent for one album, obviously there's still virtuosity, but nothing excites about it.

Ed O'Brien kept a journal during Kid A and in a lot of these songs he was talking about how they were all pretty much toeing the line of being perfect and awful, and for most of the Amnesiac songs they had to do 20 different versions just to be able to stomach the songs, and I guess that without that investment in time and demos that they had, I just don't see the same value in the songs that they do. There's nothing that makes most of Amnesiac, bar a few tracks, any better than the other songs that ended up as forgettable B-sides.

I didn't appreciate Amnesiac like I first heard it but it really grew on me.
It's essentially Kid A pt. 2, most of what is on Amnesiac was being considered for Kid A. Great album mayne, definitely give it another chance

Feels weird, but I remember when I was first getting into Radiohead and I found Amnesiac at Best Buy without knowing anything about it and I loved it on my first listen.

It's just a less interesting Kid A.

Therefore, it's my #2 radiohead album

>worse than TKOL
>implying that's an insult

Not even joking I think TKOL is radiohead's best album. Maybe 2nd. It's horribly underrated because radiohead fans are generally plebs who cannot into rhythm, and because of the cover art/release strategy/length. it's a beautiful album and a massive step forward from in rainbows.

Amnesiac is my favourite Radiohead album by far

Your attempt at "analyzing" these tracks pretty much proves you have no idea what you're talking about and can only ever hope to enjoy music on a surface level.

>he doesn't get Dollars & Cents
>he doesn't get Like Spinning Plates
>he doesn't get Life in a Glass House

it is better than pablo honey, the king of limbs, and hail to the thief.
